Eagle Mountain and adjacent Saginaw are probably the last two places in Tarrant County where you can escape the smog and hellish traffic that trap most of Fort Worth. People who live in Eagle Mountain and Saginaw are quick to boast about scenic Eagle Mountain Lake, which is always stocked with popular sport fish like bass and catfish, or Saginaw’s seven sprawling parks that offer tennis courts, disk golf courses, and more.

The slower pace of life and roadside views of cattle ranches are just a few more perks. In these predominantly rural suburbs eight miles northwest of downtown, the pace of life is a little slower, the air a little fresher, and the people a little friendlier.

Well, most of them.

Big Kat 300x250

In January, a popular elementary school teacher in the Eagle Mountain-Saginaw school district was placed on paid administrative leave following a private incident that has the whole town –– and most of North Texas –– talking. At a district training session, Kourtney Glaser began having problems with her IUD. Apparently, the birth control device had lodged in her uterus, causing extensive bleeding. A problem, yes, but nothing life-threatening. Or life-changing.

Glaser says the district is trying to silence her.

At least that’s what Glaser, the married mother of two young children, thought. But last month, Glaser learned that she had been fired. And that she was the reason.

“They didn’t believe me,” she has said. “They thought I was having an anxiety attack.”

An anxiety attack or a case of payback?

One month before the accident, Glaser complained to the school district that the principal of Comanche Springs, Katy Maurer, had gone rogue, intimidating and bullying parents and staff, closing the computer lab without thorough explanation, and undermining the PTA’s fundraising efforts. And Glaser was not alone. A lot of parents were also concerned with Maurer’s leadership. In February, they started an online petition to force the district to investigate her. As of this writing, the group has amassed 2,418 signatures. Shortly after the petition was posted, school district officials released a statement saying that they were aware of parents’ concerns and were “investigating specific workplace allegations about Comanche Springs.”

In late February, Maurer filed a restraining order against two people for online harassment. Though they are not named publicly, a lawyer for Glaser has responded publicly, arguing that Maurer is merely trying to appear the victim.

Maurer, who has been reassigned within the district, refused to comment for this story.

Maurer says she has been the victim of harrassment by parents.

Chad Ferguson, the father of two children in the Eagle Mountain-Saginaw school district, including at Comanche Springs, said there’s more to this situation than clashing personalities.

Two months ago, he received an anonymous e-mail from a person with intimate knowledge of the school district’s administration personnel.

“The information that’s been made public is only a fraction of the story,” Ferguson said.

With the help of parents, former teachers, and the anonymous insider, he discovered a slew of information that he believes points to a “significantly larger level of problems: corruption and wasted money” by the district.




  1. Not to be too picky, but the first line of this piece is woefully incorrect and reveals a real lack of knowledge about local smog. In fact, owing to its location northwest of most of the Metromess, the Eagle Mountain Lake air monitor traditionally records some of the worst smog levels in all of DFW, and is not infrequently the worst-performing monitor among the 20 in and around DFW. It had its first 2015 “exceedence” of the current smog standard last Friday.

    • Half the kids in Saginaw have been treated by mental health facilities, medicated for depression, or involved with drugs. Maybe the people in this forum should prioritize the real issues in this district. Kids learn by example. If teachers, principals or parents cannot set positive examples , such as working together for a higher purpose despite differences, then it may be best to remain silent.(if you cant say something nice dont say anything at all)

  2. It amazes the amount of BS in this and all the post…. There is a specific parent that has NOTHING better to do with her time. I am ashamed of all of you that do not know the 100% truth and yet you jump on the wagon. It is absolutely ridiculous…..Katy is and was an amazing principal and leader! People who purposely set out to destroy lives are miserable within their own self. It is a completely sad and disgusting situation this woman has caused. It breaks my heart for the ones that affected by this especially the honest and kind hearted ones. For the one that has nothing better to do with her life besides start drama and make life altering accusations…..Karma is most definitely in your future… #teamkaty #JJneedsalife #makesureyouknowthetruth #getadamnhobby

    • You obviously are only seeing her side of the story “woe is me.” She used to force teachers into letting them use there phones to catch her husband cheating saying that if they didnt, she could easily make their lives hell. She is a bully, and abused her power. She needs to feel in control so she would close down the computer lab and just make a ton of weird and unnecessary requests or changes at the expense of the other teachers. Ms. Glaser was the victim, as were many other teachers.

    • Are you suggesting our school board hired an independent law firm to investigate this matter and then took Maurer out of her job and forced her to resign because that investigation found no wrong doing on her part? You embarrass yourself with these ill informed comments. Mrs. Jordan is certainly not alone in wanting the best for our school. Have you read the hundreds of personal accounts from teachers and parents in our school who posted on the petition regarding issues with Maurer? Can all those be fabricated as well? As for Karma…. Buckle up! I sincerely hope your child does not end up in the class of one of the teachers who left our school but were retained in other schools by our district. Do you have any idea how offensive these comments are to those teachers in the face of how hard they work everyday? This has always been about what the teachers went through. You really should contact them and get the real story . You could also contact the teachers from Coppell who came and told their stories to the school board of similar treatment by Maurer at their school. How can 19 teachers be wrong? Why are they thriving at other schools if they were ” dead wood” to use the words of Mrs. Maurer? Maybe you could contact the interim principal who is sorting this mess out to go over the problems she uncovered at the school that she is working to correct.

    • Amber,
      It amazes me the amount of BS in your response….which is a part of this post. Makes me wonder what Katy has on you, thus the reason you are one of her minions. There is a reason she is no longer employed where “She Once WAS”! Do the math! Or maybe you teach a different subject since you can’t make the calculation.
      Your right about Karma. Lets see how this plays out, I bet you won’t have a lot to say then will you. Oh and by the way. The history of your school since Katy was in power (more like power trip), is revolting. Parents should have been picketing and pulling their kids out. I won’t even go down the road of how ashamed the school board and superintendent should be. If you think this is anything other than a crooked principal, sorry for an excuse school board, blind superintendent…………then you are as delusional as they are.

  3. Lol I was thinking the same thing about the description of Saginaw…some of the worst traffic in the area! And slow? Nope…we’re at a stand still. Either at a light for 10 minutes or waiting on a train!

  4. Nice story Edward. Glad to see someone is taking an interest in education again at the Weekly – in spite of your Publisher kicking Gayle Reeves to the curb. Sadly, this is not about FWISD which is where the “rubber” truly “meets the road” and corruption is rampant. FWISD is in the midst of the biggest Trustee election in 19 years – yet the Weekly is NO WHERE TO BE FOUND. The same could be said of TRWD and their election. It was no coincidence Gayle was removed when she was: big money interests have finally silenced one of the last objective print media in Fort Worth and on the eve of important elections. It was a sad day for our City and the interest of Open Government. Betty Brink is rolling in her grave. The Weekly is now the “rag” the publisher always wanted it to be.

    • Thanks for the comment. I guess you have to take my word for it, but the writers here still think of story ideas independently of our publisher. I’m glad to say Gayle is still a good friend to our writing staff. I hope you and other civic minded readers continue to follow us.

  5. I’m sorry. This whole thing is ridiculous. How is it parents feel like they know so much. I have numerous friends at that school who liked Mrs. Maurer and felt like she did what was best for kids. Aren’t you listening to one side? I’m not sure you all have the facts. You are listening to past teachers who I am pretty sure are still problems. I also am pretty sure she wasn’t forced to resign. Before you post things I would probably get all the sides to the story instead of doing a one-sided. As for the computer lab. I know for a fact teachers wanted one more computer in their lab which is why that closed. Again, don’t know the facts. As for the interim principal how in the world would you have that information. You are a parent. EMSISD is a good district that is getting a bad rep now. Dr. Chadwell has done a great job trying to get it caught up with the rest of the world.

  6. I no longer live in the district…. So as for wishing karma on my child that’s awesome!!! I had nothing but excellent care and support for my child while at Commanche Springs. As far as me being embarrassed that is not an issue. I know what that woman did for my child and that is all that matters. I have never had a principal take so much time and understanding with him. I couldn’t ask for anything more out of her. As for saying offensive things to the teachers , I am pretty sure I didn’t say anything offensive towards them. I have had my fair share of people telling me their side as well. So like I have said in many of my other post (that were deleted by someone) there are many sides to every story and mine just happens to be a GREAT one. Until anyone has been in my shoes as to what my child went through at EMS ISD it is easy for me to say shut the hell up. Not until we transfered to Commanche springs did I find such caring people with the exception of one teacher. I stand by my decision to back her 100% and as for the woe is me comment that might be someone else your talking about but not her!!!! Any way you look at this situation it is horrible and I am pretty sure I have stated this before….. A lot of people have been affect by the whole situation!

