Stout: “Why does Bedford have advisory boards [at all]? Vishal Malhotra

Bedford city officials are really worried about feral cats.

They’re apparently so concerned about the development of feral cat populations that not only have they decided against adopting a city-sponsored trap-neuter-release program, but some are talking about banning individuals from carrying out those activities. And they’ve restructured the rules and membership on the animal shelter board to shut out TNR supporters.

That wholesale rejection of the trap-neuter-release system, its proponents say, may have the opposite effect from what is intended. The TNR program, used in dozens of Texas cities and counties, is probably the city’s best bet for controlling the feral cat population, animal welfare activist Connie Stout and others said. Releasing neutered animals back into the community reduces feral cat populations over time, whereas simply killing them is an endless process.

Enduro_ 300x250_REVISED

At a Feb. 4 animal shelter advisory board meeting, Panther City Feral Cat Coalition board director Sandra Bitz and Mid-Cities Community Cats member Cathy Kemp waited for a chance to ask the advisory board about shelter statistics. The two nonprofit groups work to humanely control the population of feral cats.

The agenda did not list an open forum, so after adjournment Kemp asked if the public would be allowed to ask questions at future meetings.

Board members appeared surprised by the question, Bitz recalled. Finally, one member said all questions needed to be referred to city council members, who approve the board’s agenda items. That response in return surprised Bitz, who regularly attends similar shelter meetings across Tarrant County.

There is always an opportunity for those in attendance to speak, to ask questions or make suggestions,” she said. “This is the only one I’ve been to that was totally closed to residents, welfare groups, and concerned citizens.”

During a city council meeting the following week, council member Roger Fisher, liaison to the shelter, made the advisory board’s role clear.

“Those boards and commissions are working under the direction of the council on the goals and ideas of the council,” Fischer said. “A public forum is not conducive in that arena.”

“That means [residents and taxpayers] are shut out,” Bitz said.

Directors and volunteers with animal welfare groups say the incident is just the latest in a string of actions taken by Bedford Mayor Jim Griffin, council members, and current shelter board members to suppress input from supporters of TNR. Last year the council voted 4 to 3 not to adopt the TNR program despite the recommendation of the then-sitting advisory board.

The vote was effectively a death sentence for feral cats brought to the city shelter unless they are promptly rescued. The council also removed all six members of the shelter board, replaced them with three people who do not support TNR, and restructured the board to bring it more firmly under city council control.

Stout, who was one of those removed from the shelter board, has been working with rescue groups to save as many of the feral cats as she can, get them neutered, and find people willing to have them released on their farms or properties outside of town. But she can’t save them all.

Through her new nonprofit, Mid-Cities Community Cats, Stout and her supporters are trying to educate the public on the benefits of TNR. The group’s next event is at the Hollywood Feed Store in Colleyville on March 21.

Dawn Orr, a dog behavioral specialist, was chair of the shelter advisory board before the purge. She said she was notified about her dismissal well after council voted on the matter.

“It was upsetting,” she said. The council “does not want to adopt change and accept opinions from outside persons. I think the majority of the shelter staff cares about the animals, but the city council doesn’t want to change. Change might mean more work.”

Griffin said in an e-mail to Fort Worth Weekly that the council “restructured the animal shelter advisory board to align with state law” on items such as “the times to meet and the number of board members.” The council felt the time was right to align boards and commissions to the council’s goals and visions, he said.

The animal shelter board was purged last summer. In August the council approved an ordinance cutting the board’s meetings from six per year to the state minimum of three and rewriting the board’s mission statement. Language was also added to allow the council to remove any member of a city advisory board or commission “with or without cause.”

“This looks like the mayor and council members do not want any kind of input at all from the community,” Stout said. “If it’s not matched to their beliefs, [the council] is going to get rid of you.”

Stout used the state open-records law to obtain e-mail correspondence among city officials about the TNR program. In an e-mail sent last May, new shelter board chairwoman Barbara Richardson wrote to Deputy Police Chief Eric Griffin that Bedford needs to outlaw TNR. Griffin oversees the animal shelter.

If that happened, Bedford would be the only city in Texas to ban the program, said Elizabeth Holtz, senior attorney at Alley Cat Allies. She said her group is deeply concerned that such an ordinance would even be considered.

“Considering that over 46 Texas cities and counties support or recognize TNR, [such an ordinance] would certainly be out of step with the rest of the state. Furthermore, other municipalities in the region, including Fort Worth, Arlington, and Garland, recently adopted TNR,” she said. One city in Maryland banned TNR last year, she said.

In another e-mail to Griffin, Richardson discussed the possibility of banning the feeding or harboring of feral cats, aimed in part at preventing the establishment of feral cat colonies. “The hard part in enforcing this is that you have to actually catch them putting food out to issue a citation, which is very time-consuming,” she said.

Last February, a 76-year-old Gainesville man was jailed for eight days for feeding stray cats in violation of a city ordinance. The arrest drew widespread criticism on social media and from animal-rights groups.

Richardson referred questions from the Weekly to City Secretary Michael Wells, who provided council meeting minutes related to the animal shelter advisory board restructuring but declined to comment.

The lack of transparency and public input is particularly worrisome to Stout.

“So my question is, why does Bedford have advisory boards [at all] if the advisory boards are told by the council how and what to advise, think, and feel?” Stout said.

Griffin, in his e-mail, said that he and the city council support any nonprofit that performs TNR in Bedford. After listening to input from a wide range of people, however, he did not see the value of implementing TNR as a city policy, he said.

Despite her abrupt dismissal from the shelter advisory board last year, Orr said she would volunteer in Bedford again if the council was open to citizen input.

“If they would change, I would jump back in there,” she said. “I have a special place in my heart for Bedford … but at this point I haven’t even been back to their shelter.

“It’s sad. Animals are suffering, but if I go in there and can’t do anything, it’s a waste of my time.”


  1. Finally, some government officials with some common sense and more than a bambi-cartoon-education.

    The 100% effective and PERMANENT SOLUTION. Guaranteed. Tested and approved.

    You will find that it is 100% ineffective to try to discuss this with any cat-advocate. Do what I did after 15 years of trying to reason-with and educate the ineducable (at the loss of THOUSANDS of native animals that their cats tortured to death on my lands). Ignore every last thing that every last cat-advocate might ever say and you too will solve a centuries’ old problem PERMANENTLY in less than 2 seasons of your time, for a cost of only $0.003 (1/3-penny) to $0.04 per cat. Cat-advocates ARE the problem, they can’t be any part of the solution. If you include them in the solution then YOU WILL FAIL. They now deserve and require the EXACT same amount of respect and consideration as they have shown and given to every other life on this planet, animal and human included, that being — ABSOLUTELY NONE. Then and only then will you solve this global ecological disaster that they created and are hellbent on perpetuating.

    No trapping program in the world has been able to catch-up to cats’ breeding rates, this is precisely why Trap & Kill failed as well as Trap, Neuter, Re-abandon (TNR) is an even bigger failure. Actively and aggressively hunting them down, employing “Hunted to Extinction” methods, is the ONLY way to get ahead of and stay ahead of cats’ breeding rates, their ability to out-adapt to any trapping method used, and also the rates at which criminally-irresponsible cat-lickers let more invasive-species vermin cats be born and dumped illegally outdoors.

