Michael Carver-Simmons stars in one of the vignettes at SceneShop’s Turn and Face the Strange.

Wed 3 – John Maloof’s Finding Vivian Maier may be too much about its maker and how he rediscovered this photographer whose work had lain undiscovered for years, but this Oscar-nominated documentary film from 2014 is still crucial to understanding the Arlington Museum of Art’s current exhibit devoted to her. That’s why the museum is screening the movie at 6pm at 201 W Main St, Arlington. Admission is free. Call 817-275-4600.


Thur 4 – The anime festival at the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth (see: sidebar) isn’t the only thing going on this week at the museum. The Modern Kids — Summer Flicks festival winds up its midweek run with screenings of short films from around the world, including Nocturna, about a little Spanish boy who explores his fear of the dark, and Mia and the Migoo, about a girl who has a premonition of her father’s accident. The festival runs thru today at 3200 Darnell St, FW. Admission is free. Call 817-738-9215.



Fri 5 – Yeah, yeah, our heart’s in a whirl because Theatre Arlington is opening Calendar Girls this weekend. Tim Firth’s dramedy is based on the 2003 movie, which in turn was based on the real-life story of a group of middle-aged Yorkshire women who posed naked for a calendar to raise funds for a local hospital. The play runs today thru Aug 21 at 305 W Main St, Arlington. Tickets are $15-20. Call 817-275-7661.


Sat 6 – This year’s version of SceneShop’s annual August show pays tribute to the late David Bowie with its title, Turn and Face the Strange. The troupe will once again embrace the odd and ill-fitting with its series of sketches and playlets. The live music this weekend is provided by Mark Philpot, while next week the tunes come from Dizzy Willie. The show runs today thru Aug 13 at Arts Fifth Avenue, 1628 5th Av, FW. Tickets are $15. Call 817-923-9500.


Sun 7 – The French thriller Les Cowboys has won mostly positive reviews and wide comparisons to John Ford’s 1956 classic Western The Searchers, except that instead of a white American girl who has gone off with natives, it’s a French girl who has disappeared with her Muslim boyfriend and possible Islamic extremist. The movie screens Fri thru today at 3200 Darnell St, FW. Tickets are $7-9. Call 817-738-9215.


Mon 8 – Two metal bands from out east journey to our city to play for us this evening at the Rail Club. Scare Don’t Fear is a rap-metal outfit from Providence, R.I., while the Long Island headbangers Kissing Candice play in grotesque masks that have generated inevitable comparisons to Slipknot. The music starts at 7pm at 3101 Joyce Dr, FW. Tickets are $10. Call 817-560-7245.


Tues 9 – Harkins Southlake winds up its Summer Movie Fun series with Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted. Not the most distinguished film they could have ended the midweek series with, but it does have Frances McDormand singing “Non je ne regrette rien” as an insane animal catcher for the Paris police. The movie screens Mon thru Aug 12 at 1450 Plaza Pl, Southlake. Admission is $2. Call 817-310-0345.