The Cliburn is hosting a tribute concert for John Giordano, the long-time musical director and conductor of the Fort Worth Symphony and the Cliburn’s jury chairman for 40 years, at 7:30 p.m. tonight (April 7) at the Bass Hall. The show, which will be streaming live on the arts organization’s website, will feature a staggering seven Cliburn medalists: Haochen Zhang (2009 gold), Joyce Yang (2005 silver), Stanislav Ioudenitch (2001 gold), Jon Nakamatsu (1997 gold), Simone Pedroni (1993 gold), André-Michel Schub (1981 gold), and Vladimir Viardo (1973 gold).

You can (and should) donate to support the free stream. For the full program, visit the Cliburn’s website here.


Vato Loco Tattoo (300 x 250 px)