    Licensing and laws do nothing to curb the problem. If cats are required to be licensed then these lying, deceitful, manipulative, and conniving cat-lickers just stop putting collars on their cats; as they did by me. And they won’t even bother getting them micro-chipped, especially not that. They want absolutely nothing that can hold them legally accountable for their actions and the actions of their cats. We’re not talking about the topmost responsible citizens of the world, you know. They don’t want that responsibility of what they and their cats have done coming back on them. If they had even one iota of a sense of responsibility and respect for all other lives on this planet we wouldn’t even be having these discussions.

    Any non-native cat that is allowed to illegally hunt our native wildlife where I live then in turn gets hunted until dead. No delays, no excuses, NO EXCEPTIONS. That’s the very best way to keep these invasive species vermin from destroying any more native wildlife or spreading any more of their 3dozen+ deadly diseases to all other animals and humans. They had annihilated all the wildlife on my lands for 15 years, until on advice of the Sheriff I shot and buried every last one of hundreds of their vermin cats for them (AS-IS THE LEGAL RIGHT OF EVERY LAND-OWNER). Collared or not — for you MUST destroy ALL stray collared cats as well, they are the very source of every last feral cat. If you don’t destroy them too then you have done NOTHING to solve the feral cat problem. Guaranteed. All the cat-lickers by me told me for over a decade that all their “pet” cats were sterilized. But upon inspection during shooting and burying hundreds of them, NOT ONE of their cats was sterilized. Cat-advocates and cat-owners are manipulative and deceptive LIARS — one and all.

    If you live where its not legal to use firearms (areas zoned as “residential”) then check into 700-1200fps air-rifles and round-nosed vermin-pellets. Many of the new ones come with their own sound-suppressor designs built-in, specifically designed for shooting vermin cats in urban areas, the demand is that great. Just remember, shoot-to-kill is a perfectly legal way to rid your homes and lands of these diseased vermin cats. Shoot-to-maim is animal cruelty, and rightly so, all hunters know this. Don’t let them parade another illegal shoot-to-maim case in the media to exploit yet another suffering cat for donations for themselves. They torture enough cats to death with their TNR programs for that and make $millions by doing so. (Check out Better Business Bureau’s findings of “Alley Cat All Lies” for one example of how to become a multimillionaire by torturing stray cats to death by letting them roam free. They can’t become millionaires if they euthanize them first! No, they need dead and suffering cats in all the streets of the world so when they find them dying of TNR “attrition” they can further exploit dead and injured cats for massive donations to their own bank-accounts. You too can become a deceptive, manipulative, and morally reprehensible $multimillionaire by following this animal-torturing and cyber-bullying business-model invented by Becky Robinson!)

      • NO sane person in the world wants to get a bunch of psychotic and sociopathic net-stalking & cyber-bullying cat-lickers invading their personal lives. All that do learn this lesson learn it far far too late.

        Take this example: A loving veterinarian who tried to save the life of a sick cat from one of your outdoor hoarded TNR colonies. You sociopathic and psychopathic cat-licking wastes-of-flesh cyber-bullied this caring and loving veterinarian to suicide. banvetabuse D0T blogspot D0T co D0T uk SLASH 2014_03_01_archive D0T html

        Here too is a good example of what will happen should even one of your TNR cats get ran-over by a car (or dies from any other form of “attrition”) near someone’s place of business or your home: facebook D0T com SLASH photo D0T php?fbid=747875778604304&set=o.37899252087 And here’s what really happened: wtov9 D0T com SLASH news/features/top-stories/stories/alleged-animal-abuse-investigated-weirton-5308 D0T shtml Someone not even associated with this business ran-over one of their free-roaming cats by accident. The fun part of this cyber-bullying attack (which, luckily the business-owners had excellent lawyers and were able to get most of their cyber-attack sites shut-down fast in one day, as well as sue the piśś out of anyone involved), is that the group behind it all and supported by Alley-Cat-All-Lies (where I found the above facebook link still available) even admitted that those photos were from Europe over two years ago and another from China 5 years ago: chinasmack D0T com SLASH 2009 SLASH pictures SLASH kittens-found-abused-dead-mother-kunming D0T html . They just paste dead-cat photos around whatever businesses they want to destroy where any of their TNR cats get ran-over. Isn’t TNR GREAT!! LOL

        Google for: LOEWS HOTELS FERAL CATS, if people still don’t believe what these psychotic cat-licking TNR whack-jobs do to everyone on the planet.

        Another replay of what these cat-licking cyber-bullying sociopaths do, Google for: CATS VENICE COMPLEX REPRIEVE. A $150 million renovation project for low-income housing, put on hold, jobs lost, money lost, homeless still homeless, court costs and lawyers, just to save a few of their feral vermin c-Rats. And the saddest part of all, the vast majority of these TNR’ed cats had already died heinous inhumane deaths from TNR-practitioners’ “humane death by attrition” re-abandonment philosophy. (Road-kill, diseases, parasites, injuries, environmental poisons, cat & animal attacks, exposure, etc.)

        Similar scenarios can be found daily and weekly by Googling for feral cats and churches, universities, hospitals, shopping centers, malls, apartment complexes, etc. Cat-lickers delusionally believe that any land on which a cat has stepped-foot is their own property and they can manipulate and control the owners and all laws on it.

        This is precisely why everyone is learning to destroy all cats on their properties as quickly and quietly as possible. Telling nobody beforehand about any cats even being there. Long before these psychotic cyber-bullying cat-licker sociopaths and psychopaths get wind of the cats. Shoot (or trap & drown) cats first — tell no-one later. The only thing worse than feral cats are feral cat-lickers. You can legally shoot the former, not the latter. You need to pay lawyers and courts to get rid of the latter. THEN you can get rid of their cats. And the sad part is, that’s EXACTLY what happens, each and every time.

        People are wising-up. If ANY cats are around they destroy every last one of them first, before they make any other move. Before these cyber-bullying cat-lickers can do anything about it to try to destroy and waste everyone’s lives even more than they already have with their disease-infested invasive-species vermin cats. Not quite the results that these sociopathic cat-lickers had intended, but that’s what they’re getting! 🙂

        So, you were saying? LOL

    • This is one of the longest and non-sensical rants I’ve ever read 15% of. I wish we could TNR people like you. Sadly, trash breeds faster than cats and dogs combined.

  2. (part 2, with obfuscated URL’s due to what appears to be a URL’s per-post limitation, I so hate putting up with moron web-site admins)

    Then there’s always the “SSS and TDSS Cat Management Programs” that are exploding in popularity worldwide: Shoot, Shovel, & Shut-Up; or Trap, Drown, Shovel, & Shut-Up. Both methods are legal on every square foot of this earth. No local ordinances were violated if it never happened. In fact, most law-enforcement agencies prefer that you use either of those two methods so that these criminally-negligent cat-lickers don’t cause even more problems for your community than they already have with their disease-infested vermin. As we ALL know, the only thing worse than having feral cats is drawing feral-cat-lickers (criminally irresponsible cat-hoarders) right to your door. They will do everything possible to destroy your life even further than they already have with their cats if they find out you are even thinking about destroying their vermin for them. Cat-lickers delusionally believe that any land on which a cat has stepped-foot is their own property and they can manipulate and control the owners and all laws on it. There are dozens of their cyber-stalking and cyber-bullying attacks on individuals, businesses, whole towns, and even corporations on a weekly basis. One time so bad that they even drove a loving veterinarian to suicide, and she only tried to save the life of one of their outdoor hoarded TNR cats. banvetabuse D0T blogspot D0T co D0T uk SLASH 2014_03_01_archive D0T html They will even send death-threats to Congressmen and their families. Google for: Oda Lawmakers Shun Security Threats

