Cowboy cook Grady Spears is opening a chicken-fried steak café in the Stockyards next month, and, since the joint holds only about 60 diners, don’t be surprised if a line forms outside the door.

A few folks in line might have more than fried meat on their minds.

“He owes me a considerable amount of money,” said Jarrell McDonald, owner of the Cross-Eyed Moose and a couple of other Stockyards businesses. “I’m going to get my money, or I’m going to give them grief when they open that restaurant.”


McDonald vowed to send his employees to picket in front of the restaurant with signs calling Spears a deadbeat.

“That’s better than paying a lawyer,” McDonald said. “I’m willing to spend a lot of money on bad publicity for Grady just out of principle.”

Photo by Jeff Prince.

The chef who made his mark two decades ago is a tarnished star in 2015, down but not out. Celebritydom nabbed him in the 1990s after he began pushing rustic delicacies such as avocado enchiladas and grilled potato salad drenched in warm bacon vinaigrette. Cowboy cuisine wasn’t new, but Spears turned it into the next big thing at the Reata restaurants in Alpine and Fort Worth. Cooks such as Tim Love, Brian Olenjack, Todd Phillips, and Lou Lambert worked in his kitchens before eventually becoming successful chefs and restaurateurs on their own.

Martha Stewart greased fame’s gate by giving Spears a 13-page spread in Martha Stewart Living in 1995. Soon he was earning praise from The New York Times and other national publications. Restaurant & Institutions magazine put him on their list of Top Five Chefs of 1998, and he was pegged the Rising Star of 1999 by Restaurant Hospitality. Network morning news shows loved him for cooking segments. So did Food Network.

A publisher offered Spears $25,000 to write a cookbook in 1999. Spears rarely read books and never did well in school, but A Cowboy in the Kitchen: Recipes from Reata and Texas West of the Pecos sold 50,000 copies despite its $30 price.

Spears was handsome, fun-loving, charismatic, and a little daffy, with a vibe similar to a young Matthew McConaughey or a modern day Don Meredith. A Fort Worth native and former cattleman, Spears wore sandals, jeans, white chef coats, and beat-up cowboy hats and could charm the scales off a snake.

People wanted a seat on the Grady train. Investors were eager to bankroll him on restaurants, make money off his name, guarantee themselves a great table when they showed up for dinner, and feel special when Spears stopped by their table to drink with them.

As his renown grew, so did his ego. Employees said he stopped spending much time in the restaurant. He was a young man with money and fame and a hunger for good times. He figured he could promote his restaurants and books best by cultivating his mystique, partying with Texas musicians such as Pat Green, hanging out with Nolan Ryan, taping TV shows, hunting and fishing, gambling and traveling, spreading his Grady-ness to the masses.

Reata thought otherwise and bought out Spears in 2000. Over the next dozen years, Spears oversaw the creation of numerous restaurants, including The Chisholm Club, Dutch’s, and Grady’s Restaurant in Fort Worth, Grady’s Line Camp in Tolar, The Nutt House in Granbury, The Roadrunner in Las Vegas, and The Burning Pear in Sugar Land.

Most of the restaurants either folded or parted ways with Spears. Investors grumbled that he didn’t take care of business, spent too much money, didn’t reinvest enough in the restaurants, didn’t spend enough face time in the kitchens or dining rooms, clashed with employees, partied too much, and so on. Over the years, Spears married –– twice –– and went through two divorces. Landlords and vendors sued him. He filed for bankruptcy. Fell behind on his property taxes. He had a son, Gage, now 11, and fell behind on child support.

After Grady’s Restaurant on Forest Park Boulevard closed its doors in 2011 after a two-year run, Spears moved to Tolar and oversaw his Line Camp until it too closed. Afterward, Spears reconnected with cowboy friends from his past, spent time with Gage, and figured out what to do next.

Now he’s back with a new concept and investor. Next month, Spears plans to open Horseshoe Hill at 204 W. Exchange Ave. The menu is still secret, but expect the basic fare to be dressed up somewhat to count as cowboy cuisine. Remember, this is a guy who’s used everything from Dr Pepper to mescal to season dishes.

Spears wasn’t back in Fort Worth for long before Grady sightings began to surface. He looked into renting the Bull Ring (the former Stockyards ice cream parlor) to cater private parties. He’s been seen with a local developer and is possibly working as a consultant for a restaurant on Race Street. He’s catered several local events and tried sweet-talking acquaintances into fronting him supplies, not always with success. He also apparently passed off another chef’s creation as his own. These stories came to me from various sources. Seeing as how I cover news in Fort Worth, I’m compelled to look into them.

