Voter ID Law Spiked
The U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals struck down Texas’ voter ID law yesterday as a violation of the Voting Rights Act. Indicted state attorney general Ken Paxton tried to spin this as a win, but Texas Democrats are the ones celebrating in earnest after this unjust law was allowed to stand for the midterm election last year, stopping an undetermined number of voters from exercising their rights. Now the case returns to District Court to determine whether the law had discriminatory intent. The state’s efforts to erase Martin Luther King’s legacy continues.

Another Movie Theater Shooting!
Police in Antioch, Tenn., shot and killed Vincente Montano after he opened fire at a movie theater there. Montano had a history of mental instability. Thankfully, he only had a pellet gun, which explains why no one else died. We need some better health care for the mentally ill in America. I’d really like not to be shot while I’m doing my job as a movie critic.

Keep Ted Cruz Away From Movie Theaters

As part of the run-up to tonight’s Republican debate/comedy and variety special, presidential candidate Ted Cruz cooked bacon by placing it on a machine gun and firing it. If making delicious bacon was the only thing people ever used machine guns for, I’d be behind them 1,000%.

Shoot Locusts, Not People!
This is scary video from Russia, where huge plagues of huge locusts (locals reporting some of them are the size of small birds) are devastating the crops in the country’s southern regions. The sandpapery sound you hear in the video is the sound of millions of insect wings buzzing. This will be rough on a country where Vladimir Putin stupidly imposed a trade embargo on Western food products. Could be even rougher; the next two plagues scheduled are darkness and the death of the firstborn.

PM Dental 300x250

And Finally…
The Modern’s Japanese animation festival opens this week, and Hayao Miyazaki has announced that he is making a computer-generated 3D short film to display at Studio Ghibli’s museum in Tokyo. Seems like a good time for me to show this YouTube tribute to Miyazaki created by Dono, which uses software to place all of the master’s beloved characters in a 3D setting. The music is by Miyazaki’s collaborator, the great Joe Hisaishi.


  1. Gee again what substantive reporting. Locust in Russia and Japanese cartoons but nothing about the real problems in Ft. Worth. Our city council is making a sweetheart deal with a hotel across from the Modern Art museum that will cost taxpayers millions, the water district is operating a cloak secrecy, and the FWISD is being run by poorly educated people (GED and high school diplomas only) that are making decisions affecting the lives of our students and being paid more than teachers. What a shame that the Weekly has given up on any real reporting.

    • Dude, do you want these daily updates to be 5,000 words long? These entries are light reading. If you take the trouble to click around the other sections of our site, you’ll see we are doing what you’d call real journalism.

    • Oh, and by the way, I happen to think Japanese animation is a very important subject, and I’m far from the only one who does.

    • Hey fed-up, if someone is capable of doing a job well what difference does it make whether they have a high school education or a college education?

  2. Dude? Really? Ms./Mr. Lin if want to see some real journalism that the Weekly has published, please go to your archives and look up any of the articles Betty Brink did on FWISD. Those were articles that informed the public about what was then a growing problem in the district, one that has only continued to get worse. I haven’t seen anything on the web-site that matches her articles for months, on anything, but that is my opinion, others are more than welcome to disagree. Perhaps if you take the trouble to research Betty’s articles you could pick up where she left off and give the public some real, significant, much needed information.
    By the way I do appreciate both Manga and Anime.

    • If you have a problem with the overall direction of the paper, you’re entitled to your displeasure. My point is, these daily items aren’t intended to address the issues that you’re interested in. They’re intended to engage and inform the reader on the latest events (something that could always supplement a weekly publication like ours), and perhaps give them a laugh or two. I’m fairly certain neither our readers nor our bosses would want these updates to stretch into feature story-length, and I’m damn sure that I wouldn’t want to be the one writing pieces that long on such short notice. The stories you are looking for take time and legwork, and these daily items are meant to be written up on the fly. I’m sure our editors will consider what you’ve written, but your complaints would be better directed elsewhere.

      • Why does FWWeekly’s authors get so ticked off about simple critiques about this website?

        As an author (as in you), you should take the criticism and move foward instead of attempting to debunk another user.

        I’m an independent, and personally love FWWEEKLY for their comical news. It’s entertaining to observe supposed journalists voice their own propaganda into the bunch.