    Here too is a good example of what will happen should even one of their TNR cats get ran-over by a car (or dies from any other form of “attrition”) near someone’s place of business or your home: facebook D0T com SLASH photo D0T php?fbid=747875778604304&set=o.37899252087 And here’s what really happened: wtov9 D0T com SLASH news/features/top-stories/stories/alleged-animal-abuse-investigated-weirton-5308 D0T shtml Someone not even associated with this business ran-over one of their free-roaming cats by accident. The fun part of this cyber-bullying attack (which, luckily the business-owners had excellent lawyers and were able to get most of their cyber-attack sites shut-down fast in one day, as well as sue the piśś out of anyone involved), is that the group behind it all and supported by Alley-Cat-All-Lies (where I found the above facebook link still available) even admitted that those photos were from Europe over two years ago and another from China 5 years ago: chinasmack D0T com SLASH 2009 SLASH pictures SLASH kittens-found-abused-dead-mother-kunming D0T html . They just paste dead-cat photos around whatever businesses they want to destroy where any of their TNR cats get ran-over. Isn’t TNR GREAT!! LOL

    This is precisely why everyone is learning to destroy all cats on their properties as quickly and quietly as possible. Telling nobody beforehand about any cats even being there. Long before these psychotic cyber-bullying cat-licker sociopaths and psychopaths get wind of the cats. Shoot (or trap & drown) cats first — tell no-one later. The only thing worse than feral cats are feral cat-lickers. You can legally shoot the former, not the latter. You need to pay lawyers and courts to get rid of the latter. THEN you can get rid of their cats. And the sad part is, that’s EXACTLY what happens, each and every time. People are wising-up. If ANY cats are around they destroy every last one of them first, before they make any other move. Before these cyber-bullying cat-lickers can do anything about it to try to destroy and waste everyone’s lives even more than they already have with their disease-infested invasive-species vermin cats. Not quite the results that these sociopathic cat-lickers had intended, but that’s what they’re getting! 🙂

      • According to you and your demented ilk this must be just like all those deeply disturbed serial-killers in the making that are eradicating all those other invasive-species in N. America; like Kudzu, Purple-Loosestrife, Gypsy Moths, Emerald Ash-Borers, African Cichlids, Burmese Pythons, etc., from their lands and lakes. MANY of which are due to criminally negligent pet-owners who let their invasive species pets escape confinement or dumped them on purpose. All those invasive-species are destroyed on-sight BY LAW. In fact it is your civic and moral duty to destroy ANY of them if found away from containment — no questions asked, none required.

        Or how about all those sickos that run animal-shelters, they’re nothing but a bunch of child-murdering pedophiles because they have to euthanize animals every day. And every farmer and rancher that has to humanely put down an animal with a gun for your weekend rural-barbecue must be molesting and murdering everything in their county. Those damned sickos! And what about all those people in stockyards murdering all those cattle every day for your McBurgers? I bet they’re a hide-out for all the serial-killers that nobody can find! And all those hunters that provide food for their family by hunting, I bet they’re the worst of all!

        And of course, the ABSOLUTELY WORST, MOST MENTALLY-ILL OF ALL — all those people that are paying HIRED-KILLERS to murder all those BILLIONS of INNOCENT ANIMALS EVERY YEAR to then cram their tortured dead bodies into cans and bags and slap a “CAT FOOD!” label on them for you! A bunch of demented basket cases. They’re probably the MOST heinous and notorious serial-killers of all! (on this one I’d agree)

        I bet you’re onto something!

        Like your needing serious psychological help.

        Paranoid psychotic much?

  3. (part 3, with obfuscated URL)
    Where cats have already learned to evade all trapping methods for trapping & drowning (and you aren’t confident with firearms or air-rifles (local ordinances permitting)), then inexpensive generic acetaminophen (overseas paracetamol) pain-relievers are a more species-specific vermin poison (though harmful to most reptiles, which won’t be dining on the cat-bait-foods that you’ll be using) — a method condoned by even Audubon, Smithsonian, and National Geographic today. Stray cats have been listed as “vermin” since the early 1900’s. (I learned this from a cat-licker. Thanks cat-lickers!) This is why it is even legal to use any and all vermin-poisons on them. For an even more species-specific vermin poison check into the toxicity of “Lilium” species of flowers too. Be certain the plant contains the word “Lilium” in the scientific-name (other plants with the word “Lily” in the common-name may be toxic to other species besides cats). Common N. American “Day Lilies” also work, they are the one exception to the rule that the name “Lilium” needs to be in the scientific name. Lilium species of flowers are 100% fatal to cats ONLY, even a bit of pollen on their fur that they lick-off will do. If they even drink a bit of water in which a bunch of Lilium flowers have been kept — that too is fatal, but totally harmless to all other species of animals (including dogs). Much safer for the environment and all other animals than the rat-poisons and antifreeze that cat-lickers have forced everyone into using on their cats. These plants when harvested and dried for year-round cat-eradication use is even better, as the unknown toxin is concentrated during the drying process (the blossoms and pollen being most toxic), and the dried plants are even more palatable to cats. An excellent mulch for anyone’s garden or a ground-up additive for any tins of food left lying around.

    However, you really need to dispose of that cat safely and hygienically so that wildlife won’t die from the deadly diseases cats spread even after their death. Leaving ANY cat out in nature, alive OR dead, is no better than intentionally poisoning your native wildlife to death. I know this. I fed one of the hundreds of shot-dead cats on my lands to some wildlife under my care, those animals and their offspring that they had while under my care then died from some disease in that cat-meat. Cats truly are complete and total wastes-of-flesh. They can’t even be used to feed wildlife safely.

    I don’t see anyone dumping cats where I live anymore. They don’t even adopt more than can be kept under lock & key 24/7/52. When driving through the area I don’t see even one cat on anyone’s doorsteps anymore. I always keep an eye-out to see if there are more free-roaming cats that will have to be shot. And if I’ll have to leave fish-oil trails on all the roadsides again, leading right to my IR surveillance system and laser-sighted rifle. (You can read the most effective methods I invented to rid my lands of hundreds of these vermin in only two seasons at this site: americanhunter D0T org SLASH blogs/arkansas-will-trap-feral-cats The eradication of these vermin was so complete and effective that cats are non-existent from my area for FIVE years now. Not seen nor heard a single one. So much for that cat-lickers’ oft-spewed and manipulative “vacuum effect” deception and lie too, eh?)

    Leaving ANY of their invasive species cats outside in my area means certain death for their cat, its further existence can be counted in hours. You’d think everyone else could learn from this simple lesson. The quickest way to solve an unwanted animal and irresponsible pet-owner problem is to let everyone know that you will quickly and humanely destroy every last one of their unwanted, uncared-for, or unsupervised animals for them. They either grow up fast or, far more plausible, dump their animals elsewhere to become someone else’s problem.

    You just can’t be an enabler of criminally irresponsible spineless and heartless idiots — or they remain that way. (At least where you live, anyway.)


  4. A little more insight into these “wonderful” TNR con-artists and scam-artists (with obfuscated URL’s due to URL’s per-post limitation):

    You are aware, I hope, that grants from Alley-Cat-ALL-LIES, HSUS, SPCA, PetSmart and BestFriends, et al, are just meager seed-money to ensure that you have an unending supply of constantly increasing populations of feral cats that you’ll have to feed and vet into perpetuity. Do you think they do it out of the goodness of their hearts? They don’t care which animals die — like those they grind-up and cram into your cans and bags of cat-food, or the BILLIONS of innocent animals that their cats skin-alive and disembowel-alive for their cats’ screeching and writhing play-toys — as long as they are on the money-making side of it all. They’ll rape the stupid in your community out of $MILLIONS as the years go on.