Spears isn’t interested in discussing rumors or accusations. The cowboy cook wants to leave the past behind.

Skeletons, though, aren’t always content to remain in closets.


  1. Past behavior predicts future performance.It’s easy to make grand promises but it’s those that do the hard work and are persistent in striving for reasonable goals that make good bed-partners. Even Tim Love has a better track record.

    However…I love a good chicken-fried steak.

    • How about Nolan Ryan, Walt Garrison,Debbie Garrison and Lou Lambert .I,ll take their word any day over Shady Grady

      • Unfortunately the author made the choice to highlight and quote con artist Gerald McDonald for his piece of trash journalism.

        This is nothing but mudslinging of the highest order. Jeff Prince had to dig deep to make this piece of trash.

        • Digging deep ???? Lou Lambert is one of Grady’s last “couple of ventures” partner. Why are you such a fan boy of someone that knowingly takes his partners/investors for a ride?!?

  2. I almost feel guilty after reading this he said, she said nonsense. My mother always told me not to involve myself with gossip.

    • Gossip, comes from people outside the circle making assumptions. Since the writer sought out the people/business partners from Grady’s past failures, I wouldn’t consider this to be gossip!

      • Gossip at it’s worst. True fact! He came to our Elementary School taught all 100 plus Firsties how to prepare dishes that they also took home. All volunteer and generously donated by Grady!

  3. Headgrunt( without EXPOSING a real name.) Casting Stones has a VERY scary ending! To all that participates. Especially doing it in hiding.

    • Other people’s opinions are irrelevant to me. When I read a cover story I want to be feel inspired or informed about facts.

    • James Smith, Renee. I happened to have watched all of this transpire in front of my eyes. Starting back with Reata in Alpine then the original in FTW on top on the Bank One Building.

  4. Real men use their real names. Too afraid to put it out there is a sign of pure sissy! Where’s your grit men? You seem to have lost it with your class.

  5. The guy, like many talented and creative people, apparently has a few screws loose and he also apparently believes that his talents extend to business and management. I am really puzzled–at this stage– that he does not have a good manager or lawyer to help him out (unless he forgets to pay them).

      • I’ve been a concerned citizen for some time now. There really isn’t anything in my commentary which can be seen to be unflattering to the man who has admitted himself he has ADD. Why are you so nasty and generally unglued about other commenters? As for “using one’s REAL name”-don’t make me laugh BTW where do your melons camp, Rene?

  6. I just had ice cream at the bull ring last week and they were very open (and the ice cream was very good). So much for thorough and accurate reporting.

    • @Tina — “He looked into renting the Bull Ring (the former Stockyards ice cream parlor) to cater private parties.”

      That’s the line that appeared in the story. During research for this story I stopped by the store during business hours to speak with owner Charles Cook and the shop was closed. I sent messages via Facebook to Mr. Cook but he didn’t respond. I asked a nearby business owner what was happening at the Bull Ring and was told that it seemed to be closed much of the time. Today I called the store and talked to Mr. Cook. He said store hours are 10 to 6. I asked him why the store was closed when I had come by and he said he didn’t know. So that error is indeed on me, and I regret it. Whether that casts doubt on the accuracy and thoroughness of the entire story is up to you, dear reader.

      • Grady Spears is too kind, generous,and gentle to be in business with many of these “Business Folks”. The reality is, many are trying to ride on his coat tails, to get a piece of Grady, to capitalize on his accomplishments. If they are so sharp and savvy, how come they cant do it on there own? The reason, fueled by greed, and trying to take advantage of a kind soul, shame on them.
        Grady does not have one mean, malicious bone in his body. I do not know the gentlemen who wrote this article, nothing in life goes unanswered, I hope he is proud of this article, if he has children, let them read what his father wrote, and then have his kids spend the day with Grady,I would bet the ranch they would have a new found disrespect and distaste for there father.

        • I have to agree with LB. Grady will tell you that he did not have good people around him and they took advantage of his health issues. Were they ticks? I have invested money in oil deals that were dry holes. The promoters said that the well was a sure thing. Guess what, dry hole and the money is gone….. Investors with Grady suck it up, you have a dry hole. That’s business. No one made you give Grady money. You wrote the check !!!!!!

