If you’ve ever been heading east on I-30 and take University Drive North exit, be sure to slow down before making that near-360 degree tight right loop that feeds you into University traffic.

A truck driver found that out the hard way at about 9:30 this morning.

“I was coming around the curve and the truck just flipped,” the driver said while sitting in the grass looking dejected.

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He was unhurt, but his company truck took a beating.

(Take it from someone who used to drive trucks — telling your boss you wrecked company equipment doesn’t make you popular at work. )



  1. Thanks Jeff for reporting on a problem that’s only been a problem since that exit was put in decades ago. Sorry you missed reporting on something really significant like the reduction of force at the FWISD.

      • As I drive to work each morning I often see interesting things, and sometimes I stop and take a quick photo and post it on the blog site when I get into work before moving onto other things. It’s a quick hit and has nothing to do with whether or not I cover a school story.

  2. Quickly, what has something to do with whether your paper provides something imforming and idealistic for our community? Used to be, it was takened for granted…what’s up? Whose on first? I’m certain you know what I say is true, and clearly you are not at fault, but all you have to do to do better is to do better. Who exactly is opposed to doing better? Whose on first? Your quick hits are great, I expect everyone enjoys them, but the Weekly ain’t what it used to be and it could easily be better. What in pluperfect hell could be wrong with that sugestion? You are clearly not a dummy, doing God’s work has to be right. Right???