        FWWeekly has everything down when it comes to anything other than legit news.

        I conducted various polls on Fort Worth threads, and people’s opinions of y’all are hysterical.

        Most agree that the entertainment segment is good,but when this site posts “news”, it’s extremely questionable to observe the legetimacy of an article.

        For one, bias is extremely notable, even though most authors avoid questions all together about bias and keep posting articles the same way, it’s extremely entertaining to see the narrow-minded hypocritical responses.

        I will never forget when someone who’s an independent got accused of being paid by the Koch Brothers (by an author), simply because they posted links showing the Texas Educational system improving…

        …but what do you expect from comedy?

        • Anon User: Well said. No one tunes in the Sean Hannity show for news because everyone knows that it consists of conservative opinion only. On the other extreme, the Weekly posits only liberal opinion, but they characterize it as news. It must be hard to turn a profit on a liberal newspaper in a mostly red state, particularly when the print media in general is suffering. Causes me to wonder if George Soros or the like is involved. I also wonder about the Weekly’s apparent staffing changes. Guest writers like Grayson Harper, Ken Wheatcroft-Pardue, and Frank Matthews are gone. They were leftie hacks but no worse writers than the Weekly’s in-house staff, so I wonder why they’re gone. Maybe the Weekly’s trying to keep staff under 50 so they’ll not be obliged to provide employee health-care thanks to ObamaCare?

  3. Kristian, point taken on the brevity. So wouldn’t it be worth it for the Weekly to get off it’s collective rear ends and start really reporting on corruption, mismanagement, and misbehavior by our elected and appointed officials. If you report it, the public will pay attention.

    To Brrrrrr. When you are talking about educating children and an education institution, it is imperative that those making the decisions have an advanced education particularly if they have supervisory responsibilities over those that do. Please remember that we are talking about public funds being used in the best manner. If you would like to know more about this particular subject please go to

    Kristian, you and your editor might want to look at that same web site if your interested in getting some leads for future stories. If you do you will see that there is more than enough there for you to look into.

    • Fed-up is right as rain concerning the quality of reporting that historically the Weekly provided. Don’t take it personally, but it’s true. It’s certainly not your fault but pass the fact along to your boss. The guy that owns the Weekly may do all right with his profit-margin and income but the Weekly ain’t what it used to be. Bad move canning his much loved previous editor, anyways it is to thousands of readers. It just sucks. Bad kharma too, I expect. It’s his money & his buisness but maybe a dumnass move? I’m praying for him, the rat. The sugestion on the rotten FWSD is a good one, but it will take dedication and work, but see, you will doing GODs work, not just farting around. See? You will be doing something worth more than the bucks. See? Pray about it? Your quality has gone south, sadly.

  4. To Benny and others who urge the Weekly to carry on liberal jihad without regard to the economic bottom line. Look, you folks gotta lotta nerve making such recommendation unless you’ve got your own skin in the game. Me? I want to see the leftie rag go up in smoke. You don’t, though, so why not put up your own money to continue the cause rather than expect someone else to do it?

  5. Stinkymore, did you get out again? You still on food stamps, how many years before you’re caused to man up and look for a job? Check today and see what the Weekly netted last year…O.K.? Then look and see what your stinking former employer netted. You’re stupid as a box of rocks. You still on the unemployed dole, is your mama proud of you? Why can’t you hold a job…how many other jobs have you been canned from other than the Startle-Gram? You any kin to that snot rag fruit-loop from the debate that even Fox news hates? Did you chip in when they passed the hat to raise money to get Gov. Rick Perry out of jail a few weeks back, now THERE is a really sharp piece of work. Are you a Southern Baptist, do you insist Black people don’t have a soul? Why don’t you grow up and amount to something? When is the next Tea-Bagging meeting? Is your mama proud of you? Keep on the sunny side.

    • Benny, where is the Weekly’s net profit pulished? I know this much: One of its head writers, Peter Gorman, defines himself as among the “working poor”, which doesn’t speak well of his employer.

      • You are the self described investigative reporter but it’s hard to live up to that brag when you lay about on food stamps while farting around bothering normal tax-payers. Your mama have any brats that were not Tea-Bagging snot-balls???

      • The deal is, everyone is aware he is making a joke! You, on the other hand, are a Tea-Baggering ,walking around joke, and worse a stinking, arrogent piss-ant.