  7. I no longer live in the district…. So as for wishing karma on my child that’s awesome!!! I had nothing but excellent care and support for my child while at Commanche Springs. As far as me being embarrassed that is not an issue. I know what that woman did for my child and that is all that matters. I have never had a principal take so much time and understanding with him. I couldn’t ask for anything more out of her. As for saying offensive things to the teachers , I am pretty sure I didn’t say anything offensive towards them. I have had my fair share of people telling me their side as well. So like I have said in many of my other post (that were deleted by someone) there are many sides to every story and mine just happens to be a GREAT one. Until anyone has been in my shoes as to what my child went through at EMS ISD it is easy for me to say shut the he** up. Not until we transfered to Commanche springs did I find such caring people with the exception of one teacher. I stand by my decision to back her 100% and as for the woe is me comment that might be someone else your talking about but not her!!!! Any way you look at this situation it is horrible and I am pretty sure I have stated this before….. A lot of people have been affect by the whole situation!

  8. Wow! You girls have so many good things to say about Maurer! Too bad you didn’t feel moved enough to show up at a school board meeting and speak on her behalf. You know, become part of the discussion of this matter in an administrative process that has value. Never saw you guys there….sounds like you could have turned the whole thing around and saved the district all that money they wasted on their investigation. In fact, not one person spoke on her behalf at any of the meetings.

    • Leann,

      Why would anyone come out in support of Mrs. Maurer? Anyone who speaks out in support of her becomes a target of Jennifer Jordan, Curtis Jordan, and Faith Sears. Anyone with any intelligence sees that the district had a reason to terminate Kourtney Glaser. Interestingly enough, Mrs. Maurer wasn’t terminated. Do you think there is a reason for this? I’m sure you do. I’m sure you will spew out some insane conspiracy theory just as Jennifer Jordan, Curtis Jordan, and Faith Sears continue to do. These people have ruined Comanche Springs, but they will not ruin our district. Jennifer Jordan, Curtis Jordan, and Faith Sears need to go! It is time to stand up against these people who live for drama and create drama based on lies. Wake up Saginaw and send them a message! Our community doesn’t need people who are intentionally trying to ruin a school and now our entire district. They don’t care about Comanche Springs or our school district. They only care about seeing their names and faces on the news, the internet, and newspapers. Move on people!

  9. William: I guess it would be extraordinary if everyone stood up for what they believed in the way these ladies have. Not everyone is that brave or has the thick skin to withstand attacks from those seated comfortably on the sideline. I’m finding it hard to see them as the bad guys when they spend about a million hours of their own free time and hundreds of dollars of their own money volunteering at or school running the PTA. There were no news crews there last week when they decorated for Teacher Appreciation Week . Pretty sure the carnival they have put together won’t be covered in the paper either. What time slot are you signed up for again????? I’m pretty sure there is no red carpet situation happening back there in the PTA volunteer area. Please show some respect for how hard they work for the betterment of the school.

    • Leanne, Jennifer Jordan, Curtis Jordan, and Faith Sears need to move on. If they really care about Comanche Springs and our district, then why do they continue to create this drama? These parents aren’t heroes, they are an embarrassment to Saginaw. Again, move on people and get a life.

  10. Why in the world are you covering this story? Sounds like to me you have about 3-4 upset parents. What I heard is these people and the AP went out to this Principals former district to talk to people who had “problems” with her. You can go to any job and find people who didn’t like you regardless of the field. Do your research people. They claim many people spoke….4. Not one current teacher from the school spoke. What a joke. Sounds like to me the fear of speaking on behalf of the principal was there because of you. Disappointed and I’ve never heard of this paper.

  11. @Amber Merriman. If Mrs. Maurer was so amazing and did nothing wrong, she would still be the principal at CSE. What’s “sad and disgusting” is the drama and life changing decisions teacher after teacher in 2 different ISDs under Mrs. Maurer had to make to get away from her. Seems to me #JJneedstogetalifte is doing exactly that. Seems to me her children are her life and she has put herself out there to protect them. I’m glad your experience with Mrs. Maurer was a good one. Goes to show she is not completely heartless. From what I’ve heard there are 2 sides to your story with your child and what happened at CSE. I’ve also heard from more than one person that you’re child was a very difficult child for everyone. Kids can be kids and no one is perfect. There are many of us parents that have been at CSE even before Mrs. Maurer and have given her the opportunity and time to do as she sees fit, however, after awhile when you begin to notice and see for yourself this isn’t right, you start to question her motives. How long were you at CSE Amber Merriman? How much time did you spend volunteering and see things first hand?

    @ Kim. Yes, we are listening to past teachers as the have first hand knowledge, as well as current teachers, as well as teachers from Mrs. Maurer’s previous school in Coppell ISD. Seems only reasonable to me to listen to the people directly involved. As far as the computer lab closing and the teachers wanting 1 more computer doesn’t even make sense. They didn’t even move the connection wires with the computers so they didn’t even work. You talk about not having all the facts, which you clearly don’t, however, a lot of us do.

    @William. These people you have called out “have ruined CSE” you say? 2 of those people are almost 50% of the reason CSE has any PTA events going on for the last several years. If you’re a parent, how much time have you given to help out? 4 years ago PTA had plenty of volunteers. Each year with Mrs. Maurer it dwindled down to the very core of very few parents. There’s a pattern here. Teachers leave. Parents leave. There’s only 1 common denominator. It’s apparent to me these parents involved have put their lives out on a limb for their children and what they believe in. To say that CSE is ruined is like saying every staff member there is worthless and wasting their time. I couldn’t disagree more. Anyone that has spent any amount of time there 6 months ago vs today can clearly see a positive change. Lastly, a petition that was signed by over 2,400 is nothing to balk at. It speaks volumes.

    • I’m pretty sure you have inaccurate information on the PTA. Yes there has been one person who has been in charge over the last several years. However, I do believe and recall there was an incident 3 years ago where the PTA moms were in the office fighting and Mr. Jackson or Mrs. Maurer had to break it up. When was the last time someone took a hard look at PTA. I think you jumped on the bandwagon of “helping” one employee instead of realizing there was a bigger problem from day one. Not sure any principal can fix that. Reading your comments I’m wondering how you are “privy” to this information. Especially the comment you stated the interim principal has given you info and people should just “ask” her? Thats unprofessional if that is correct and very concerning.

  12. @Steve — so help me God you better keep my son and anything thing you have to say about him off here and your mouth. As for volunteering and how long I was there it doesn’t make a bit of difference…… My hours are dedicated directly to my family and children. And as for my experience it was great and I will continue to stand by that. There is no 2 stories to my situation at all. There are videos of my truth …. How’s that for truth???? Don’t go there with me. And if you call highly intelligent difficult than your damn right my son must have been difficult. When you have some teacher that can not keep up with him and teach him new things yup I would get bored too..So again there Steve watch what you say until you know what your talking about and keep my child’s name and information out of your mouth!!!!!! He is a damn child how dare you.

  13. Wow. Your now talking about kids. Shows what you are all about. 2400 on the petition they don’t even know the situation. You put out your so called one sided story. Good job. What did you win? This seriously makes me sick. And let’s be real… your name really Steve? You say Maurer isn’t good. Let’s bring your so called people against the ones I know have had a great experience with her. Like the mom she spent countless hours with at the hospital and home when she lost her husband (also a CSES parent) or the countless families she helped make sure they had Christmas. Sounds like to me you have a great witch hunt going. News flash….Maurer probably didn’t want to be there. LeAnn how many hours did you put into PTA? Please don’t respond. Nobody cares that you continue your witch hunt with innocent people. Now Chadwell? That’s a joke. He is fine and has done well. I’m also pretty sure the reason one teacher left is because she didn’t want one of the main persons kids. Get all the facts please!!!!

  14. As far as the PTA breaking up. Ask the president that one. Going back three years ago I’m pretty sure there was an agreement with PTA which is why they fell apart. This would have been at the beginning of Mrs. Maurer. There are witnesses with that one. Many. And didn’t the previous principal have issues before with the same ones? Cause I’m pretty sure she did. Many witnesses to that one as well. Since when do PTA mom’s feel empowered? I’m with the other mom….if you talk about my kid I’d be upset too. Not okay….kids are kids. Adult drama needs to be separate from kids.

  15. Amber, The story you’re trying to keep quiet will be public soon enough. The comments here should be the least of your concerns.


  16. What doesn’t make sense about my post with Computers. It was discussed at a meeting where teachers would like more computers in their classrooms for instruction. Did you know CSES had two labs? Thats unheard of. But I’m sure you knew that already. I’m really not understanding why the threats are still continuing. We just want to move forward. Having three principals….now four in the last 7 years isn’t fair. I think you all have played a role in it and regardless if you want to admit it you listened to an AP who was there for half a year. PTA had issue long before Maurer came. Even when Melanie was there they couldn’t make a PTA. The issues that were brought with Maurer’s leadership was her making change. Education is about change regardless. I’m appalled people on here are making fun of kids. Not one time during this whole thing were the best interest of kids ever discussed. I read the petition and all the comments. Pretty sure there were a handful of “real” comanche parents. It makes me so disappointed. If Maurer was guilty of anything it was shaking things up for the better. I also know for a fact she moved on on her own will and not one time has she responded or even attempted to “stoop” to the level others did. I’m sure she has a side to tell. Shows the class she may actually have. Go back to the very beginning when Comanche opened. There have always been issues at the campus. This whole “deal” or issue with the incident was the reason it came about. If everything was looked into I’m pretty sure the AP and Principal were actually friends all year long. Theres evidence of that. I’m sure the results of the investigation will come out soon. Please let people just move on.

