1) Have you been to Taco Heads yet? The taco trailer’s brick-and-mortar sister restaurant is having “music and munchies” night from 7-9pm on Thursday night featuring live jams from the Bobby Dade Trio. It’ll be a nice little pre-game, R&B chill sesh before you go to a DJ night on Thursday. That’s because…

2) …there are multiple Near Southside DJ nights on Thursday! Two, to be precise! The Boiled Owl Tavern is host to semi-regular selector team GATHERING DUST feat. DJ Sam Ramirez and DJ Gabriel Mendoza, with special guest DJ Ricky Simpson. GATHERING DUST’s genres center on post-punk, New Wave, and Brit Pop, with some punk and proto-punk thrown in. Genre-related discussion question: will there be or is there already a style of British music called Brexit Pop? Like, does it have a specific sound or lyrical bent, or is it something text-booky, like “the generation of songwriters who came up during ‘post-Brexit Britain’?” Will the kids who make it despise or idolize Oasis? What will they think about Radiohead? Will they write a song called “Malia” about how they think Radiohead is boring, or will the song really be about defying the expectations of the white, male media-crocy? Do kids living in post-Brexit Britain even know who Malia Obama is? Do they even know who Radiohead is? Anyway, a few miles away from the Owl, at the edge of the rubble and destruction that will one day be Fort Worth’s newest City Part of Town, Republic Street Bar has the Dreamy Life crew spinning R&B and reggae and electro and who knows what else, because Dreamy Life is a record store full of all sorts of interesting music, and they’re bound to bring some of it with them to this gig. They will also have the last of the Dreamy Life/Rahr pint glasses, and the Leaky Colander food truck will be dishing out $3 burger-and-tots baskets. That’s a second helping of music and munchies! “Mama Mia!” – ABBA

This DJ is not affiliated with Dreamy Life, and I don’t know who he is, but anyway:


3) Are there not enough bassists to go around in this town? Another way to phrase that question is “How many bands is Zach Tucker in?” The short answer: at least three, all of who will be at Lola’s on Friday night – if you’re a fan of his chunky, fuzzed out tone and melodic, bendy fills (I am!), this bill will be the place to be. Tucker’s original band (I think), Panic Volcanic headlines, preceded (in order of later to first) by Dead Vinyl, Foo Fighters tribute the Foo (featuring Anthony Sosa, a bassist who is not Zach Tucker), and Roar Shack. Two-thirds of Roar Shack used to live in Austin, but now they all live here. Be sure to buy Zach Tucker a beer, because three sets in a night is a lot of work – just ask Big Mike! This is Panic Volcanic from Lola’s a couple years ago:

4) Team to Beat Show of the Week Alert: Most Excellent Fest IV on Saturday at Lydon House (2800 Martin Lydon Dr. Fort Worth, TX 76133). This is a free house show, but if you pay $10, you get beer (if you bring your ID and it says you’re 21 or older, of course), and what’s more, instead of a keg of PBR or High Life or Natty Light or whatever is the usual house show staple, this jam has beers from six area breweries: Martin House, Lakewood, Chimera, Four Corners, TUPPS, and Franconia. The lineup is also rad:

Botany w/ Shmu on drums, Televangelist, Sudie, Dome Dwellers, LOAFERS, Cleanup, Squanto,VVOES, and Seismic Flux. The party starts at 2pm, and you should probably Uber or carpool so you don’t jam the neighborhood with cars and get the cops called. Here’s Austin’s Televangelist mathing it up at what looks like a fountain in a mall:

5) Lola’s Trailer Park’s Saturday evening show is great, too. Carey Wolff and the Morning After open for Denton alt-country/ bar rock band Slobberbone. Not much to say about this gig (you know Slobberbone is one of Stephen King’s favorite bands, right?); if you’re into the idea of Americana getting drunk and filling up a juke box classic rock deep cuts, get there for both acts. Cover is $10, and Carey Wolff and the Morning After start at 7pm. How long have Slobberbone been in the game? This video is a show from Minneapolis in 1998!

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