    There’s vast amounts of money to be made if you torture unwanted cats to death with TNR’s “loving and humane attrition” and then parade them in the media for donations.

    Can you spell “Hoax” & “Fraud”?

    These TNR cat-lickers (criminal outdoor-cat-hoarders) who re-spew all the highly manipulative and deceptive lies and misinformation of Alley-Cat-All-Lies didn’t do their due-diligence research.

    Here’s the very first link that any of their followers and supporters should have checked out.

    web D0T archive D0T org SLASH web/20131013073823 SLASH http COLON SLASH SLASH www D0T bbb D0T org SLASH charity-reviews/national/animal-protection/alley-cat-allies-in-bethesda-md-107/financial
    (It looks like Alley-Cat-All-Lies forced BBB to take down the original pages (for being outdated?), to no-doubt run from proof of all their past activities, but these web-archive pages still exist. 🙂 It appears that BBB refuses to re-evaluate them, and for good reason, the first decade was ENOUGH PROOF! Or is it because “Alley Cat ALL LIES” doesn’t want anyone to see their financial reports anymore? Read on …)

    They don’t even meet the criteria to qualify for being a reputable charity organization under “Better Business Bureau” standards. While Becky and all her close friends are laughing all the way to the bank to the tune of over $5M in assets with more than a $7M yearly income. (Their 2013 financial report puts their income at well over $7.2M. No sign of any further financial reports from them for two to three years since this has become widely known. What are they hiding?)

    They all flew to Hawaii in the fall of 2013 for another “cat-conference” because, for some unknown reason, they had to be there to discuss these issues. I wonder how many cats could have been saved from freezing to the pavement each winter from the price of all their flights and lodging and luxurious food, drink, and entertainment in Hawaii? But these TNR group-leaders were so warm and having so much fun! For 2014 they partied in Atlantic-City, Reno, and Vegas! No doubt feeding slot-machines and gyrating ğ-strings with everyone else’s money.

    For another good laugh check out how much Becky and her friends have been paying themselves with everyone else’s money.
    web D0T archive D0T org SLASH web/20131013073823 SLASH http COLON SLASH SLASH www D0T bbb D0T org SLASH charity-reviews/national/animal-protection/alley-cat-allies-in-bethesda-md-107/governance-and-staff

    According to their 2012 Income-Tax “Form 990”, each of their top employees get paid anywhere from $150,000 to $185,000 PER YEAR. “Not for profit”, my Ä$$!
    alleycat D0T org SLASH file/document-management—who-we-are/2012_Form_990_ACA D0T pdf

    They have been launching some damage-control with their “Future Five” program to prove to everyone their true and trustworthy intentions. Awarding a princely $5,000 grant to some deserving group. $5,000 is less than 0.1% of their assets, 0.07% of their 2013 income. They might as well just shîť in the face of every last fool that ever donated to them.

    Support yet another organization that exploits and perpetuates the suffering of animals for their own personal financial gain, then try to sleep well at night.

    This is even more “rich”. I recently discovered that anyone who posts a request for financial help on Alley-Cat-All-Lies Facebook pages is then referred to this page of theirs: alleycat D0T org SLASH economy

    Not ONE link on that page refers to getting actual financial help from Alley-Cat-All-Lies themselves. And even more rich, their very first resource that they send people to, to feed their feral cats, is a national food-bank organization where people donate food to feed needy humans. They are taking the food out of the mouths of needy human infants to feed their diseased vermin cats.

    I don’t think I’ve seen a sadder and more sorry and despicable case of “charity” in my whole life before this.

    Oh wait, that’s right. I forgot. You MUST throw cats out into the streets with Becky Robinson’s TNR programs so they get ran-over by cars or attacked by other cats or other animals, get eaten from the inside-out by parasites or die any other of the myriad heinous and inhumane ways that nearly every last TNR cat dies from “loving attrition”. Then when you find them suffering to death from TNR’s “humane death by attrition”, you can parade them in the media to ask for even more $millions in donations to line your own pockets. This is why HSUS and SPCA loves TNR so much too. You can’t exploit suffering cats for $millions if you humanely euthanize them first! Oh no, you need them to die publicly in the streets if you are going to get any money from cats. It’s the ONLY value they have now — to suffer to death so those who exploit them can get wealthy.

    It’s the new money-making scam! Torture cats to death with TNR and then as they die-off from “attrition” exploit them in the media for even more money! You too can become a deceptive, manipulative, and morally reprehensible multimillionaire by following this animal-torturing business-model invented by Becky Robinson!

  5. YOU are the one who should be hunted and killed, and if your warped ideas have caught on to anyone else they better take care also. YOU ARE A MURDERER – and I’ll bet you’ve already lost that part of you that would lead to any offspring. The world would be better off if you had never been born.

  6. Kate Preston, The hallmark of every last one of you useless cat-lickers on earth — you are also a self-professed and self-evident sociopath/psychopath. You would much rather have any humans be hurt or even die (or ANY other life on earth suffer and die) than any of your disease-infested, invasive species, pestilent, vermin cats.

    JUST so you can desperately try to feel good about yourselves and pretend to feel needed — because nothing on earth needs nor wants you fools. Not even your cats need nor want you. That’s why so many cats try to escape from their supervised confinement, outsmarting their owners. (Proving too that even their cats are smarter than you sociopathic cat-lickers.) It even proves that your cats are smart enough to know better and don’t even want to be around people as phenomenally stupid and psychotic as their owners.

    Here’s another thing that you sociopathic cat-lickers never realize: Someone who will save the life of a deadly disease-infested vermin cat over that of the life of any human is not to be trusted by any other human alive on this planet. Not even you cat-lickers can trust your fellow cat-lickers to save each others’ lives when it comes right down to it. Truth is, you’d even rather that your own family and friends die (if you have any) than any of your deadly disease-infested cats. Sociopaths and psychopaths, one and all — right to your very cores.

    You are aware too, aren’t you, that out of ALL types of pet-owners on the face of this earth, that cat-owners and cat advocates are directly responsible for the suffering deaths of more animals and more species of animals than any other pet-owners on the planet. CAT-OWNERS ARE A TRIPLE-THREAT TO ALL ANIMAL LIFE ON EARTH. If not having animals killed for their own consumption, then they are having animals killed and crammed into bags and cans and having a “CAT FOOD” label slapped on them for their cat’s consumption, and if they let their cats outside then they are senselessly torturing billions of native animals and countless thousands of native species to death yearly just for their cats’ play-toys. As well as the countless BILLIONS of offspring of all those animals that are either starved to death or never get born. How many animals are you going to have senselessly killed or tortured today for your entertainment and your purely and wholly self-serving “but cats make me feel good!” values?