  17. I find it impossible to believe that there is even a small group of parents who support Mrs. Maurer. Where have they been for the past months while this storm has been brewing? Where were they at her last school district while the same storm, coincidentally, was brewing there? How could this woman have the SAME reputation for bullying and unprofessional behavior in two completely different workplaces miles and miles apart? How likely is that? It’s also highly unlikely that she wouldn’t have ONE parent OR teacher show up at a Board meeting to support her. Not one. On the other hand, parents and teachers alike showed up to support Mrs. Glaser. And it’s ridiculous to assume that Leanne was wishing “karma” on a child. She was saying that one day she might have to face one of the teachers that she disparaged as one of her child’s teachers. As a CSES parent myself, I can tell you that the climate at our school was one of oppression, fear, and chaos under Mrs. Maurer. You don’t have seasoned, respected teachers leaving in DROVES if there is no truth to the situation. These teachers felt that they were under attack, just as the teachers did that came forward from her previous district. That she was also exhibiting extremely unprofessional behaviors such as involving workplace colleagues in marital problems only reinforces her complete lack of suitability for any position of authority. It’s very common lower-level-thinking behavior to attack the messengers such as Mrs. Ferguson or Mrs. Jordan rather than assess the root problem and it’s origins. As for this so-called “investigation”, this school district has shown through their actions and complete lack of engagement on this issue that their strategy here is simply to close the door and lock it on this situation until everyone grows tired of banging on it and moves on. It makes them look like cheap, dime-store frauds who have a LOT more than this to hide. They have lost all credibility and trust with the poor way they have handled this. They look like nothing more than crooks who are unfortunately responsible for educating our children.

  18. You have no idea what you are talking about. There is a large amount of us that miss vMrs. Maurer. Thank you for writing that comment. Now we know where you stand.
    As for the not showing up part? Why would we. So the parents could splatter my name on the Internet too? She had a lot more supporters than you think. Watch for the end of the year. A lot of the good teachers that parents love will leave because of you all creating this.
    I’d love to put my name on here but do not want to be targeted. Teachers got upset about being moved grade levels, not being able to copy. I’ve moved grade levels and I’m still happy. You say this will die down? When? This parent group continues to tell lies. Yall reached out to past teachers which says a lot.
    You say they showed up to support Mrs. Glaser? Who? I’m pretty sure before this they didn’t have a issue. I know this for a fact. You continue to believe what you hear. I also know many Comanche parents that aren’t happy with the new changes however they aren’t being vocal. the moral has changed your right since this occurred. Please stop listening to the AP we had a half of a year. I can’t een begin to tell you how disappointed I am in that. Bobby and Kori were there for us and Mrs. Maurer. You never turn your back on your school family. I also love how Mrs. Maurer was critized for not telling parents she was on leave? I’m pretty sure she can’t. So why critize that? Like I said. Watch the good ones leave them you will understand you were wrong. Since you dug into Maurers so called history why don’t you look into Glasers too. People have come out about her too just chose not to lose my class with that. In the end people will know the truth. This whole thing has made me lose my passion in teaching. Not right.

  19. I also know for a fact that two of the teachers that left texted to come back this next year. There’s proof of that from a lot of us. So please get your facts straight people and quit destroying our school. Teacher appreciation wasn’t the same this year because of who planned it. the person who is behind this all wants us to be happy?!

    • I would like to list the many staff events that PTA has hosted for Teacher Appreciation this week.
      Monday- Breakfast for staff (Einsteins Bagels.)
      Tuesday- Snack day (provided both by PTA and parents)
      Thursday- Catered Luncheon (PTA also covered lunch so each grade level could enjoying eating together)
      Friday-Sonic drinks and a popcorn bar.
      I am so sorry that you want to be petty enough to bring up that it didn’t feel the same this year. PTA and the parents has always strived to make our teachers feel appreciated!

  20. Wow ! I’m sorry that the events listed above were not enough. I do know the PTA worked super hard to show how much the teachers at CSES are appreciated. I hope the teachers know how wonderful we know they are and how hard they work at making our school a great place to learn. I’m very surprised you are reporting these feelings are shared by so many teachers as this is not what has been expressed to me in person by so many teachers. Of course not sharing your name makes dialogue difficult.

  21. In February of this year it looked as if a group called the Concerned Parents of Comanche Springs formed to help their school move through a difficult time. As time has gone by this group has been anything but concerned for our community. It looks like the leaders of this group are Jennifer Jordan, Curtis Jordan, and Faith Sears. These parents were relentless to have the former principal removed from Comanche Springs. The principal is now gone from the school but they are now attacking the entire district. Why is this?? They have made our district look terrible which affects our entire city including our property values. They are not concerned with how their baseless attacks impact our community. They started with Channel 8 news and are now pushing their inaccurate story to a tabloid paper that is actually best known for its adult advertisements. There is a reason that Channel 8 and other reputable media have backed away from this story. With all due respect Mr. Brown, the FW Weekly is knows to be a tabloid paper filled with adult advertisements. The assistant principal they defended (Kourtney Glaser) was terminated by the district for her actions, but the former principal wasn’t terminated. Why is this? The answer is a word that these parents may not understand. It is called FACTS, Because they refuse to accept the findings (FACTS) and decision of the investigation, they are now intentionally trying to damage the reputation of our school district and our superintendent. Their Facebook page clearly shows their intent to continue their assault based on twisted and manipulated information. When Jennifer Jordan writes “Watch what happens next. You’ll think the issues at Comanche Springs are child’s play compared to the latest round of nonsense that has surfaced” It is clear that she is now targeting the district and will continue her assault based on her personal mission of creating a climate of conspiracy and mistrust.

    Really??? You’re trying to cast doubt on adding soccer to our middle school?? You’re trying to make our superintendent look like he is corrupt and our school board is corrupt? These are the most caring people who love our kids and community.

    School board meetings are open to the public. There are no secret deals made. These board members and Dr. Chadwell deserve our appreciation and thanks for what they have done for our schools and children.

    What an embarrassment this group of parents has become.

    The former principal is gone people! Move on!!!

    • Dear EMSISD Parent

      There’s so much I’d like to say. I’ll keep this is brief as possible but would like to point out that you’ve made a variety of statements based on assumptions and misinformation.

      If you’re looking for truth, let me shed some light on the truth.

      First let me say that the Fort Worth Weekly has done an excellent job presenting this information and it appears have done significant research. I have no idea what kind of ads they run or why that matters but I do know that they spend a significant amount of time covering local issues like this one and do so in an excellent manner.

      If you’ve read something that you believe to be inaccurate, I’d encourage you to respond to the information and allow them an opportunity to comment. I’d love to see how this plays out because you’ve already proven that you don’t have the facts.

      For clarification purposes, let me help you a little:

      LIE: As time has gone by this group has been anything but concerned for our community.

      FACT: I’d argue that everyone involved has nothing but concerns for the community and the schools. Just because you don’t agree with statements or tactics does not mean that those parents that have been active in these issues don’t have concern for the community.

      LIE: It looks like the leaders of this group are Jennifer Jordan, Curtis Jordan, and Faith Sears.

      FACT: Again, as one of the parents that’s been involved in these issue from day one, I’d argue that there are no “leaders” and that many different parents have taken a variety of actions on their own and at no point has one single person been orchestrating anything.

      LIE: These parents were relentless to have the former principal removed from Comanche Springs. The principal is now gone from the school but they are now attacking the entire district.

      FACT: When the parents of Comanche Springs spoke up numerous people contacted us individually with further information regarding issues at other schools and within the district administration. While the issues were initially about Comanche Springs additional items brought to the attention of parents revealed that there were bigger concerns as well and they’re all a tangled web that fits into the bigger picture. The issues at Comanche Springs were simply a very public symptom of much bigger issues within the district.

      LIE: They have made our district look terrible which affects our entire city including our property values.

      FACT: Nobody has made the district look terrible other than the district. They carry the sole responsibility of the issues at hand and nobody else. While I agree that negative press about the school district has an impact on property values I’d also argue that a school that’s in an academic tailspin and the laughing stock of the community does so as well but also puts the children that attend that school in danger and at a significant disadvantage.

      LIE: They are not concerned with how their baseless attacks impact our community.