          The writer of the article, grow up. Do you want someone to go into your closest? Did Grady brake the law? Try to write something positive for our youth.

          Grady I will be there in fount of the line when you open up. You may not be able to do math but you are a great cook.

  7. I believe every word of this. I had an extremely ugly encounter with Grady 11 years ago while his then-wife was having a baby. I was taking care of his wife. He was under the influence of something and became so violent, aggressive and physical towards me that 3 security guards had to escort him out. (FYI: I am a 5’2, 105 lb female. He is a big guy) He later tried to file a lawsuit against me for “hurting his wife”. His wife loved me and told Grady and his lawyer that it was all untrue and she wanted nothing to do with his claim. Grady’s lawyer refused to file the lawsuit and told Grady something along the lines of ….”Guess you’ll have to go back to work rather than get money by suing honest people”. He and his mother also tried to have the hospital fire me. They laughed at him.

    • Truth hurts if you’re sensitive. You’re a pure loser and the Weekly is an Award Winner (many times). What do you eat Larry?

  8. Looks like Jeff Prince hit a nerve with this article. I think that the protesting commenters seem more than a bit paranoid and unhinged . Their comments trying to besmirch the messenger (author) and others, are curiously off target and well…aggressive and threatening –which makes me wonder if the gentleman featured in the article is commenting himself under pseudonym,or has some desperate cult like followers. (My advice is: after all that has happened–give it a rest. Some Fort Worth people will simply look at the attractive cover and realize that the chef is back with a new restaurant which means that Prince has provided Grady with a wonderful advertisement. Don’t carry on a feud and try to repair a broken reputation–let it go).

    • Well weekly reader you are probably Jeff Prince under seudonym. Most people on here aren’t even defending Grady, but are more concerned with the tasteless article.

      • Wow. What a insightful and well thought out comment. Your intellect really stands out and takes civil discourse to the next level. Please…entertain us with more of your wit.

        • You want more @soentertained well maybe you will be as entertained by Lou Lambert’s comment about Spears being “ballsy” when I tell you that NOBODY knows more about balls then Lou Lambert

          • I can’t believe I’m responding to this piece of Homophobe bait…but Lou Lambert is an honest, dependable sweet guy and I’m honored to know him. You obviously have deeper issues that go far beyond any type of intelligent adult conversation. Your comment is as offensive as it is repugnant. That you would stoop to name calling says all there is to say about you. I’m shocked you made it past the CAPTCHA. Now please leave so the adults can talk.

      • That is really, really rude. Jeff is my partner in crime at Fort Worth Weekly and that was totally uncalled for. Wash you mouth out with heavy soap, please, then come back and make a salient comment!

  9. I have no personal animosity toward Grady Spears. The story was written honestly and without malice. If anyone comes out looking bad in the article, including myself, so be it.

    • This article is poorly researched. It’s should’ve included factual information like lawsuits or bankruptcies. Everyone has haters. I know I could find a few people to say negative things about Jeff Prince, even someone you’ve worked with, but are the opinions of others really need?

    • This article is poorly researched. It’s should’ve included factual information like lawsuits or bankruptcies. Everyone has haters. I know I could find a few people to say negative things about Jeff Prince, even someone you’ve worked with, but are the opinions of others really news?

      • Actually this seems to be be a well researched article about a high profile chef and his business mis-adventures. It seems balanced to me. I have no doubt that the restaurant business is very tough indeed, but if there are folks on the payroll who have such touchy feelings as Ms. Rene, I really don’t see how they will do to well in an environment with occasional difficult customers.

        • Concerned citizen- While I may not agree with everything she said, I understand where Renee is coming from. When someone I know and care about is being personally attacked I tend to have “touchy feelings” also. So, it made me wonder about you, and why you are so involved and defensive about this article? I mean you have really taken time to write argumentative comments.

          • I have been commenting on this site (about any number of articles–and not always favorably) for YEARS, Kendra. Where the heck did you come from? If you personally care about someone who has a pattern of problematic behavior maybe you should intervene and try to put in place some corrective behavior–not be part of a bullying nasty crowd trying to belittle the author. You andyour gang of bullies are enablers and just making the problem worse for the person you allegedly care about.

