Siegel acknowledges that the surveillance footage doesn’t show exaggerated resistance from Hicks before his arrest, although Hicks does jerk his arm back after the deputy first grabs it.

“He wasn’t actively resisting,” Siegel said. “It was a passive resistance.”

Hicks tensed up after deputies took hold of him, and rather than going with the flow, Hicks was stiffening and pulling in the other direction, Siegel said.

Kimbell Lunar New Year 2025

Ortega said Hicks was making it difficult for deputies to lead him to the door.

“He was resisting,” Ortega said. “He was tensed up. That’s why it took three of us to bring him down. As soon as they grabbed him, he locked up. That’s why he got pulled to the floor. If he wasn’t resisting, it wouldn’t have taken three of us to take him down. You can’t really tell on the camera that he’s doing that”

Ortega denied that a deputy threatened to make a resistance arrest after Hicks said nothing was in his boot but his wallet and his feet.

Siegel said he didn’t believe the conversation occurred, either.

The remarks, however, are clearly audible on the recorder.

Siegel has spoken with police supervisors in the past about when an eviction notice is suitable, but he said that police officers don’t always know the civil process since they deal in criminal matters.

Ortega, too, said he knows of instances in which police officers have erroneously advised residents to seek an eviction form.

“That’s what Fort Worth [police] will tell them, but Fort Worth is not versed in the civil portion of this,” he said.

Siegel said Hicks was treated with respect before and after his arrest and will continue to be treated with respect in the future.

“I think you’ll also notice in the video he was not abused in any way,” Siegel said. “Some people will not accept what you’re telling them. He didn’t want to accept it here and he didn’t want to accept it at the Justice of the Peace’s office, so I guess his avenue now is to go to you and try to do something in the paper.”

If Hicks was disorderly that day, why were the charges against him dismissed?

Siegel said the judge recused himself from the case, and the subsequent change of venue to another court meant that too many court and constable’s office employees would have to leave their offices during working hours to testify as witnesses.

“It was going to empty out both offices pretty much,” Ortega said. “We were basically going to have to shut down the courthouse to deal with a class C misdemeanor.”

Hicks said the dropped charge indicates that court employees just wanted to mess with him and cost him money in legal fees, even though they had no intention of following through with prosecution.

Ortega denied that allegation.

“We could have filed resisting on him, and he could have gone to jail for that,” Ortega said. “Let the [District Attorney] decide whether or not they want to file the charges on him. It would have cost him more money.”

Hicks is considering running for public office.

Specifically Ritchie’s office.


  1. This information was not available at press time:

    Fort Worth police spokesman Sgt. Steve Enright confirmed that a police detective advised Paul Hicks to get an eviction notice from the justice of the peace. The detective said that Mr. Reeves’ unwanted housemate could be evicted because she had “a key to the home, had clothing in the residence, and received mail at the residence.”

  2. If you had to bet good money on it….how many of the inbred Pigs do you figure are card-carying Baggers? There folks, you can see with your own eyes our tax-money at work. Lets all salute the flag. What would Donald Trump do???

  3. Are you kidding me?! It sounds like this Hicks guy or his mentally incapable friend (whom he probably met in a mental ward someplace) are pretty dumb for not getting proper legal advice BEFORE filing the eviction. Umm from what I’ve read they were trying to evict a person from a place that he/she did not live and wanted that person served somewhere else. How is that legal?! If that were the case, there would be cases filed everyday against people that shouldn’t be! Boy, am I glad this DID NOT get served and set the precidence for things like this! And sounds like another “police doing something bad” kinda thing but I didn’t see anything wrong here….AGAIN. ugh, so disgusted with stupid people making stupid accusations about public servants trying to do their jobs! I betcha that if the public heard the recorded audio of this we would all see another twisted spin on a story by both the media and a stupid person that cannot listen to what he’s being told by 5 people apparently then get steamed up when they’ve had enough repeating theirselves for several minutes/hours, and be escorted out of the building. And everyone knows when an officer tells you to do something you do it or there will be consequeces.

