This sand cat is a native of Iran, and a candidate in the #CuteOff.

Arlington Hates Tourists?
Yesterday, some people at Stratos Jet Charters analyzed some 37,000 geotagged tweets and found that our own Arlington is the least tourist-friendly city in America. As many will point out, this study’s methodology hardly stands up to rigorous scientific scrutiny. Joining Arlington on the list of unfriendly cities are such tourist hellholes as Las Vegas, New Orleans, L.A., and New York, as well as Stratos’ own home base of Orlando, so at least you can’t accuse them of being homers. In any event, this event will probably make A-Town’s hoteliers and restaurant owners cry into their bulging reservation books during the Cowboys’ home opener.

Greg Abbott’s Life Plan
Video experts have told us what we already knew, that those Planned Parenthood videos were heavily doctored to show its counselors appearing to break federal law. But our governor wants to believe that they’re real, and so they are. This week, he announced his LIFE initiative to punish doctors even more severely when they violate anti-abortion laws and defund the parts of Planned Parenthood that provide non-abortion medical care to women, since the parts that do provide abortion don’t receive taxpayer funding. Get ready for more deformed, drug-addicted babies, Texas. You can thank Greg Abbott for them.

Obama Wins on Iran

With the 34th U.S. Senator coming out in favor of the nuclear agreement with Iran, the deal is essentially done and President Obama has yet another victory in possibly the most productive lame-duck term in American history. We welcome the end of 34 years of hostility with Iran. I’d kind of like to see the Pink Mosque in Shiraz and eat a genuine duck fesenjan. But seriously, Iran, now that we’re allies, free Jafar Panahi!

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The world’s biologists already got some attention in the world press by creating the Twitter hashtag #JunkOff, vying to see who has a photograph of the most impressive animal genitals. Now they’ve created #CuteOff, posting photographs of the world’s cutest animals. The competition has been dominated by mammals and birds, but reptiles, amphibians, fish, insects, and even worms have gotten some love. Of course, there have been ironic entries and off-the-wall ones. We humbly submit the northern saw-whet owl:

And Finally…
Professional surfer Maud Le Car demonstrates how to surf in high heels. Apparently, she did this because she lost a bet. I’m very impressed nonetheless.