          • I always write comments and have done so for years on this blog. I do not always agree with Jeff by any means but I appreciate many of his articles. His articles on the Court facilitated Guardianship and Conservator “industry” , for example,(See Dorothy Luck and associated articles) was one of the best pieces of journalism I have read from any source for several decades. There is a lot of commentary from all kinds of people on this blog. Many of the Fort Worth centered articles in FWW are well worth reading, and much of the commentary is informative. No one very much cares if you are of the same opinion or not.

          • You all do realize that Jeff Prince has been named Texas’ Print Journalist of the Year FOUR times in the last 12 years, right? That’s from the Houston Press Club, the most solid press club in Texas. He’s known for getting at the truth, not for pandering. Just checking that you know who you are belittling, because I don’t feel as if you actually do know who Jeff Prince is.

  10. This article didn’t leave a good taste in my mouth. There’s just something about the bulk of an article consisting of people airing their dirty laundry that makes me feel like I’m reading a tabloid. The vast majority of this article was he-said/she-said stuff, and even if every word of it is true, it still belongs at a level below where I would expect real journalism to play.

    • Are you saying that people who invested time and considerable retirement savings in some of these prospective failed ventures shouldn’t report their experiences? I feel badly for the failed revival of historic Granbury’s Nutt House.I wish that that venture had worked out. Evidently you don’t read D Magazine or Frontburner which also have impressions of cultural events in Dallas County and are written in the same style as this piece. There is very little similar local reporting for Tarrant County, except for FW Weekly, which I enjoy.

      • I know very few people who actually enjoy the FW weekly, but I knew you (concerned citizen) were one of them before you even stated it.

      • No, I am not saying that. I am saying that good journalism isn’t merely a venue for such people to report their grievances, even if those grievances are legitimate. Simply because one person has a legitimate gripe with another person does not mean it should be served up as the main dish in a feature piece a publication.

        • “Just because ONE person has a grievance”–Who are you kidding? The article interviews multiple people who have had
          problems, and furthermore there is a commenter here who was nearly physically attacked until 3 security guards intervened. I am sorry that you can’t see a pattern of inappropriate behavior .

          • When did I say I didn’t see a pattern of inappropriate behavior? Even if a person has screwed over a hundred people, that doesn’t make the story fit for a cover spread. The relevant aspects of this story are that Grady Spears, a well-known chef who has had a tumultuous past, is returning to start a restaurant very near some people he has had past grievances with. That is all interesting to the public. This story goes beyond that, however, and seems to enter into the land of picking apart someone’s personal faults, however real they may be.

          • The cover is actually quite flattering to Mr. Spears. His business misadventures and publishing successes are also interesting. He has been associated with celebrities and is, I suppose, a sort of local “celebrity” himself. Since he has willingly entered the world of public life he has –intentionally or not– subjected himself to this sort of exposure–there is really nothing “personal” about it. This sort of coverage of celebrity “personalities” is a common occurrence in the popular culture. I do not see where the author is “picking on his personal faults”. The author also points out his successes particularly in the cookbook publishing world, for example.

          • Of course him being a celebrity opens himself up to public scrutiny. The problem is that such scrutiny is often found in tabloids, not publications that are putting themselves forward as sources of quality journalism. There is a reason the New York Times doesn’t have a front-page story about the latest Kim Kardashian happenings. That belongs in tabloids, not in anything that should be called real journalism.

          • Zack, I’m thinking whomever is paying the bills at the paper is the one to call the shots. Who in pluperfect hell told you they give a snit concerning what you think their paper or their writers and reporters write or report? Seems to me you consider yourself more important than you are. You think? Grow up, get a life. The one paying the bills and doing the work call the shots. That’s the way it is here in America. What do you eat anyway?Fool.

          • Benny,
            I’m not sure why you’re insulting me, but I am merely giving my opinion on the article — which is what the comments section is for. I never said or implied that I thought anyone at the FWW cared about my opinion or that I am the one calling the shots. I was giving my opinion, nothing more. Your post was extremely strange.

          • Your opinions are pure looney-tunes, what do you eat? The Weekly steadily wins AWARDS for it’s work. How many have you won for your fifth-grade thoughts? The Weekly is a highly envied and respected paper that everyone I know hopes to continue doing and publishing precisely as it always has up until the owner decided to can the lady who caused it to become envied, award winning, very profitable, and copied. Your comments are flakier than a box of Post Toasties. You’re as stupid as the owner of the paper.

