(photo courtesy Wikipedia)

From The Land of Koresh

Nine dead, twice that many wounded, and 165 people in jail. While waiting for critics to blame President Obama for the biker shootings in Waco, here’s another possible explanation: biker gangs are mean.

Frosty Reception

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Fort Worth police are asking for help while trying to track down a suspect who robbed Frost Bank on Saturday. If you have info, call 817-469-TIPS.

Now Frost Bank knows how it feels. That’s the bank that loves to sink its claws into old people’s money in questionable guardianship cases.


Dallas Cowboys tight end Jason Witten is among the best to play in the NFL, a guy who leads by example, a warrior who plays through pain that would cause most of us to curl up into the fetal position and cry for our mommies. But beyond that, Jason Witten is good. He is a good man. While all of you morally superior people were bashing the Cowboys for drafting Greg Hardy and the domestic abuse baggage that came along with him, Witten was busy embracing him, according to ESPN‘s Todd Archer. Witten’s life was so impacted by domestic violence that he created a foundation to help families through their own problems. And then here comes Hardy, suspended for most of last season for abusing a woman and facing another 10-game suspension this season. Hardy would be an easy mark to give the cold shoulder to in the locker room. Instead, Witten takes him under his big ol’ wing and tries to guide him to better days.

“Our job is to welcome him and show him the way we do things and embrace him as a teammate, and he’s done everything that you want. He’s a hard worker. Obviously he’s a talented player. I think he’s learned a lot from what he’s gone through in the last year,” Witten said.

Crack In The Wall

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram‘s Diane Smith wrote about a 16-year-old Fort Worth native Noel Jett graduating from Texas A&M University. Jett sounds really smart and has a cool name too. I’d link you to the story but the Startlegram has a paywall. I’m not complaining. Newspapers will have to charge for their online content if they intend to survive, and I’m proud of the Star-T for finally committing to a paywall and sticking to it. On the other hand, they share content with a sister TV station, and so you can read a condensed version at WFAA/Channel 8. Kinda defeats the purpose of a paywall.

Another Good Gal

Noel Jett isn’t the only one who’s made herself proud lately. Texas Department of Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller is honoring Shannon Cifuentes with a GROW Award. Cifuentes, a senior at James Bowie High School in Arlington, was chosen from hundreds of Texas students for demonstrating leadership at school, and commitment to community service. She’s a member of the National Honor Society and has belonged to numerous organizations including the track and tennis teams, FFA, Cultural Club, Technology Club, and Art Club. The GROW Award “Gives Recognition for Outstanding Work” to middle and high school students who demonstrate leadership and excellence inside and outside the classroom.

“I couldn’t be more proud to honor Shannon, as she symbolizes everything I look for in a great leader — a strong work ethic, dedication to community and family, and a can-do attitude,” Miller said.

Cifuentes is planning on attending Texas A&M. Seems like all the smart young people are going to A&M these days. I remember visiting the A&M campus once, walking on grass, and getting screamed at by a bunch of hard cases with shaved heads. Hell, I’d never been to the campus. I didn’t know it was forbidden to step on grass. I was sort of impressed by the skinheads’ school spirit and blind loyalty to tradition. Mostly, though, I thought they were zealots who needed to, like, lighten up, dude. After all, What Would Jason Do?