      FACT: There have been no baseless attacks, or no attacks at all for that matter. What there has been is a public distribution of information that impacts each and every person in our community. That distribution of information has initiated change.

      LIE: They started with Channel 8 news and are now pushing their inaccurate story to a tabloid paper that is actually best known for its adult advertisements

      FACT: I have no idea what adult advertisements you’re speaking of. I guess if you don’t go looking for them you wouldn’t find them. I’d argue that the Fort Worth Weekly is best known for it’s Best Of Fort Worth awards.

      LIE: There is a reason that Channel 8 and other reputable media have backed away from this story

      FACT: To be accurate several new agencies are still looking at the story and interested in the facts. Your statement is yet again without merit and uninformed.

      LIE: The assistant principal they defended (Kourtney Glaser) was terminated by the district for her actions,

      FACT: The assistant principal was cleared of these issues and placed back into an interim position at a High School and then the district made the decision to not renew her contract the day before her grievance hearing.

      LIE: but the former principal wasn’t terminated.

      FACT: That is correct because it can she requested that they let her resign. This was a political move to save the district money and public ridicule and keep a termination or non renewal off an employment record.

      LIE: Why is this? The answer is a word that these parents may not understand It is called FACTS, Because they refuse to accept the findings (FACTS) and decision of the investigation.

      FACT: The results of investigations have been in private chambers. The actions taken by the district are political sidesteps that still do not address the real issues and prevent them from happening again and are yet again the symptom of a bigger problem.

      LIE: They are now intentionally trying to damage the reputation of our school district and our superintendent.

      FACT: I acted solely on my own without involvement from any other parent when I was contacted by the Fort Worth Weekly about the issues at the district. I had received a wide range of information from other parents, district employees and taxpayers about other issues at EMS ISD that was beyond the issues at Comanche Springs. When I was asked about Comanche Springs I shared what I knew which is information that I believe to be true and accurate based on facts presented to me, first hand testimonials and things I’ve witnessed. When I was asked about additional information that I could share I passed on the complaints that had been given to me as I was asked to do by those that provided the information. What happened from there is beyond me but I would assume that the normal steps were taken to verify the facts in the story. The information that was published in the article was but a fraction of the information that has been given to me.

      LIE: heir Facebook page clearly shows their intent to continue their assault based on twisted and manipulated information. When Jennifer Jordan writes “Watch what happens next. You’ll think the issues at Comanche Springs are child’s play compared to the latest round of nonsense that has surfaced”

      FACT: An heir is a person legally entitled to the property or rank of another on that person’s death. What information do you have that shows that Jennifer Jordan posted that information on Facebook or that she created, has access to or has posted on that page? You don’t because it does not exist and you don’t know who created that page, who has access or who has created posts on the page. Again, just as you have no facts or truth in any of your other statements an assumption that an “assault based on twisted and manipulated information” is taking place or has taken place is not backed up by any facts. If information that the public should be aware of and as a general rule are not aware of is being investigated and distributed publicly for the good of the schools, employees and taxpayers its considered activism and exercising the 1st Amendment rights granted and protected by the constitution of the United States of America. Just because what’s being said doesn’t fit in with an all too common left wing agenda where everyone sits around and sings koom-ba-ya doesn’t mean it’s not true, not accurate or an assault.

      LIE: It is clear that she is now targeting the district and will continue her assault based on her personal mission of creating a climate of conspiracy and mistrust.

      FACT: Again, an assumption that any information that has been provided is not accurate and another statement not based on factual information. How you’ve categorized Jennifer Jordan as some sort of evil ringleader who’s controlling puppet strings of parents and community members in some sort of evil misguided attempt to bring down the property values of the community and the school district with false information is beyond me. You have no information to substantiate this claim or that she’s even involved.

      LIE: You’re trying to cast doubt on adding soccer to our middle school?? You’re trying to make our superintendent look like he is corrupt and our school board is corrupt? These are the most caring people who love our kids and community.

      FACT: Athletics are important. That’s not in dispute but academics should always take precedent over athletics and every coach I have ever spoken to in EMS ISD has communicated that also. That being said the approval to spend $1,125,000.00 so middle school kids can play soccer is a travesty. The school board voted to allow that and spend that money and so it is. While I would not agree in any shape form or fashion that was a good decision and I’m outraged a parent and taxpayer as are many others including MANY COACHES IN THE DISTRICT. Given the fact that the district cannot manage their schools and perform a simple task like assuring they schools are meeting state and federal requirements (again backed up by evidence) it seems to me that at minimum that money should have been spent to get a system in place to make sure that the schools are at least meeting minimum requirements. I find it far more important that a student meet a state minimum standard for testing and have some basic computer skills than a bunch of kids kicking a soccer ball around when they already have a variety of athletic opportunities available to them. If you can’t manage the basics you’re effort and spending should be on the basics and not on adding new programs or pending money on anything that doesn’t impact meeting those basic requirements. The fact that Comanche Springs students did not attend a compute class for the majority of 2014-2015 and the district was not aware of that until I publicly addressed it at the school board meeting (where it was immediately addressed) tells me that they need to be spending that $1,125,000.00 on resources to manage what they have in place and have proven they can’t manage. The computer class is yet another sliver of information. I’ll happily review more of these failures to meet minimum requirements if you would like to meet and review them.

      LIE: School board meetings are open to the public. There are no secret deals made.

      FACT: Yes they are open to the public but anything regarding personnel is discussed in a closed session. If you think for some second there are no secret deals and no flexing of muscle you’ve yet again proven you’re UNINFORMED. I’d argue that the school board for the most part does a good job and I think several members specifically Mr. Elkins and Newcom are acting in the best interests of the community. That being said there are changes that need to be made and the first one should be that any hiring decision for an administrative position should go through and be approved by the school board. The current system in EMS ISD lacks accountability and is inconsistent with most school districts in the area. Beyond that I’ll just be quiet so I’m not accused of an assault based on twisted and manipulated information until I can gather some more facts and I’ll allow you to make your own informed decisions.

      PARTIAL LIE: These board members and Dr. Chadwell deserve our appreciation and thanks for what they have done for our schools and children.

      FACT: The school board as a general rule does deserve appreciation and I have personally communicated that numerous times. I’ll let you read between the lines there. Oh the Generation Y mentality just kills me.

      LIE: The former principal is gone people! Move on!!!

      FACT: The issue has still not been addressed.

      Again, it takes a real coward to hide behind the anonymity of the internet and not own their actions and opinions.

      Everyone keeps saying to “move on” and if you’d quit allowing yourselves to be misled and misinformed it would be much easier to do so.

      Thanks again. I swore I wasn’t going to comment here so I cannot promise I’ll be back to enlighten you again but I felt compelled to stand up and make sure the truth is available to those that seek it.

      All this banter everyone is throwing out is nothing more than an attempt to distract from the truth.


      Chad Ferguson

  22. There were numerous parents and teachers, myself included, that contacted employees at admin and the members of the school board in June and July of 2014 with concerns over CSE.

    Those concerns were ignored.

    The persons at district administration that they were voiced to failed to do what they had committed and has since displayed what I would call nothing short of incompetence. Their recent actions have proven that they’ll go to great lengths to hide the truth and do anything they can to stop the true story from being told.

    Had the district taken the concerns seriously at that time this would not be an issue and none of this would be happening.

    Unfortunately, that’s not what happened though.

    Over the past few months there’s been numerous opportunities for parents, taxpayers and teachers to speak up and voice their opinion to the school board, district administration and to the attorney conducting the investigation.

    I’ve taken every opportunity to voice my opinion.

    While you may not agree with that opinion, I have the right as a parent and taxpayer to voice that opinion and I continue to stand behind my beliefs.

    These beliefs have been the same from the first time I contacted district administration over a year ago and to this day and has not changed at any time. These opinions have been formed based on factual evidence that I’ve witness personally or otherwise been given convincing testimonials or evidence to support.

    At no time has this been about criticism of teachers of CSE. It’s always been about making sure that the right leadership was in place at the school, assuring teachers are being treated professionally, that they’re being supported and that they’re working in an environment where they have the tools, resources and support that’s needed to do their job.

    Overwhelming evidence supports that this was not the case at CSE and the school was in a downward spiral that would only continue.

    The truth is, take everything else out of the picture, the emotions, the drama, the he said she said and finger pointing and one thing remains true, there’s evidence available to the general public that CSE was not meeting the expectations that it should.

    There’s countless examples that range from failing to meet minimum state requirements, to misuse of funds, lack of federal compliance and more that can all be backed with hard evidence.

    To comment here or elsewhere anonymously pointing fingers, spewing malicious venom about others or praising anyone is a complete waste of time, energy and offers no credibility to the situation at hand, resolving it and making change. It’s the equivalent of every other coward on the internet that chooses to spew false information, threats and intimidation to capitalize on drama or even worse, fear.

