Texas’ (Not Quite) Medical Marijuana Law

On Monday, June 1, Gov. Greg Abbott signed into law a bill that permits the very narrow use of CBD, a non-euphoric compound found in cannabis for children suffering from severe epilepsy. Or did he? The new law is seen as a step in the right direction by some, seen as a token appeasement by others, and seen as a flat out lie by a third group. Why the confusion? Kids with severe epilepsy can get treatment and the Texas Ledge has accepted that marijuana has medical benefits, right? Not really. The law requires that doctors prescribe the CBD, which is federally illegal and will cost them their licenses. So they’re probably not going to do that. In other states, doctors recommend medical marijuana. No one prescribes it. So kids suffering from horrifying seizures who can get no relief from any other available medication, will continue to suffer. Way to go ledge! Way to screw up.

Cruz Cruisin’ Along

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U.S. Senator and presidential hopeful Ted Cruz made several stops on the east coast over the weekend. bring his brash and sassy style to such staid outposts as Andover, MA, where his camp notes that nearly 500 people came to hear him speak. “Who would have predicted 500 people in Andover, Mass?” a surprised and thrilled Cruz asked the adoring crowd.

June is Gay Pride Month

June is Gay Pride Month, and to help celebrate it, Pastor Curtis Smith of the Metropolitan Community Church of Arlington/GrandPrairie is focusing her sermons this month on “Jesus and the Gay Agenda.” In a June 1 press release, Pastor Smith wrote that “I want people, especially gay people, to know that God loves them and they don’t have to choose against faith to live as their authentic selves.” The church website is for information on services.

Texas Gun Lovers Celebrate New Laws

Most Texans love their guns, and the state legislature and Gov. Abbott showed their love for most Texans by passing and then having signed into law several new measures that expand gun rights in the Lone Star State. Under the watchful eye of the NRA, of course. As noted yesterday by Jeff Prince, the law that will have the greatest impact is SB 11, signed into law yesterday, which will allow some open carrying of guns on the campuses of public colleges and universities. Also notable was the signing of SB 910 into law, which allows owners of concealed weapons licenses to now carry those weapons in holsters on full display.

There were two others new laws signed yesterday as well: one relates to an upcoming ballot measure concerning hunting and fishing; the other to setting fines on state agencies, cities and counties that improperly post signs prohibiting legal concealed weapons on public property that is not covered by the Texas Penal Code.

Everybody! One shot into the air and then duck as fast as you can!

Sun’s Out

In case you’ve barricaded yourselves into your rooms and closed the blinds to keep the rain away, you can come out now. The sun is shining, everything is clearing up, and it’s beautiful outside. So come on out and play!