    If your cat so much as touches one paw on my property, I guarantee you that I have the legal right no matter where I live to destroy your trespassing vermin cat for you. How many animals of yours are going to have to permanently disappear before you finally learn your much-deserved lesson in how to be a responsible pet-owner and a respectable neighbor and human? 12? 15? (those being the average disappeared cats per cat-licker before they even begin to learn their much-deserved lesson at long-last) 200? The ones by me who were adopting cats from “barn cat programs” were uniquely cretinized and lobotomized. I had to shoot and bury many hundreds of their cats to stop them from gutting-alive and skinning-alive the last of the native wildlife on my lands before these uniquely cretinized and lobotomized cat-lickers started to learn their much-deserved lesson at long-last. Yes, some of them are just that criminally-irresponsible and phenomenally stupid. Are you that criminally-irresponsible and phenomenally stupid?

    Love ’em or lose ’em!

    Bottom line: If you don’t want to take care of your cat in the manner that YOU see fit, then I guarantee you that I WILL take care of your cat in the manner that I see fit — ONE TIME. And it only takes one time. See one, shoot one, A.S.A.P. Simple as that.


    If your cat gets hurt or dies, NO MATTER HOW YOUR CAT GETS HURT OR DIES, that’s YOUR FAULT. Make NO mistake about that! And you can be charged with all laws that clearly define animal-neglect, animal-abandonment, and animal-endangerment — not to mention every last national and international invasive-species law and environmental-protection-act on earth.

    Do you actually love your vermin? Or are you just using it as a highly expendable animal-sacrifice to manipulate everyone in your life? I guess we’ll find out when your piece-of-shît vermin never comes home.

    PSA: The time is now …. Half-Past Kill-Kitty O’Clock …. do you know where your piece-of-shît, disease-infested, invasive species, ecological disaster, vermin cat is? If not, grab a shovel and I’ll show you where its new “loving furever-home” is now.

    • TNR RESEARCHER It won’t let me post my real opinion of you and your thoughts. No bad words allowed. So I’ll just call you a putz

    • TNR RESEARCHER It won’t let me post my real opinion of you and your thoughts. No bad words allowed. So I’ll just say you might have some mental problems at very least.

      • According to you and your demented ilk this must be just like all those deeply disturbed serial-killers in the making that are eradicating all those other invasive-species in N. America; like Kudzu, Purple-Loosestrife, Gypsy Moths, Emerald Ash-Borers, African Cichlids, Burmese Pythons, etc., from their lands and lakes. MANY of which are due to criminally negligent pet-owners who let their invasive species pets escape confinement or dumped them on purpose. All those invasive-species are destroyed on-sight BY LAW. In fact it is your civic and moral duty to destroy ANY of them if found away from containment — no questions asked, none required.

        Or how about all those sickos that run animal-shelters, they’re nothing but a bunch of child-murdering pedophiles because they have to euthanize animals every day. And every farmer and rancher that has to humanely put down an animal with a gun for your weekend rural-barbecue must be molesting and murdering everything in their county. Those damned sickos! And what about all those people in stockyards murdering all those cattle every day for your McBurgers? I bet they’re a hide-out for all the serial-killers that nobody can find! And all those hunters that provide food for their family by hunting, I bet they’re the worst of all!

        And of course, the ABSOLUTELY WORST, MOST MENTALLY-ILL OF ALL — all those people that are paying HIRED-KILLERS to murder all those BILLIONS of INNOCENT ANIMALS EVERY YEAR to then cram their tortured dead bodies into cans and bags and slap a “CAT FOOD!” label on them for you! A bunch of demented basket cases. They’re probably the MOST heinous and notorious serial-killers of all! (on this one I’d agree)

        I bet you’re onto something!

        Like your needing serious psychological help.

        Paranoid psychotic much?

        You are aware too, aren’t you, that out of ALL types of pet-owners on the face of this earth, that cat-owners and cat advocates are directly responsible for the suffering deaths of more animals and more species of animals than any other pet-owners on the planet. CAT-OWNERS ARE A TRIPLE-THREAT TO ALL ANIMAL LIFE ON EARTH. If not having animals killed for their own consumption, then they are having animals killed and crammed into bags and cans and having a “CAT FOOD” label slapped on them for their cat’s consumption, and if they let their cats outside then they are senselessly torturing billions of native animals and countless thousands of native species to death yearly just for their cats’ play-toys. As well as the countless BILLIONS of offspring of all those animals that are either starved to death or never get born. How many animals are you going to have senselessly killed or tortured today for your entertainment and your purely and wholly self-serving “but cats make me feel good!” values?

          • It is mandatory by law in nearly every, if not every, state of the USA to shoot any dog on sight that is seen harassing wildlife. This is why feral dog-packs are a rarity in most areas. They are SHOT before things get that bad. I keep a paintball-gun loaded with red-pellets for any stray dogs. Stings enough to teach a teachable dog, and leaves a nice signal on their coat. The first time they get the paintball gun (and MAYBE a 2nd time too if they seem to be a well-mannered dog). If that doesn’t teach the owner and alert them to what could have REALLY happened to their dog, then sadly nobody is learning anything — so out comes the rifle next time their dog is seen chasing wildlife.

            Cats aren’t so easily forgiven, because from past experience I know that warning a cat-licker makes absolutely no difference whatsoever (as anyone knows who has ever tried to deal with any of them, look at this very discussion as proof of what I say). I and the sheriff tried that failed method of trying to reason-with cat-lickers for over 15 years while their cats annihilated all the native wildlife on my lands — from smallest of prey up to the top predators that cats had starved to death by turning all their foods into tortured-to-death play-toys for their cats. And if the native animals were not starved out or killed directly, then all their offspring that were forced to starve-to-death when the parents no longer returned to feed their offspring.

            Cat-owners really could care less about their outdoor cats (or any animals, or any other life on earth for that matter, they would even rather that all humans died than their vermin cats — i.e. pure sociopaths) and they don’t really care how ANY of their cats die. So out comes the rifle on the first sighting of a cat instead of the paintball-gun. They don’t care how their cat is going to die, so why on earth should anyone else? Nobody has the time to put up with a cat-licker’s BS, nonsense, deceptions, and lies. I most certainly learned that the hard way. (At the cost of countless thousands and thousands of native animals on my lands that their vermin invasive-species cats gutted-alive and skinned-alive, tortured to death for cats’ play-toys, over a 2-decade cat-pestilence.)

            People who actually care about their animals keep them confined and supervised, or they lose them — permanently. You can tell who actually loves their animals because their animals are still alive. If you treat your animal as an expendable thing then so will everyone else. Again you have nobody but yourselves to blame for the deaths of any of your domesticated animals that you let roam free.

  7. Kate, you might also want to get more than a rudimentary grammar-school education, or at least get and learn how to use a dictionary.

    The word “murder” is reserved for the case of human death ONLY. A cat or dog can never be murdered. It can only be killed or destroyed. Try to not buy into the anthropomorphic psychoses that has deranged the minds of so many bambi-cartoon-educated psychotics like you. Or is it already too late for you? (It obviously is too late for a cretin like you.)

    And, if you are buying cat-food for cats and believe that killing animals is “murder”, then that makes you an accomplice to “murder”, for you having paid “hired killers” to “murder” all those innocent animals and have their tortured dead bodies ground-up and crammed into bags, boxes, and cans and slapped a “CAT FOOD” label on them for you.

    Even if you do believe that killing a cat is “murder” (as psychotic as that belief might be), then a cat killing all wildlife makes the cat a serial-killer “murderer”. As far as myself, I merely carry-out their death-penalty on my lands for them having “murdered” so many thousands and thousands innocent native animals’ lives, tortured to death by disemboweling them alive or skinning them alive. Even under the terms of “murder” and torture of animals they deserved to be shot to death. ESPECIALLY under the terms of the definition of murder and torturing animals to death — if it is going to be used to describe deaths of animals; outdoor cats most certainly deserve a death-sentence for just being the witnessed, confirmed, and unstoppable animal-torturing serial-killers that they are.