    If you speak the truth and stand tall in your convictions then you should have no problem stepping forward, stating your name publicly and telling people who you are and what you believe. If you lack the intestinal fortitude to do so that’s an indication of either someone who is not telling the truth or a coward which are both pathetic in my book.

    if you had opinions on what parents have done, what the district has done or wished to speak up in support of or against anyone including the staff that have been subjected to this senseless garbage either directly or indirectly you should have spoken up in the right forum at the right time.

    You didn’t so you’re left making up stories and telling lies anonymously or under false pretenses with absolutely no credibility. This,has been the only option for recourse for many, telling lies and hiding in the shadows and wasting time like a bunch of high school gossip girls. It’s been evidently from the actions some have taken in the past few months and is typical of people that are desperate and don’t speak the truth.

    The information I’ve been exposed to over the past few months has lead to a trail of information that exposes a wake of bad decisions, financial waste, poor human resources practices and more. The Fort Worth weekly story doesn’t begin to expose the number of significant issues nor their magnitude.

    Every parent, taxpayer and employee within the district should be outraged.

    The should be demanding answers.

    They should be demanding accountability.

    They should be demanding change.

    The simple fact that the district spent $1,125,000 which is 13.96% of an annual budget to implement a soccer program in the middle schools should call into question what exactly is going on in your school district.

    I’m an avid supporter of athletic programs but given the financial climate in the district this money would have gone to much better use in other areas supporting the overall role of the district as a whole and all of the students and teachers.

    There’s many more questions about this decision I’m still looking for answers to.

    The bottom line is very simple.

    If you as a parent, taxpayer, student or employee disagree with the district and the decisions they’ve made regarding spending, human resources or anything else for that matter the only way that can be changed is through active participation.

    If what you believe is factual and you have the information to support it, then it will lead to change if done through the right channels and in an appropriate manner.

    Until then, you’re nothing more than an internet troll seeking to stir up drama and controversy that does nothing to change anything and nothing to drive improvement. It does however highlight that you’re a coward and a sheep living your life through in the shadows afraid to stand up for what you believe in.

    I’ve seen some steps in the right direction but the path to get there has created more questions than provide answers or comfort. I’m confident that the answers to those questions exist and will continue to seek them.

    Lech Walesa once told congress there’s a declining world market for words. The only thing people believe is behavior because we see it instantaneously. None of us may preach, we must behave.

    Behave based on truth, stand up for what you believe in and have the personal conviction to attach your name to those beliefs and behaviors and you’ll see.

    I still believe in every single thing I’ve said and every action I’ve taken and like many others have enough character to stand behind them.

    That’s more than I can say for many people and until then, you’re a waste of time and nothing more than noise in a noisy world.

    Chad Ferguson

    • Chad, “you’re a waste of time and nothing more than noise in a noisy world.” You really sound intelligent.

      The only ones making the world and Saginaw noisy are those that create the noise. In this case it is Jennifer Jordan, Curtis Jordan, Faith Sears, your wife Leann, and you Chad Ferguson. You are the ones seeking the media with lies.

      What a sad life you must have.

      • You should read my comments again.


        Behave based on truth, stand up for what you believe in and have the personal conviction to attach your name to those beliefs and behaviors and you’ll see.

        I still believe in every single thing I’ve said and every action I’ve taken and like many others have enough character to stand behind them.

        That’s more than I can say for many people and until then, you’re a waste of time and nothing more than noise in a noisy world.


        I very clearly said that you’re inability to step forward and own your opinions and comments is doing nothing more than creating noise and you’ve got no credibility at all.

        I’ve got a great life, thanks and am very happy.

        I also have the courage to stand up for what I believe in. Something you might consider.

        Having a said life one where you feel the need to spew lies without supporting evidence and do so with anonymity. I’d feel sorry for myself and those around me if I lived my life in such fear that I was scared to speak up and tell others what I thought.

        It’s pretty obvious what’s going on here. The truth shall set you free!

        • I have to wonder why you are so concerned with getting the names of those in support of Mrs. Maurer. Is it so you and your band of misfits can drag their name threw the mud too??? They clearly have stated that the fear of retaliation is the reason they have not come forward publicly. And frankly because of the amount of slander I’ve seen on social media I don’t blame them.

        • I have to wonder why you are so concerned with getting the names of those in support of Mrs. Maurer. Is it so you and your band of misfits can drag their name through the mud too??? They clearly have stated that the fear of retaliation is the reason they have not come forward publicly. And frankly because of the amount of slander I’ve seen on social media I don’t blame them.

          • —->I have to wonder why you are so concerned with getting the names of those in support of Mrs. Maurer. Is it so you and your band of misfits can drag their name threw the mud too??? They clearly have stated that the fear of retaliation is the reason they have not come forward publicly.

            I’m not concerned with names.

            There is no band of misfits.

            Nobody has been drug through the mud. There’s a couple of people that crawled through the mud but nobody has ever been drug through the mud.

            You reap what you sow.

            You keep throwing names out there but you’ll notice that I’ve not once mentioned any names.

            I have no interest in anything beyond telling you that your choice to hide like a coward offers no credibility.

            You can blame your secrecy on fear for your job and fear of being attacked but that’s yet another lie in a continuos string of lies and misinformation that you let so freely flow.

            The truth is, you stepped forward and claim to be stating popular opinion of the teachers and staff at the school.

            The truth is what you’re saying is NOT the popular opinion of the teachers at the school and MOST of the teachers don’t feel the way you do.

            The truth is that if you stepped forward and had the courage to attach your name to the comments the other teachers would shun you, distance themselves from your and attack you and you’d be miserable for the remainder of the year.

            This in combination that I’ve clearly blown holes in each and every single comment you’ve made and you simply don’t have the capability to tell the truth.

            If you’ll look deep within yourself and tell the truth for once you’ll be able to admit that is the reason you’re hiding.

            Threw is the past tense of throw, propel (something) with force through the air by a movement of the arm and hand. “I threw a brick through the window”

            —>And frankly because of the amount of slander I’ve seen on social media I don’t blame them.

            if you’re going to continue to spew lies and false accusations you should at least make sure you have a basic understanding first so you don’t continue to let others know that you’re ignorant on top of being a coward that hides in the shadows.

            Here’s a simple lesson on defamation you should have learned in middle school or high school.

            Slander is an oral defamatory statement.

            Libel is a written defamatory statement.

            For something to be defamatory it has to be untrue.

            For something to be defamatory it has to be written or said with malice.

            For something to be defamatory it must be injurious.

            Nothing I’ve said or written at any point falls into any of these categories.

            I’d encourage you to do some reading on the slander, libel, defamation, the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and SLAPP.

            At a very minimum if you want to continue to hide behind your cloak of darkness and make libelous statements about me you should use the correct terminology in these libelous statements.

            I’ll pray for you.

            You’re obviously very misguided and lacking direction in your life.

            You must have such a sad life. 🙂

        • Save your rhetoric and move on. The facts are clear. Kourtney Glaser was terminated for her actions and the former principal chose to leave on her own. You’re right that Kourtney Glaser was moved to a high school because of the drama she caused at Comanche, but since that move her contract has been terminated. Yes, that means she’s terminated. You just showed how you and this group of parents have twisted and manipulated the facts.

          Why was Kourtney Glaser terminated and the former principal wasn’t? Look at the facts of the case. It’s funny how this group of parents thinks they know what took place when they have no idea. Think about it. You believe Kourtney Glaser, but she was the one terminated for her actions. I have ocean front property that I can sell you.

          It’s obvious what you and Jennifer Jordan are doing. You didn’t like the outcome so you’re going after the school board and superintendent. You are creating drama with these continued attacks. You do have a right to your opinion, but you don’t have a right to your own facts. Time to wake up to reality and move on.

          • I’ve clearly already addressed your inaccurate information you’ve presented about the two personnel list in your comment.

            You’re either ignorant or brainwashed.

            Either way the truth is not in you.

            Furthermore, what I am doing is clear. I’ve publicly stated in my comments here that my mission is to expose the truth.

            I clearly stated that I received a lot of information from various individuals that leads to bigger issues beyond CSE and that I provided the information I was given to Fort Worth Weekly.

            I provided that information LONG before any personnel actions were taken with any of the persons you continue to mention.

            I contacted numerous members of the school board and district admin and gave them the opportunity to discuss that information and they chose not to.

            I’m not attacking anyone.

            I’m not going after anyone.

            I do believe that the public that has voted these people in office and pays the salaries of the school district deserves the truth.

            They deserve to know the way people are being treated.

            They deserve to know how their money is being wasted.

            The deserve to know that there’s a history of bad hiring decisions, bad HR practices, settlements and bad spending decisions.

            I’ll present the facts and allow the public to make their own decisions.

  23. Fact: She wasn’t terminated only Kourtney was. I don’t know why you think you know this? It doesn’t seem to matter you don’t care that STAFF members are asking you to please drop it. You can ask anyone at the school the climate was so much better this year than since it opened. There were many teachers that sent letters on Maurers behalf. Did you publicize that? Yes. No one wanted to speak in public because most of us need our jobs and didn’t want to become your target.