          • Wow, why are you insulting me? I didn’t criticize the FWW generally; as I said, I’m a regular reader and plan to continue. That doesn’t imply that I must like every article.

            Good day, sir.

    • Zack….This article is simply superb. May I suggest you take your reading somewhere else? Do you expect anyone to give a flying flip what a nit-wits level of news is…or cares?

      • I never said anyone cared about my opinion on the article. I was merely giving my opinion, which is what you just did as well. That’s what the comments section is for.

        I’m well aware that I have the option to take my reading elsewhere. However, it seems silly to stop reading a publication merely because I don’t enjoy one article.

    • Zacki,,,Have you read Fort Worth Weekly previously? The cause of the not-good taste in your upscale, refined, reading preferences is because it’s readers don’t care so much for that snooty, Wall Street jive. Many Weekly readers rarely open the cover of those papers. The majority of readers are more liberal and much less starchy. If you don’t like it, well, that is a clue that it is hitting the mark. See??? In fact, this is real, award winning, journalism of top order. Most Peckerwoods and many Westover Hills high rollers don’t cater to the paper. The owner of the paper is kind of turned to your way of thinking. He’s rich as can be but not as wise as the late Editor he ran off. It’s very sad for many people, we just hate it. That you have a bad taste in your mouth is very conforting to the Weekly’s reader base. Thank you kindly, and God-speed.

    • McDonald probably sold Jeff one of those tacky $8000 horn chairs at a discount for writing the article.


          • Jeff Prince, for true transparency and balanced reporting would you please detail your relationship with Gerald McDonald?

            Business and social would be appreciated.

          • I’ve known Jarrell for eight or nine years. I was introduced to him by Ace Cook, the late owner of the Bull Ring (the business that Grady is considering leasing from Ace’s son, Charles Cook). Jarrell and I rarely hang out but we’ve had lunch three or four times, and I’ve written about him in the past (the story I recall was about Jarrell and his wife opening multiple businesses in several locations in the Stockyards six or seven years ago). Jarrell is a horse trader and so am I. We wheel and deal on smalltime junk but not often. I was a junker at the Will Rogers Cattle Barn flea market for about 10 years and have wheeled and dealed with many people over the years. This article about Grady was already underway before Jarrell’s name came up. I’d interviewed several people who’d described business deals with Grady that had gone bad when one mentioned that Jarrell was also owed money. I hadn’t seen Jarrell in many months and so we met for lunch (I paid for our lunch because I recalled that he had paid the last time we ate lunch, which was several years ago at Coopers BBQ). Jarrell told me about loaning stuff to Grady that was never returned (chairs, a chandelier, table, and painting among them). Jarrell had never mentioned this to me before and we’d never discussed Grady before that day that I can recall. I only led off this article with Jarrell because his quotes and plans to picket outside Grady’s restaurant were interesting and colorful, which appealed to me as a storyteller. If you are suggesting I wrote this story as a favor to Jarrell, or that I profited somehow, then you are wrong. It’s true that Jarrell might benefit should Grady return his property or pay him the money he owes, but that’s between those two. I could care less. I only cared that there was a debt, because the focus of this story was Grady’s history of getting crossways with investors and business partners in the past.
            Having been born in Cowtown and spending the bulk of my life here, I’m acquainted with many people, especially in the Stockyards where I’ve spent a lot of time as a reveler, writer, and musician since the 1980s. I was a “battle of the bands” judge for nine years at White Elephant, owned by celeb chef Tim Love. However, the last story I wrote about Love was critical, and this year I was not invited back to serve as music judge, something I had enjoyed doing. Oh well. I’m also previously acquainted with Mary Perez, owner of Enchiladas Ole, where I sometimes eat lunch. We’ve worked together in the past looking into police shootings on the North Side, where she’s a citizen activist. (By the way, she’s never offered me a free lunch and I wouldn’t accept it if she did.) I understand ethics and integrity. I’m not for sale.

          • Grady didn’t want to sit for an interview for this story. I appealed to his new investor and business partner Burt Shield to ask Grady to meet with me. Numerous people were describing deals gone bad with Grady and questioning his character. I told Burt that Grady would probably come out looking better in the story if he addressed his critics. Grady agreed to meet with me but passed on his opportunity to talk about previous deals and partnerships. He told me to turn off my tape recorder as he took full responsibility for his past problems. I told him people might appreciate hearing that from him. He then allowed me use that in the story. If he would have discussed specifics of previous problems, maybe he would have come out looking even better. He chose not to. I wasn’t gleefully trying to drag down Grady. I have no beef with him. I made the effort to hear and share his side.

