The lads and lass from Lindby, Fort Worth Weekly Music Award-winners for best pop band in 2014, we nice enough to let us preview their soon-to-be-released album, “Drive.” Their album release party is on Saturday, Sept. 12 at Shaw’s Patio Bar & Grill (1051 W. Magnolia Ave., 817-926-2116). For our nefarious purposes, we had to convert the files to MP3, so please don’t judge the quality of the recording based on how it sounds on our website – unless you think it sounds awesome.

01 Dr. Wolf

Pinch Me 300x250

02 Right You Are, Ken!

03 Today

04 Morning

05 Sweet As A Tart

06 Radioworld

07 Baby James

08 Tomorrow’s Giants

09 Spread The Jam

10 Edward McClanahan