    None of this should matter but the fact we want our school to move on and don’t want a new person coming in to go through what Donna and Katy had to go through. Why would she respond to this nonsense. I think the fact she didn’t go to the media shows her class. None of this ever should have gone as far as it did. Everyone needs to move on.

    As far as scores. Check out the other schools in the district. They are all the same or around the same with Comanche but you picked that battle. Your facts weren’t even correct about the actual incident. Many of us heard the story the next day from the source. A petition was created as well but didn’t y’all email the persons supervisor to take it down?

    And funds? I’m sure you are referring to the mulch? CPAC never voted on it from the year before Maurer came. Pull those records. Isn’t PTA in charge of budget anyway? I also didn’t appreciate the fact that you said our staff drinks at work. Thats a lie.There were no issues between those two before this.

    I’m just sick about this whole thing and it seems like it continues to get worse with lies. Its put a huge wedge between many of us and parents. Thats not right.

    • —>Fact: She wasn’t terminated only Kourtney was. I don’t know why you think you know this?

      Kourtney wasn’t terminated. She is still employed. The district didn’t renew her contract for next school year.

      The other party resigned.

      How I know this is because I have access to information. Some of which is public record and the rest, not so much. It’s amazing what happens when you step up for the greater good of the community, sometimes more people come forward and offer to help.

      Do some research.

      —>It doesn’t seem to matter you don’t care that STAFF members are asking you to please drop it.

      What matters, yet again is that you hide behind the anonymity of the internet, talking in circles offering no solutions, no facts and no truth. Is your last name Obama?

      —>You can ask anyone at the school the climate was so much better this year than since it opened.

      I’ve had numerous conversations with teachers throughout this. I’ve had these conversations as recent as today and have not had one single teacher tell me that the climate at the school was been better this year, that is until Villines arrived and started addressing the issues. Everyone universally agrees that things are better NOW then they have been in several years but the information I’ve received contradicts what you’re saying.

      What a shocker.

      I’ve had numerous staff speak to me at the school and contact me on their own accord on their own time and thank me for speaking up. I’ve had numerous people contact me from other schools and ask me to continue the crusade to expose these issues within the district.

      I’ve yet to have one single person tell me that things were better before this.

      —>There were many teachers that sent letters on Maurers behalf. Did you publicize that?

      How would I have any idea who sent letters on anyones behalf if they weren’t provided to me and how would I publicize something I am not aware of?

      Send them to me and I’ll gladly post them on Facebook.

      Oh wait……

      You can’t do that…..

      You’re such a coward that you can’t speak up and voice your opinion with a real name attached to it.

      —>Yes. No one wanted to speak in public because most of us need our jobs and didn’t want to become your target.

      I’ve never “targeted” anyone and each and every single person at the school had the opportunity to speak up publicly with anonymity. I have never once been critical of the teachers, the staff of or anyone else at CSE other than the person directly responsible for this nonsense.

      Nobody spoke in public in support of this issue because they knew the truth.

      —>None of this should matter but the fact we want our school to move on and don’t want a new person coming in to go through what Donna and Katy had to go through.

      My goal is to make the public aware of what has taken place and the issues that have been presented to me. I’ll continue to work as long and hard as I have to and do what’s required to bring the truth to the public eye and then and only then will I “move on”.

      —>As far as scores. Check out the other schools in the district. They are all the same or around the same with Comanche but you picked that battle.

      For the sake of brevity I’ll refer you to School Digger where you can see that CSE is one of the lowest ranked schools in the district using the School Digger scoring.

      —>Why would she respond to this nonsense. I think the fact she didn’t go to the media shows her class.

      Your comment lacks context so I can only work off of assumptions of who “she” is. Based on that assumption I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. You’ve obviously failed to comprehend my previous comments.

      —>None of this ever should have gone as far as it did.

      WOW, now, after all this banter something amazing has happened. We finally agree on something

      None of this should have ever happened.

      The district should have addressed these issues with they were brought to their attention in June and July of 2014.

      They didn’t and they failed to do anything. Not only did they fail to do anything but they also failed to honor the commitments they made to myself and many other parents. Instead what happened is the whole thing blew up in their face and when people became outraged they acted like this was the first they knew of any issues within the school despite they fact they had been previously informed.

      —>And funds? I’m sure you are referring to the mulch?

      Yet again your lack of reading comprehension and incompetence shines bright. I could care less about mulch. You should ready my comments again for clarity on funds, what was spent and how I feel about that.

      Thanks though.

      This has offered some amazing insight into who exactly is commenting here.

      —>Your facts weren’t even correct about the actual incident. Many of us heard the story the next day from the source.

      I have factual information surrounding the “incident” as you like to call it.

      It’s funny that you’d refer to it as an incident.

      It wasn’t an “incident” at all though.

      It was a medical issue, a medical emergency that any reasonable person would have sought immediate emergency care for. That issue was backed by supporting documentation and should have never been an issue had the other persons involved not attempted to capitalize on and silence critics.

      Yet another confirmation that’s helpful. Thank you.

      —>A petition was created as well but didn’t y’all email the persons supervisor to take it down?

      Again, lacks context and supporting information. I have no idea what you’re referring to.

      —>I also didn’t appreciate the fact that you said our staff drinks at work. Thats a lie.There were no issues between those two before this.

      I never said “staff” drinks at work. I said that I had knowledge of one individual consuming alcohol on school property which was verified by numerous people.

      I also said that someone had condoned bringing alcohol on campus which again was based on first hand knowledge and information that can be verified.

      There’s many things I don’t appreciate including alcohol being brought onto a school campus.

      Once again, I thank you because you’ve yet again offered additional confirmations that are very helpful with future endeavors.

      —>I’m just sick about this whole thing and it seems like it continues to get worse with lies.

      I’m just sick about it also. Not that the public is aware of the travesties that have taken place but that good teachers and staff have been exposed to this reign of terror for the time that they have.

      I’m sick that Kourtney was placed on leave and not given the basic decency of explanations and treated with basic dignity that should be expected.

      I’m sick that the school district that my tax dollars pay for would ask Kourtney to subject herself to an intimate medical exam with absolutely no cause to do so.

      I’m sick that GREAT teachers have left the school and moved on to other locations.

      I’m sick that staff have lived in fear, been called names, bullied and treated in the manner they’ve been treated.

      I’m sick that the school failed to maintain state and federal standards.

      I’m sick that the district didn’t know that the school was not meeting these standards.

      I’m sick that children didn’t spend time in computer lab this year that they desperately needed.

      I’m sick the district allowed a “STEM Program” to be implemented without any oversight, measurement or transition plan and failed to recognize they needed one.

      I’m sick that an iPad that the PTA paid for was used in a manner it shouldn’t have been and was robbed as a resource from the students.

      I’m sick that the person myself and other parents complained to in June and July of last year failed to do their job.

      I’m sick that the same person has still failed to do what’s required of them and is focused on their own agenda.

      I’m sick that I missed the deadline to run for the school board because I REALLY want to be on the school board now.

      I’m sick that when I sent complaints to the district I got canned responses and not once through all of this has someone had the foresight to pick up the phone and make a call and see how we can work together to resolve the issues at hand. I offered to do this several times and was not given the dignity of a response.

      I’m sick that inappropriate language was used at the school but persons in charge on a regular basis.

      I’m sick that parents were called nicknames that were derogatory, inappropriate and just plain mean.

      I’m sick that basic safety expectations were not met.

      I’m sick that classes were help that exceeding the state allowance for much of the year.

      I’m sick that Villines has been pulled from being a resource in her position so she can clean up the incompetence of others.

      I’m sick that 504 plans, part of the federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against public school students with disabilities were not in place that are required by law.

      I’m sick that the health and safety of students and the community have been put at risk.

      I’m sick of my tax dollars being wasted.

      I’m sick of typing what I’m sick of also…….the list is pretty long.

      —>Its put a huge wedge between many of us and parents. Thats not right.

      A wedge between “many of us” and parents is of your own doing if it exists. You can’t put that one on my or anyone else.

      I’ve been nothing but supportive of teachers from day one as have others.

      Thanks again!

      • Chad, if you’re so sick of these things then why do you continue spreading these lies? It’s public knowledge that Kourtney Glaser has been terminate.

        You’re obviously angry about her being terminated, but it’s a fact. She’s terminated and there’s a reason that she was.

        Wake up to reality and move on. It’s over.

    • Kourtney Glaser has been terminated. That’s a fact.

      You need to wake up to reality. You’re showing your intelligence.

      Kourtney Glaser was terminated and you’re angry about it. That’s understandable, but you can’t change the facts. She’s terminated.

  24. was that picture of Jennifer Jordan, Curtis Jordan, and Faith Sears taken right after they went to the buffet at Pancho’s? It looks like they raised the flag one too many times.