          • Jeff you put a nice spin on your relationship with Gerald yet burn Grady.

            Your relationship with Gerald and writing an article allowing him to grind his personal axe with Grady is the definition of unethical journalism.

            You and the Fort Worth Weekly should be ashamed of yourself.

            You weren’t bought? B.S.

            For the amount of an over priced tacky horn chair.

  11. Lol Now you want me to stop @soentertained I will soon because all that math hurts my childlike brain. But I just have to ask why is it when I get personal it’s name calling, but when Jeff Prince does it’s consider journalism?

  12. Thank you Mr. Prince for writing an accurate and honest report. Considering the endless people Mr Spears has left in the wind after they bent over backwards trying to help him.Your article was very forgiving. I also found nothing I read more than straightforward reporting..

  13. Jeff: If I never told you before, you’re a terrific writer. You’ve got style on style. All respect. Your partner in crime,
    Peter Gorman

    • I learned a long time ago dealing with my own friends and acquaintances who are professionals here in Fort Worth and in Austin (when it was smaller)– that they see themselves in a sort of rarefied uncritical light while others who have had to deal with them and the public, in general, see a less flattering image. Thanks again Jeff for an interesting behind the scenes article. BTW to Grady and supporters–this by no means indicates that people, including myself would not support his restaurant if he has a good product.

  14. just wanted to make a comment and set the record straight. No one ever said Grady was not a nice likable person,heck i still like Grady and he did me wrong and owes me for what he did.When my children were young and used bad judgement I didnt hate them ,I used it as a teaching tool to teach them right from wrong and how to conduct themselves in the future.I consider this one of those times with Grady.I have done business with Grady for close to fifteen years and in all of that time he has done what he said he would,so when he asked to borrow a considerable amount of furniture and decor I gladly gave it to him.when his restaurant Gradys was failing Grady should have loaded up my pieces and delivered them to me.At the very least he should have called me and told me to pick them up.What happened to them I do not know.After many attempts to contact Grady I finally reached him and he had one chair at the new restaurant ”Line Camp”.i was able to pick it up but none of the other furniture or artwork was there.After contacting several lawyers that were representing clients that suing Grady I was able to retrieve another chair at Grady’s “Clearfork Restaurant”on I 20. At no time did I get any assistance from Grady or his attorneys. At the present time Grady ,if he chose to do the right thing, owes me in excess of of $8500.00.The money is not the sole object of this dispute .It is the principle that Grady has not tried to contact me or even offered an excuse.I would have appreciated a phone call from him or anyone involved in his latest venture.Grady needs to call me and set things straight.Grady needs to take responsibility for his actions or this new venture will be a failure as his previous ones all of which should have been successful if he had done what he should have done and worked at them when things got tough. These previous restaurants did not fail because of the cuisine but because Grady made bad decisions one after the other.If anyone has a problem with me I would welcome them to come and see me at the “Con Artist Moose” (Dallas Patrick).

    • con art·ist
      a person who cheats or tricks others by persuading them to believe something that is not true.

      So Gerald McDonald now I’m to believe a new version of your story?

      You “like” Grady but you are also going to pay your employees to picket his new business.

      I’ve got to call B.S.

      Suddenly you’re swerving all over the place. You and Jeff Prince have highlighted your vendetta. I question the ethics of this entire article given to close personal and business relationship the two of you have. A newspaper article, especially of this nature,

      As layer by layer this relationship is exposed you are now attempting to distance like a con artist.

      Keep sitting in your Throne of Horns chair. It suits you well.

      • Dallas Patrick–you are coming off as somewhat of an illogical grouchy sorehead. It is pretty clear that there is a pattern of (not so savory–no pun intended) behavior here on the part of the celebrity chef . I can tell you for sure nothing irritates many folks–me included– more than loaning a friend or acquaintance something valuable and having the so called friend never give it back. Regardless of the monetary value. Maybe I shouldn’t —but, I still remember the skank I loaned a college textbook to years ago who packed it up and left town with it, without so much as a “thank you”.
        And yes–I did inquire about the item before the end of the term only to be told that “it may be packed up–you can look for it if you like” pointing to a fully packed up and closed packing crate. Instead of attacking Gerald (who I do not know) for being kind hearted and inferring bias on the part of the author why don’t you tell us about your relationship with the subject of the piece?