    If you believe that killing any animal is “murder”, then all outdoor cats must be given a death-sentence for all their heinous crimes against all of nature and all of humanity. You can’t have it both ways!

  8. Actually, TNR, you are absolutely right. But your word walls and commenting overkill has ruined delivery of your message.
    But you are right. Cats are non-native here, have devastated bird, small mammal, reptile, amphibian, and rodent populations, and are NOT controlled by trap-and-release programs. Many North American urban areas are over-run and the problem is growing, as you would expect, exponentially.

    • Actually, you are wrong. Cats do NOT devastate native bird, rodent, etc. populations. Those studies have been proven to be false and full of junk science. TNR programs have been PROVEN to control stray and feral cat populations. It is people like YOU who compromise these programs by spewing lies. As long as people let their pet cats roam, dump their cats on the street, and abandon litters, there will always be a cat “problem.” But it’s not because TNR doesn’t work. There are millions more cats in the shelter system than dogs. And show me proof and scientific evidence that shooting/poisoning/killing cats controls the population??? Sterilization has worked WONDERS to control the stray dog problem in various parts of the country. Cats are historically seen by many as a throw-away pet, and we, as human beings who care for other living creatures, have an obligation to TNR and put an end to the cycle.

      • Proven false by whom? A wannabe blogger who is a paid-for shill by one of the biggest groups who have become multimillionaires by torturing stray-cats to death with TNR? That blogger? The very same one whose own papers are thrown into the first circular filing-cabinet available whenever he submits his intellectual works of greatness for peer-review? That’s your proof?

        I have news for you. When I first engaged your Fux Felina moron about this topic years ago and brought up the exponential breeding-rate of these domesticated cats, your “hero” claimed that I was making-up the word “exponential” and that it didn’t even exist. This? From a self-professed “engineer” who must learn and use advanced maths even at an early age?

        No wonder everything he’s ever written has been discarded as easily dismissible tripe when submitted for peer-review. He’s just a joke — and you the butt of his joke.

        Can you spell P-O-S-E-U-R ?

  9. “TNR researcher” you sound like an absolute lunatic and all of your rambling just proves it. You obviously have nothing better to do than to write pages upon pages of trash about animals and animal lovers that are doing what they can to try to make the world a better place for all the creatures on it. God forbid that we should want to try and find a solution that doesn’t involve killing. Please hide all your sharp objects and stay away from other living beings for their sake and yours, thanks.

  10. “TNR researcher” you sound like an absolute lunatic and all of your rambling just proves it. You obviously have nothing better to do than to write pages upon pages of trash about animals and animal lovers that are doing what they can to try to make the world a better place for all the creatures on it. God forbid that we should want to try and find a solution that doesn’t involve killing. I did not read and I refuse to read most of what you wrote because I don’t need to waste my time. Please hide all your sharp objects and stay away from other living beings for their sake and yours, thanks.

  11. TNR Researcher- Going by your “logic”, then we should also kill humans because they are the biggest destroyers of wildlife.

      • Here’s my standard-issue prepared reply for bible-home-schooled cretins just like you:

        Humans ARE NOT an invasive species ANYWHERE — classified as a “weedy” species, yes; an “invasive” species, NEVER. Since humans have the genetic code to give them the capability to travel/migrate to ANY part of the globe, this means they are native to any area they have migrated to on their own. Just like birds that have this capability and can travel to different continents and islands. Those that have the flight-range required to do so are NATIVE to those areas that they are capable of traveling to ON THEIR OWN.

        (And for the love of all that’s good in the world, PLEASE don’t display your further ignorance and stupidity by trying to claim that Europeans, Native Americans, Africans, and Asians are different “species”. That’s usually your next huge omelet-on-the-face move that you astoundingly ignorant fools make.)

        Whereas, an animal genetically engineered through selective breeding, such as CATS, are NOT AN INDIGENOUS SPECIES ANYWHERE on ANY continent. They are no more natural to any native environment anywhere on earth than some insect that was invented in some lab, that once released out into nature will destroy all native wildlife, JUST AS CATS DO. Someone kept a “pet” bee one time. He too selectively bred this pet. After he selectively bred it it was called an Africanized Bee. It accidentally escaped his supervised confinement. Luckily for us they’re not destroying the complete food-chain where they are found, are limited in their range, and they’re not spreading many deadly diseases to all humans and wildlife — all those fun things that these domesticated-species cats do.

        If you phenomenally stupid cretins are going to use ecology, biology, speciation, and genetics in your arguments, the very LEAST that you could do is have a base comprehension of what you are talking about. Don’t you think?

        No. And that’s the problem with terminally ignorant morons like you, you CAN’T think.

        Oh, if ONLY there was a legal cure for “stupid”!

        If the sum of your education comes from bible-home-schooling replete with sing-along bambi-cartoon curricula then you have ZERO weapons in this argument — as you’ve just proved to the whole world. Next time, try to not bring your imaginary cartoon-magic-wand to a real gun-fight. Thanks!

  12. The problem is human neglect. People need to stop dumping their unwanted pets. People need to spay and neuter their pets and have them vaccinated. They should also keep them indoors.

  13. Roy, you would be correct, if you think I was trying to change the minds of cat-lickers. But you’ll find that that is 100% impossible — no matter what you say nor what delivery you choose for your message. One day, you too will understand. 🙂 (And hopefully, it will be long before you drown in a sea of their diseased invasive-species vermin.)

    See, I only use any and all online cat-lickers as my little ignorant show-‘n-tell puppets now. To prove to everyone in the world, beyond any doubt left in the known universe, that no matter how much we try to educate, reason with, beg with, plead with, or argue with them (I tried those failed method for 15 years with all the cat-lickers where I live, I learned my lesson); that it will do absolutely NOTHING toward solving the worldwide ecological disaster that they created and are hellbent on perpetuating with their vermin piece-of-sh** cats. The ONLY thing that works is ignoring every last thing that these cat-licking morons spew to others, and then giving back to them the EXACT SAME amount of respect and consideration as they have shown to all other life on earth — ABSOLUTELY NONE.

    Just destroy every last one of their free-roaming cats. Then and only then will the problem that they created be solved. 15 years of non-productive arguing with cat-lickers, or 2 seasons of shooting and burying cats — the latter actually works. How much is an hour of your life worth to you and where will you spend it to solve the problem the most?

    They CAN’T be part of the solution because THEY ARE the problem!

    They only use their cats like little animal sacrifices to try to control and manipulate everyone in the world around them. These manipulative and inhumane cat-licking freaks don’t give one sh** how any cat dies or they wouldn’t let them roam free in the very first place. This is why they don’t give one damn if their cats get ran over by cars, attacked by other cats or animals, or die any other way. And if VERY VERY LUCKY their free-roaming cat will be humanely shot-to-death — for that is by-far the MOST humane death that any of their stray cats will ever hope to have.

    You will find this hard to believe (or it will suddenly make complete sense to you) but this really isn’t about cats at all. They only use their cats to try to control and ruin everyone else’s lives on the planet, animal and human — most commonly because they hate everyone and everyone in the world has rejected them. Little self-victimization control-freaks, nothing more than that. Sociopaths and psychopaths to their very cores.