    • Do you expect to grow up and amount to something some day SickofHearing? Did you catch that Tea-Bagging stupidity from your parents or our local Pigs ? Does your breath stink like those Justice of the Peace Peckerwood Pigs? Are you man enough to cop to you being a bone-headed butt-wipe? How old are you?

  4. Sick of hearing this did you read the article in its full content? or Were you just quick to judge. Have you actually looked at the fact that a justice of the piece does not require any law experience and they govern a courtroom. Calling people stupid is just lowering your own mentality. Have a great day.

  5. What is it with Baggers & other knuckle-heads? Can’t they read, are they deaf and blind in addition to being egg-sucking half-wits? What everyone knows, if they have a brain as honest as my bird-dogs, is that Pigs behave often times like Pigs. There is nothing new to see here. Tea-Bagging fruit-loops are more common than fire-ants in Texas Police ranks. One was caught lest than two weekks ago, in far East Texas, honking anothers horn in the Court House restroom, bless his heart! A sweet lady hung herself and died in a Texas jail a month ago. It was the worse case of changing lanes without signaling that the Pig had ever seen, the hero Pig reported. A Fort Worth Pig shot down an elderly gentleman, who was in his own garage five homes away and across the street from where the idiot Fort Worth Pig
    was dispatched to look after a home burgler alarm sounding. Pigs are Pigs,,,hooray for Pigs and may God help us square folks! Do you go in for the tooth fairy jive too? Your Mama have any brats worth a dime? You a Tea Bagging, Donnie Trump voter? You’re on my Prayer List Dear!

  6. Hey Mr. Hicks…..Could I suggess that you crank up some way that folks can donate a few bucks to help with lawyer expenses? I’m thinking it might be a problem finding a decent local lawyer for ovious reasons ( you see how you were treated by the hero public servants). How about Dallas or Weatherford lawyers? Lon Burnum is a stone straight shooter, maybe he can reconmend someone. The rat-bastards at the court-house truly should do some time but, as you know, it won’t happen. I have delt with a couple of those hammer-headed mullets my own self and my experience is that Pigs often times behave like Pigs. Really, there is nothing new to see. Brilliant move recording those rat-pigs. My hat is off to you Sir.

    • Benny, I’m curious how in your vast font of knowledge you’ve concluded that Dallas and Weatherford lawyers are better or more honest than those in Fort Worth. You’re a mindless moron. You constantly beclown yourself on these pages. Everyone’s laughing at you, including those who share your liberal political persuasion.

      • Roses are red, violets are blue, Peckerwoods are Peckerwoods, sad but true, I’m talking to you, take something for it Poo-Poo if you can’t firure it out…O.K.? God bless you.

  7. @Benny. You are mentally disturbed. You do essentially the same name-calling in each post. No substance whatever. You are a disgrace to the Weekly’s good works.

    • You’re the jerk shooting blanks Bobby boy, what’s up with you ? I feel just fine. You are the one bitching & gritching. Take something for it, get you a life Dude. Your Mama have any brats worth a dime? Talking about disgrace, I’m not the hero who fired the most fine editor and hard-working, prize winning boss in all of Texas and I suspect the USA a short time back. Ask the hero who owns the Weekly about that. You one of those Tea-Bagging, half-wits Bobby ? You would not know disgrace if it bit you on your stinking nose. You a Repug Yankee, sure sounds like it. You ever read the paper back when it won prize after prize after prize for it’s news ? What causes you to feel entitled to call the shots Slick ? How old are you? Where you come from? What do you eat?.You are more flaky than a box of Post Toasties, wise up kid.

    • You are most certainly a liar and a dipstick, however you are not a Democrat. How old are you kid? Average household variety, greed-heads despise tea-bagging jerk-offs like they do cancer or paying their fair taxes . You need some kind of prize however. How old are you kid? What do you eat? Who pays your bills? Think you will ever amount to anything?

  8. To Benjie. How old are you kid? You living on government cheese? Did you go to school? What do you eat? Who pays your bills? Think you will ever amount to anything? Are you on SNAP? Do you brush your teeth? You still using old newspapers for toilet paper? Come clean; confess; repent.