      • “Dallas Patrick” is probably Grady or his investor and they don’t want to pay Jarrell Mcdonald his money back so they are attacking instead. It’s what attorneys do when someone is accused of rape. They attack the woman and try to make her out like a tramp deserving to be raped. This is Grady’s MO to beg and borrow for handouts and then when somebody asks to be paid back he gets mad and cuts them off and slanders them. Children do this naturally. If you catch them doing someting bad they try to deflect criticism by blaming someone else. Grady should act like an adult instead blaming others for his own mistakes. It seems weird that Dallas Patrick is only obsessed with Jarrell Mcdonald but it seems that Jarrell is the only one seeking reimbursement. Dallas Patrick never mentions anyhone else in the article calling Grady a deadbeat because they aren’t trying to get money from him.

  15. Snot-rags are going to be snot-rags, liars will be liars, dead-beats will be dead-beats, high-rolling, childish big-shots are what they are. There is nothing new here, this stuff has been going on since creation it’s own self. It’s just a different person pitching and different people catching. If I was kicked around like these people have been abused by the childish dead-beat, I’m certain I’d be squealing like a pig under a gate. People are supposed to be throwing rocks at the rat, you’re simply not supposed to screw your buddies. The Pope would be mad if he was abused in this fifth-grade manner. The loser knows what’s right and what’s wrong. He needs to bite the bullet and face the music like a big boy. Baggers will be Baggers, Peckerwoods are Peckerwoods, liars are liars, Repugs will be Repugs. Square, stand-up folks behave like square stand-up folks. There’s nothing new to see here. We should all put Grady on our Prayer List, I sure have.

  16. I’m thinking,
    I keep coming back to the idea that hurting the business of a man who owes you money is not the best way to increase your chances of getting it back. Also, it decreases the chance others who are owed will get theirs. Just a big race to the bottom.
    I hope Grady does well this time, well enough to pay his debts. The next time I’m in FW, I’ll cross the picket line and buy one of those Chicken Fried Steaks, my contribution and affirmation that he’s successful, enough so, that he’ll choose to pay his debts.
    Good Luck! Grady with your new venture. May you make enough to set the ‘money stuff’ straight.

  17. This jerk took me for a ride for 2 months. Every time payday came around he would always say either he did not know the combanation to the safe or talk to him later. Later never came. 2 months of free labor. Luckily I did not report him to the labor board..

  18. Grady, Was at the Houston KC game in Sept 2016 in my Companies Suite,and he works Sundays as a consultant for the TEXAN’s Footbal food services. I would see him at acouple of games a year. I was nice enough to order his books with reason to belive he would autograph them and mail them to me.He screwed me to. He says well there’s 14 books in a case so I would take the 14 books I had 12 guest when I gave him a list in which he could’nt follow he signed the one book with to different peoples names.I only got 8 books he billed for the 14 and over charged me for more than the cover price,and frieght . USPS flate rate was $ 12.52 He charged me $52.52..I told my boss he has showen his true clors.
    He’ a nice guy to drink with don’t trust him with your CC or money.

  19. Grady, Was at the Houston KC game in Sept 2015 in my Companies Suite,and he works Sundays as a consultant for the TEXAN’s Footbal food services. I would see him at acouple of games a year. I was nice enough to order his books with reason to belive he would autograph them and mail them to me.He screwed me to. He says well there’s 14 books in a case so I would take the 14 books. I had 12 guest when I gave him a list in which he could’nt follow he signed the one book with to different peoples names.I only got 8 books he billed for the 14 and over charged me for more than the cover price,and frieght . USPS flate rate was $ 12.52 He charged me $52.52..I told my boss he has showen his true clors.
    He’ a nice guy to drink with don’t trust him with your CC or money.

  20. I notice that no one is addressing the food. After all, this is about restaurants. I have eaten at five of Spears’ restaurants and just left Horseshoe Hill less than an hour ago. I have never had a bad meal at any of the restaurants. I have been to the new one about a half-dozen times and haven’t had one dish that did not pop with flavor. On top of everything else, Grady is a hugely welcoming host. I can only hope that Horseshoe Hill lasts for several years. Food-wise, this might be his best yet.

  21. Tried it.

    Way to much salt, service was terrible, waited way to long for the food.

    Worst of all was Grady was stumbling drunk.