    Everyone else only has to ignore every last thing these deranged invasive-species advocates are spewing to the world. That’s the most important part. Asking people like them for advice and assistance to solve the problem that THEY created and are hellbent on perpetuating is just as foolish as asking your local career-thieves for their advice and help to hide your valuables from their daily motives, goals, and activities.

    Once their furry little tools to manipulate everyone are no-more, they don’t have even 1 of 4 legs to stand on — about anything. Nothing to complain about. Nothing to manipulate others with anymore.


    It worked 100% where I live. I’ve not seen even ONE cat for over five years now after shooting and burying hundreds of their disease-invested invasive-species vermin. The eradication was that complete and effective. (Also totally disproving that cat-lickers’ deceptive and manipulative “vacuum effect” lie and myth.) Everyone else has only to follow what worked where I live to prove it to themselves now. A centuries’-old cat problem solved in only 2 seasons of their time. And if you are lucky enough to get ammo on a close-out sale, as I did (5,000 rounds of .22s for only $15), you too can accomplish all this at the “exorbitant cost” of only THREE CATS PER PENNY! 1/3rd-cent PER CAT! Total cost less than the price of a couple cups of coffee for a problem of hundreds of cats. Each cat sterilized against ALL of their 3dozen+ deadly zoonotic diseases (for which some of the most deadly that cats spread don’t even have vaccines against them and are therefor listed as bio-terrorism agents), each cat sterilized so they can no-longer reproduce, and each cat also given a permanent “loving furever home” (2-3 ft. under) so they can no longer destroy anymore of our valuable native wildlife. A TOTAL solution affordable to anyone, any size of community! With no further costs incurred by ANYONE EVER AGAIN.

  14. By the way, in case you or anyone are curious — the term that I use of “cat licker” is justifiably and accurately gleaned from the growing fad of people who are obsessed with cats and want to do everything possible to make their cats feel good at the expense of all that is reasonable and sane. They are now licking their cats clean. youtube D0T com SLASH watch?v=p9xmiOxsTWg

    It’s just another one of the many aberrant and mentally-ill behaviors of “cat lickers”.

    I cannot, in all good conscience and honesty, EVER use the term “cat lover” again to describe these heartless and spineless cretins. People who love cats do not throw them under the wheels of moving cars, let them lap-up antifreeze in a gutter, being eaten from the inside-out by parasites, or force them to attack one another to fight for territory by letting their cats roam free. If they let cats roam free they are in direct-violation of every last animal-abandonment, animal-neglect, animal-endangerment, and invasive-species law in existence in every county of every state and every nation. And if they force their cats to fight each other for territory (one of the topmost selling-points of TNR), that makes them absolutely NO DIFFERENT than someone who runs a criminal dog-fight-ring to see who wins. IT IS A HIGHLY PUNISHABLE CRIME TO FORCE *ANY* DOMESTICATED ANIMALS TO FIGHT EACH OTHER FOR THEIR VERY SURVIVAL. And if VERY VERY lucky their cats will be humanely shot-to-death or trapped & drowned — as those are two of the MOST humane deaths that ANY of their cats will ever hope to meet one day — you are doing a HUGE favor to all cat-lickers, their cats, and all other life on earth by destroying their vermin free-roaming cats for them as humanely as that. (Stepping-up their rate of TNR “attrition”, if you will. For that is the ONLY way that TNR is at all beneficial.)

    “Cat Lover” is an extremely oxymoronic label. “Cat Licker” is the only one that accurately works today.

    • Feral cats have been studied and it has been proven that they live healthy, long lives just like an indoor cat. Many feral caretakers use their own money to vet, spay, neuter and vaccinate these cats. Cats have a very low incident of rabies in a well-cared for colony. Colonies that are well-established and sterilized generally do NOT fight with each other.

      You really think drowning is humane? That an animal who lives in the moment would rather be drowned than left to live a peaceful life outdoors, with food and shelter? You are one sick dude.

      • (An excerpt from my much lengthier post covering the 3dozen+ deadly zoonotic diseases that all stray cats are spreading to humans and animals today, many of them listed as bio-terrorism agents due to having no vaccines available against them.)

        You did know too, didn’t you, that giving a rabies shot to a cat that already has rabies does not cure it of rabies? Google for: RABID KITTEN ADOPTED WAKE COUNTY (for just one example of hundreds of rabid cats adopted from outdoors, given their rabies shot, but still transmitting and then dying from rabies). The incubation period for rabies is, on average, from 21 to 240 days, sometimes up to 11 months, one rare case being 6 years. A vetted cat can STILL transmit rabies many months later (during the last 2 weeks before it dies of rabies, sometimes not even showing any symptoms up to the point of its death) if it was harvested from unknown rabies-exposure conditions with an unknown vaccination history. May one of those cats you adopt-out have rabies too. Is your liability insurance in excess of $10M? Either quarantine them for 6 or more months in a government-supervised double-walled enclosure system at your OWN expense (as required by national and international pet-trade, import/export, and transport laws), or euthanize them. Those are your only 2 options to be relatively certain you are not handing rabies to someone. Isn’t reality fun?


        Rabies outbreak caused by TNR! 50+ pets euthanized. ALL stray cats destroyed. All livestock destroyed. More than a dozen homeowners pay for their own $5,000-$8,000 rabies shots for EACH family member.

        Google for: Rabies Outbreak in Westchester County; or Google for: Rabid Kitten Jamestown Exposure

        There’s hundreds more like those on the net showing everyone how these phenomenally ignorant and foolish cat-lickers “help” their communities by allowing TNR CAT-HOARDERS to continue their criminally negligent behavior. And contrary to these cat-lickers’ perpetual LIES, feeding stray cats TRAINS them to approach humans for food. What do you think happens to the child or foolish adult that reaches down to try to pet or pick up that now seemingly friendly “cute kitty” that just approached them? The wild animal lashes out and bites or scratches the hand that has no food for them. Resulting in $5,000-$8,000 rabies shots for each victim of a cat-feeder’s criminally negligent behavior, paid for out of the victim’s OWN pockets. Two reports even document rabid cats entering a pet-door and one even came through the family’s ceiling in search of human supplied foods, the attack so bad that the whole family required hospitalization. Thanks to TNR practices and free-roaming cats you are now FOUR TIMES MORE LIKELY to contract rabies from any cat than ANY OTHER domesticated animal.

        This is why even the CDC has issued direct warnings against the use of these failed TNR programs anywhere and everywhere: onlinelibrary.wiley D0T com SLASH doi/10.1111/zph.12070/abstract

  15. HereWeGo,

    You need to clarify something. Let’s see if we can put this in terms that even someone as astoundingly ignorant, stupid, and phenomenally foolish and myopic as you could even comprehend.

    Humans and their man-made cats do more damage than any other human endeavor on earth.

    For every 1 bird killed by ALL OTHER human activities combined, 1,000 birds are tortured-to-death by humans with their free-roaming cats. An animal death ratio of 1 to 1,000.

    For every 1 small non-bird animal killed by ALL OTHER human activities combined, 20,000 small animals are tortured-to-death by humans with their free-roaming cats. An animal death ratio of 1 to 20,000.

    Cats ARE an activity of humans. If there were no humans there wouldn’t be even one of your man-made invasive-species cats anywhere on earth today. Your cats exist because of YOU.

    YOU are to blame for this global ecological disaster today — no-one else — just YOU.

