Fort Worth artist Lauren Childs’ “Before You Go” is among the paintings on display.

Combine a cool art show, one-of-a-kind musical performance, a little vino, free admission, and proceeds that benefit a worthy charity, and you’ve got one hell of an event.

As part of Spring Gallery Night, Fort Works Art –– an ad hoc collective devoted to taking the stuffiness out of art viewing –– offers Come Together, a truly multimedia experience, at Shipping & Receiving’s warehouse on the Near Southside.

There will be art. New work by Janet Chaffee, Lauren Childs, Riley Holloway, and Robert Norris will be on display.

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And there will be music. From 7 to 9pm, Calhoun frontman Tim Locke and cellist Dace Sultanov, widow of 1989 Van Cliburn International Piano Competition gold medalist Alexei Sultanov, will perform music inspired by The Beatles.

“People are scared to go see art,” said FWA co-founder J.W. Wilson. “We’re trying to change the way people view it.”

Admission is free, but donations are encouraged. Proceeds benefit The Warm Place, a nonprofit agency that provides support for children and their families after the death of a loved one. –– Jeff Prince

[box_info]Come Together is 2-10pm Sat at Shipping & Receiving Warehouse, 205 S Calhoun St, FW. Free. Call 817-887-9313.[/box_info]