  25. As a former employee of this district and someone who was born, raised, and graduated from this district, I am ashamed of the people who continue to bring negative attention to an already stressful environment for those who have created their livelihoods here. The children of this district do not deserve to receive the brunt of everything happening as a result of childish antics and colorful drama. Instead of creating a nurturing culture where our children should feel 100% safe and loved (especially at the elementary level), the family of educators on this campus have been torn apart. Children know and feel when there is something not right with those most important in their daily routines.

    Right or wrong…good, bad, or indifferent…it’s time to put this to rest and let those who remain heal and rebuild. Stop giving this situation any attention; it feeds the fire it thrives on. Whatever happens from here on out is between the adults involved, the school district, and a legal environment. Put your children first. What’s happened has happened and the players involved will not be returning, so go forward having your children’s best interest at heart.

  26. I wish other information would have surfaced from this district. Chadwell supported Wendee Long, grievance after grievance, and during her trial. Franklin, of the school board, firing two fantastic coaches over a made up allegation so he could place his daughter’s select volleyball coach could be hired and she’d make varsity. Doesn’t matter he wasn’t certified or that it took over a year to become certified. He got paid.
    If anyone wants change vote out the board, they focus on their families and what is best. Our district doesn’t serve the kids in a positive way. We cater to parents, pass kids so teachers aren’t punished, and only promote our friends or those from northwest.
    This article scratched the surface of politics in ems-isd. Oh, chadwell how are your kids enjoying middle school soccer. To bad teachers haven’t had raises. To bad we haven’t hired more teachers to make classroom sizes smaller. I’m sure kids are learning tons with 35+ in their classes.

    • Jane,
      Your post is dead on. As a former employee of this district this is all TRUE. I want to thank Mr. Ferguson for shining a light on this corrupt district. I would hope they look into the financial trails of the district. Many people DO NOT know this but the district charges each student who is a Medicare recipient. This program is called Eshars and students are billed for ANY special services, medications and any clinic visits. The district has made a considerable amount of money from this and Chadwell determines how it is spent. From what I understand this is how they can afford RN s at every campus and how they were able to justify getting rid of the aides. Keep digging and there will be more under handed dealings revealed.

  27. Sorry all, went to Pancho’s for lunch and it was really good so I stayed longer than expected. I’ll try to catch up on comments and responses later.


  28. This whole thing has gone on long enough. Let’s start from the beginning. I will correct some of the misinformation and inaccuracies that are out there.

    AP left a training and made 2 statements to district personnel that sounded a little odd. The HR department sent her a letter asking her to get evaluated. They asked her to get doctors to fill out some forms stating she could perform her job. She didn’t do that. She was put on leave so that she could take care of herself and get any assistance she needed to come back to work. At no time was the Principal involved in the AP being put on leave. The Principal does not have that kind of power. It is impossible for the principal to put someone on leave.

    The AP statements to the district about her bleeding and her anxiety causing her to bleed were alleged lies. At no time was she bleeding or seeing headless people. She made these stories up to cover up an Alleged AFFAIR with a male AP at a school close by. The district is aware of the affair and it lasted for more than a year. That is why she got out of that training and had to fabricate a story to cover it up.

    This petition and the story above portray the AP as a popular teacher and/or respected AP. Both are far from the truth. The AP was not a classroom teacher, she was a Behavior Specialist that did not have a classroom of students. She also was an AP for just a couple of months on a probationary contract. The district does not have to renew a prob. contract. Also it is written she had excellent evaluations as an AP, not true. She never worked long enough to get evaluated. Evaluations are done for APs towards the end of the school year. She has never been evaluated at the AP level. The AP is popular with 4 parents (who started all this) and a couple of special education teachers.

    The parents who have caused all this crap to be put out there have gone way too far. Mrs. J has written a lengthy email to the principal praising her for being great and how great she has been for her child. That email happened last school year. None of these parents had made any complaints previous to this year. Mrs. J and the other parents have issues this year because they asked for a certain teacher and they didn’t get that teacher. That is where all the anger stems from– a few parents wanting a teacher and it didn’t work out for them.

    It is district policy not to honor teacher requests, although it might have happened in situations that all members of the team determine are in the best interest of the child. Since those requests were not approved by the principal, those parents have not been happy. However, it is important to say that the teachers their kids did get are some of the best teachers in the school. I would be proud to have my child in their classes.

    It is also mentioned that the students are not safe. That is such a line of BS. If the students are not safe, why have the handful of complaining parents not pulled their children from the unsafe school? The reason is that students are safe and have never been in an unsafe school environment.

    The claim that so many teachers left the school because of the principal’s bullying and whatever else they could make up was only to deflect the real reason they left. Now I don’t expect a teacher that was failing their students or left because they didn’t want a certain student, would admit to that publicly. Let’s go down the list of some teachers that have left recently and see what really happened.

    1.Teacher – didn’t want to go to 2nd grade and teach Mrs. J’s son. Transferred to another school.

    2.Teacher – falsified testing records, her team ratted her out at the end of the year. She is not an educator anymore. She even wrote a comment on the petition and failed to mention her cheating.

    3.Teacher– husband took a job in another state, also found that most students in the upper grades that were failing had her as a K teacher. She also wrote a comment claiming she left because of the harsh environment.

    4.Teacher – left because her friend was leaving.

    5.Teacher – asked to be moved out of a STAAR testing grade, when that was honored she changed her mind and decided to transfer to a different school.

    6.Teacher- left because she didn’t want to teach without her friend being on her team. So she transferred with Teacher 5 so they could work together.

    7.Teacher – had a baby and decided to be a stay at home mom.

    8.Teacher – went to another district and has since tried twice to come back.

    9.Last Year’s AP – was promoted to Principal and was not forced out.

    All these teachers and the ones not mentioned had positions at the school, if they wanted them. No teacher was ever fired and no teacher was threatened and forced to leave. Even the teacher that falsified testing records was given a younger grade level job but, she decided to FLY away.

    The all-important computer lab incident. Teachers at the beginning of this year were expecting that their teacher desktops were to have remained in their classrooms, but when teachers were given laptops the district took their teacher desktops. Teachers weren’t happy about it and the district simply put them in a warehouse. So the principal made several calls to the powers that be to get those computers or any other computers back. Those requests were denied. Now this school has 2 computer labs, not 1 lab. The previous year the teachers had barely used the upstairs lab and when they did the students were just playing games and no real learning was going on. There is plenty of research out there that proves that computer labs are not an effective way to use technology. A decision was made to pass out the upstairs lab computers to the staff. Teachers from all over the campus were running as fast as they could to the upstairs lab to get a computer. They were all very happy to get one. Any one teacher that says different is a liar. Now every classroom had an extra port at the front of the room that the teacher could simply plug in the computer and it would work, but most teachers didn’t want the computer up front. They wanted the computer at the back of their room. In September, they were told how they could make the back of the room work for them.They could purchase a long internet cable for $5 or less or they could spend about $15 to get a device to split the signal. Two teachers out of 30 or so spent their own money to put the computer in the back. Most of the teachers left the computer sitting there all year not working. Recently, because of all the complaints the district honored the request to give the school more computers to remake the lab. Having one lab didn’t cause any decrease in learning. Almost every other school district that still has computer labs, only have one lab.

    I would think that the most concerning issue of last year would be the percentage of failing students that did not meet standards for STAAR! Public reports state that in a specific grade, over 70% failed the STAAR. That’s something to freak out about! Why is the principal being blamed for low test scores when teachers are primarily responsible for instruction?

    The “so-called petition” that many people like to refer to as legit is bogus. If you have signed the petition, you know it solicits you for money, to get more people to sign (389 more supports for $100). 2500ish supports are not from this area and have no ties to this school. A very small number are from within the school boundary.

    The Coppell connection: The principal was given a school that needed to be transformed. The principal was told to move people out by the Superintendent. There were a few teachers that weren’t happy about changes being made and they too, claimed they were bullied. They will not tell the truth, that they were having trouble teaching, and were having trouble getting with the fact that it is not the 1970’s anymore. Teaching has changed
    dramatically and some teachers refuse to change with the times. This is a huge problem at EMS-ISD.

    The board meetings: One teacher from Coppell came to the board meeting to speak. She said she speaks for the students and teachers at Comanche. She doesn’t know any of the teachers or students. The AP probably called her and got her to come and speak over here. The AP did work in Coppell briefly, until she was Allegedly Forced Out. Also, it was said that the place was packed with people against the principal. There was only a handful of parents there. Any teacher at Comanche that supports the principal would have been crazy to show up and support the principal. Mrs. J would have tried to ruin them like she is trying to ruin the principal. The real bullying is happening from the couple of parents trying to destroy this principal.

    Now there is outrage over the AP being terminated. What did you think was going to happen to someone on a one year contract that didn’t perform her duties,fabricated stories about herself, principal, district, and had an Alleged AFFAIR? Did you think that lying gets you promoted?

