Denton voted last November to just say no to hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, inside city limits.

The city’s residents spoke at the polls about an issue that impacted their quality of lives. As a result, a new law was made.

Ain’t America great?

Shaw's Rectangle (2)

Well, two can play that game.

The oil and gas industry responded by running to Austin where friendly lawmakers and regulators do their best to protect them. And before you can say “Frack Denton” or “campaign contribution” a new, bigger, heftier law was passed saying cities like Denton must allow the state to determine their fates on fracking.

So who does the state want to give this immense power to? The commissioners at the Texas Railroad Commission, the same people who have made a religion out of turning a blind eye to the industry’s shortcomings. But that’s how the political system works. Ain’t America great!

To all the state lawmakers who passed the bill: A University of Texas poll said most American believe a city should be able to determine for itself whether to allow fracking. If that’s how most people feel, maybe those people will vote their approval or disapproval the next time some of those legislators are up for re-election.



  1. Once again this nut Jeff Prince is on his bandwagon. The UT poll was done amongst those most likely to think the way Prince does. By the way Jeff I live in Fort Worth in case you wish to “discuss” the subject. I bet Jeff believes the federal government has the right to tell states what do to when it comes to enviormental law. The local control issue is just a convenient way to oppose any type of fracking.

  2. Once again Jeff is on his bandwagon. The UT poll was amongst those very likely to be against fracking. I bet Jeff is just fine with the federal government tell states what to do on enviormental issues. Local control is just a convenient way to stop all fracking. Jeff I live in Fort Worth in case you ever want to “discuss” the issue.

  3. Sorry about the double entry. When I hit to publish nothing showed so I thought it did not go through the first time.

    • Ok discuss without the quotation marks. Jeff will never discuss or engage in any discourse with someone who holds an opposite view on an issue in person. He does not believe in local control when it comes to the states and thus his using a local control argrument to stop fracking is phoney. By the way when is this article going to be off the site as it is old now.

      • Why in pluperfect hell would Jeff want to waste his time fiddling around with an offensive flake? I have personally, and several acquaintances of mine have personally, visited with Jeff informally many times. I suspect he simply doesn’t allow nit-wits to spoil his serenity. It’s a free country, he and I like it this way. What could be wrong with that? My bird-dog Roxy has a better grasp of Mr. Prince’s views than you Gary, what do you eat any way? I asked one of my pals, who often has guest pieces in the Weekly, when this article will be off the site and he said never, if the paper continues as it has always operated. Did your Mama have any kids that amounted to anything?