    There is also outrage that the principal was allowed to volunteer to leave. I don’t see any way that she would want to work here after all the harmful things that were said about her. It is obvious she did nothing wrong or the district would have been able to terminate her as well. It is a fact that the AP was terminated and the Principal was not. After a lengthy investigation that was the result.

    Now let’s address the Ferguson Manifesto.

    LIE: Ferguson says, “The fact that Comanche Springs students did not attend a computer class for the majority of 2014-2015.”

    FACT: The upstairs computer lab was never a lab that had a teacher to teach a computer class, besides the classroom teacher. The downstairs lab has a teacher and all students have classes there.

    LIE: Ferguson says, “At no time has this been about criticism of teachers at CSE.”

    FACT: Ferguson publicly humiliated his child’s teacher at a meet the teacher event at the beginning of the year. Yelling at her.

    FACT: I think it was Ferguson that said at the board meeting that all the teachers at Comanche are alcoholics.

    FACT: At a gift swap after school the day of Christmas break an alleged bottle of wine ended up being given as a gift. At no time was the wine opened. It left campus with the teacher that received it as a gift. Ferguson was told this story by the AP and somehow the story went from a bottle of wine being a gift to all teachers at Comanche are alcoholics.

    Also notice how Ferguson wants the people commenting to post their real name. Why does your real name mean that you are telling the truth? I applaud the people who are standing up against the so-called Concerned Parents. Ferguson wants your real name so they can go after you. Also notice Ferguson doesn’t tell you his inside source’s name or the names of all the teachers that claim they were working in a harmful environment. I guess by Ferguson’s logic all of these nameless people are lying.

    I too have questions about the soccer thing, but that is something that is not connected to this issue.

    There has been a ton of false information and innuendos thrown out which haven’t been substantiated. These handful of parents along with a few teachers have caused enormous damage and have maligned good people’s repetitions which is wrong, unethical and very sad on many levels.

    It is also important to note the staff at Comanche has pushed out 2 principals. When I say staff I only mean about 5 or 10 negative, poor performing teachers. NOT all teachers were involved. There are many great, respectful, and sane teachers at Comanche.

    I hope the Concerned Parents will just be concerned parents about the actual teaching and learning at Comanche. Learning should be number 1 before anything else.

    • My husband has never yelled at a teacher nor has he ever had reason to. There are far to many lies to go over in these last comments but this one offends me personally . Our daughter’s teacher this year has been amazing. We have not had one issue or problem the entire year. This is a classic example of Katy attempting to drive a wedge between people who have no problem with each other which is a senerio she reverts to time and again attempting to manipulate a situation . I’m sure the REAL teachers reading this recognize this pattern as it has played out in the school time and again. I also want to say the comments Katy is making here under all these false names do not portray what is currently the climate at the school. The school is healing and things are truly going very well. The interim principal has been wonderful and is bringing some much needed organization to a a formerly chaotic situation. The school always had great teachers and now it has some great leadership to aid them in doing their jobs. I think it interesting how many times the phrase “Move on” is repeated here. What happened at our school was deeply painful to a lot of fine teachers and families. The stories that came out on the petition were heartbreaking to read. Fort Worth Weekly has covered this story because it is a cautionary tale of what can happen when a school board ignores what is happening and turns it’s back on the parents and teachers it serves. I think most people in our school have moved on but I hope we NEVER forget what we learned here.

  29. Leanne, there are many teachers and parents that are tired of what is going on at this point. This parent group is now damaging our property values and I promise people are tired of this. it is time to move on, but it seems this group of parents is unable to.

    • I guess I don’t get what we are currently doing? Bringing our kids to school? We didn’t write this article but we have every right to defend ourselves against these attacks . If theses issues are newsworthy then perhaps that’s not our fault. If this circumstance has brought other issues with our district to light how is that our fault? People are tired of sending emails and making calls to receive no response. I feel like all we have done is help begin a dialog where others feel more comfortable to speak their minds. If the information coming out makes people uncomfortable then maybe they haven’t been doing their job in the best interest of the kids and some closer scrutiny is warranted.

      • Your last comment is a good example. These parents tried to create a perception of a terrible school with outrageous stories that were hard to believe. I dont think most parents and teachers blame these parents because they were duped by Kourtney Glaser. Now that Kourtney Glaser has been terminated it’s time to move on and accept the fact that Kourtney Glaser lied to so many people. We as parents and teachers are heartbroken over what has happened and it’s ashame that these parents were pulled into Kourtney Glaser’s web of lies. Now that we know she lied about what took place it’s time to move on. If she didn’t lie then why was she terminated and why wasn’t the former principal fired. I know that there is a lot of anger for the former principal but she chose to leave her position and it sounds as if that was a good choice. I am not a teacher on that campus but looking at the information that is public it is very clear that if any of the allegations against the former principal were true that she would have been terminated. The only one who was terminated is Kourtney Glaser. Why would she be terminated other than her lies? I also heard that she had an affair with a married man and that thus wasn’t the first time. That’s not what we need in our district. Several teachers and parents in our district have a weekly prayer group and we do pray for Kourtney and Comanche Springs. It’s so sad that this ever happened to Comanche Springs.

    • All I can say is WOW. Most of you need to return to high school, attend your prom, get back on the debate team, have your IQ tested for confirmation, whatever it is that is making you feed on this frenzy because none of you, not one single one of you has ALL the information, that includes Maurer, whom I suspect is one of the people posting comments. Yet every single one of you think you know the answers. I am friends with someone in this district and have heard about all of this since day one in the news and what she has to say, but I am CERTAIN, even her information (as is yours) is limited and is speculative. I pray that you all just stop the runaway drama train, MOVE ON and focus on how to bring peace to the EMSISD.

  30. Continued attempts to hide behind the anonymity of the internet and spin a web of lies, tell slanted stories and share partial information all while speaking on topics they have no information or facts on is doing nothing for this issue.

    While I’d love to respond point by point responding to my so called “manifesto” I’m short on time and have grown impatient with the continued faceless, nameless comments that continue to slant stories.

    I’ll say this in response to “the parents who have caused all this crap to be put out there have gone way too far”.

    First, you’ve yet to see how far I’m willing to go.

    Second, no parent caused this “crap”.

    Each and every single thing that has transpired is on the shoulders of EMSISD and their failure to address the issues. This started long before this school year ever began when they were brought to their attention.

    It’s their lack of response, poor hiring decisions and lack of accountability at all levels of their organization that created these issues.

    They themselves are the solely responsible.

    Attempts to paint a picture where I’m some sort of bully that goes around yelling at teachers will get you nowhere.

    I’ve never once yelled at a teacher or for that matter had a cross word with them. You can contact any or all of my daughters teachers and verify that. I’m quite certain they’ll clear the air for you.

    Stories claiming Comanche Springs is so somber and people are so angry at parents involved in this nightmare is a lost cause as well.

    Ironically, I’ve been contacted by numerous teachers, parents and other employees over the past few days who all state otherwise and continue to receive encouragement to expose these issues, tell the truth and continue to STAND UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT. I was stopped multiple times at school this morning as well and it was all with praise.

    You’re arguments all lack merit and any supporting evidence.

    Ironically I have tons of evidence and information and want nothing more than for the children of our community to attend good schools and for the district to be run in a responsible manner.

    Until then I suppose we’ll continue on this so called “downward spiral of property values”.

    Doing the right thing isn’t always easy.

    There has been numerous opportunities for the district to put these issues to rest and that opportunity still exists. Someone just has to take the reigns and make that happen.

    Until then, I’ll stay the course.

  31. Just wanted to say that the comments made under this name are not the principal making them. I don’t want more lies by the CPs spreading.

    There are a lot of us that know what really happened. I said what needed to be said.

  32. I would caution both reader and reporter that there are two very distinct sides to this story. Mrs. Glaser was a behavior specialist and not a popular one. To say she was inept is bit of a stretch but she is far from the exemplary educator being portrayed. She got the ap position at the end of last school year and she was on a 1 year contract. She was given a choice to resign or be terminated and she chose not to resign. The district terminated her. Last year she lied about an incident with a colleague and that colleague was terminated. This is called karma for a not very well liked educator who is not, by any means, great and yes I do know these to be facts as I worked with her in some capacity that shall remain nameless.

  33. I’d like to know why the Weekly can write a story like this about one district but nothing hard about the FWISD. Such as the recent raises that were given out this week to upper administrators approved by “I’m the Taxpayer’s Watchdod” Needham and “I’m gonna change” Jackson

  34. ““I would like to ask for the resignation of Dr. Chadwell,” she said directly to the superintendent. A nearby parent seconded the motion before Jordan was escorted out of the meeting”

    Is it customary for EMSISD to escort out parents or constituents when they say something the Board does not like or want to hear? Seems this speech would be protected by the first amendment.