    • TNR Researcher, you have completely bored me with your responses to this article. Long winded answers aren’t going to sway anyone’s opinion, only put them to sleep, so to speak. Maybe you should be in charge of all the cats and see how far you get. You could probably bore them to death with your opinions. Give it a rest. Your lack of compassion isn’t convincing, but it is repulsive. You sound like someone with too much time on your hands. Maybe, since you’re so involved, you can spend your extra time thinking of a proactive resolution to this cat problem that seems to ruin your day. You don’t think humans digging up land and building house on top of house and new businesses is ruining the natural habitat of wildlife? Just the evil cats are doing it? You’re crazy if you truly think that. People need to be responsible for their pets, even if they are feral colonies they feed. Why not alter them and put them back? Are they really bothering you? Or do you just need to find something better to do than worry about cats? Maybe you should spend some time at your local animal shelter and see what goes on on a daily basis. Maybe that will change your mind. It’s not easy killing hundreds of animals a day, just to dump in the trash. People care and want to help. Why not let them?

      • Dance, mine little puppet, dance! (see above) My words aren’t for you. Too bad that you have all the attention-span of a gnat and can’t even read faster than 130wpm+ (my typing speed). Might I suggest you peruse Twitter instead? The platform designed for ADHD, attention-deficit, brain-damaged twitter-heads with all the comprehension limit of 140-characters per. That sounds like more your speed.

    • Why do you hate cats so much TNR? You do realize that you have admittedly committed heinous acts of animal cruelty and mistreatment against cats? And you are so sure there are zero cats in your neighborhood? For real? Feral cats are smarter than you – that is one thing I am sure of. There are probably plenty of them you NEVER see. Does that get your panties in a knot? Did you mommy not hug you enough? Were you forced to live with a cat who pooped on your bed as a child? What other animals and humans have you abused?

      • I hate and despise criminally-negligent and criminally-irresponsible pet-owners, but I have never hated cats. Though to be perfectly honest, I find all other animals on earth now far more worthy of my respect and admiration after what I’ve been through with cat-lickers and all their vermin pestilent cats. Even worms and slugs have more class and are worthy of more admiration than they are. I had to legally shoot and bury literally hundreds of these invasive-species vermin to stop them from gutting-alive and skinning-alive the last of the native wildlife on my lands. Apparently gutting-alive and skinning-alive animals with everyone’s man-made vermin cats, tortured to death just for their cats’ play-toys, no other reason, is perfectly acceptable to you?

        Red-herring, the favored food of cat-lickers everywhere. They open a sopping dripping can of it every chance they get. When they can’t refute the facts about them and their vermin cats they’ll even drag in the kitchen sink and politics to sway topics away from their own criminal-negligence and criminal-irresponsibility. And especially when anyone is posting the 100%-solution to them and their vermin.

        Destroying cats is neither hating cats nor a fear of cats.

        Why do mentally-unbalanced and psychotic cat-advocates always presume that if someone is removing a highly destructive, deadly disease spreading, human-engineered invasive-species from the native habitat to restore it back into natural balance that they must hate that organism? Does someone who destroys Zebra Mussels, Kudzu, African Cichlids, Burmese Pythons, or any of the other myriad destructive invasive-species in the USA or elsewhere have some personal problem with that species? (Many of which are escaped PETS that don’t even spread any harmful diseases, unlike cats.) Your ignorance and blatant biases are revealed in your declaring that people who destroy cats must somehow hate or fear cats. Nothing could be further from the truth.

        It is people who let a destructive invasive-species roam free that tortures-to-death all the native wildlife, wasted for their cats’ play-toys, that have zero respect for ALL life. They don’t even care about their cats dying a slow torturous death from exposure, animal attacks, diseases, starvation, dehydration, becoming road-kill, environmental poisons, etc., the way that ALL stray cats suffer to death. They don’t even respect their fellow human being. This speaks more than volumes about your disgusting character. People like you should be locked up in prison for life for your cruelty to all animals, cruelty to your own cats as well as all the native wildlife that you let your cats skin alive or disembowel alive for their and your entertainment. If you let cats roam free you are violating every animal-abandonment, animal-neglect, animal-endangerment, and invasive-species law and environmental-protection-act in existence.

        If people do hate cats today, have LEARNED to hate cats today, you have nobody but yourself and everyone just like you to blame. YOU are the reason people are now realizing that all excess cats must be destroyed on-site and on-sight. You’ve done so much to make people care about cats, haven’t you. If you want to do something about it, direct your sadly and sorely misplaced energies at those that are causing the problem, not at those who are actually solving it AND HAVE SOLVED IT 100% by hunting them to extinction (or extirpation in the case of these man-made cats) — the ONLY method that works on an invasive vermin species like cats that out-breed and out-adapt to ANY trapping method known to man.

        THIS IS YOUR FAULT and THE FAULT OF EVERYONE JUST LIKE YOU. You have NOBODY but yourselves to blame.

        You can take that all the way to the very last shot-dead cat’s grave.

      • It is perfectly legal to destroy these domesticated cat species everywhere on earth. You just have to kill them on your own land or have the written permission of the land-owner, and be certain that you shoot-to-kill — as just maiming a cat IS illegal and falls under animal-cruelty laws (all hunters know this). (Hint: If some cat-licker is citing an example to try to prove that this is illegal, they are most likely citing a true animal-cruelty case. The easy way to tell the difference is that there are no vets nor vet-bills involved in any legal shoot-to-kill case, nor any other extenuating inhumane circumstances. Cat-lickers just love to lie, manipulate and deceive the world and everyone around them at every turn in their lives.)

        The very same laws and principles that apply to humanely killing animals for hunting also applies to cats. They’re just another animal, they’re not some sacred cow. The only other thing that you have to be aware of are your local firearms ordinances. If you live on land that is zoned as “residential” then you can probably only use air-rifles. All other lands can use firearms. This is also precisely why it is legal for any animal-control officer, animal-shelter employee, pest-control service, farmer, rancher, or anyone else to destroy any animal on their own premises or with the written-permission of the land-owner or animal-owner. (Regulated game-animals without a hunting-license or out-of-season and endangered-species being exempt.)

        The law is that it is perfectly legal to destroy any animal (** see exemptions) on your property or with the written permission of the property owner; someone’s pet or not; that is threatening the health, well-being, and safety of your family, animals, or even the value or integrity of your property. Also true even in most densely populated cities, firearms laws permitting, if not then 700-1200fps air-rifles with round-nosed vermin-pellets are commonly used. The newer ones even come with a sound-suppressor design built right-in, being designed specifically for shooting vermin cats in urban areas, the demand is that great. **The only animals exempt from you taking immediate action, legally, are those listed on endangered or threatened species lists, regulated game-animals (hunting season only, except for designated “small game” on your own lands which is year-’round no-license in most areas), and any bird species under protection of MBTA (the Migratory Bird Treaty Act). Even then variances can be given should there be sufficient problem but this requires further study by authorities. Since cats are listed in the TOP 100 WORST invasive species of the world in the “Global Invasive Species Database” , this means they have no protection whatsoever from being shot on sight, they are not on any protected species list anywhere in the world. Quite the opposite as a matter of fact. And if your local government obeys all national and international invasive-species laws (as they should), then it is your civic and moral duty to destroy all stray cats whenever found away from supervised containment.

        Just remember, the cat MUST die for it to be 100% legal. A DEAD CAT IS A LEGAL CAT. Even if you have to slit its throat afterward to be certain — no different than a bow-hunter that is given a full day to track down a deer and slit its throat. That too is legal, not a good kill, but legal. Luckily, cat-lickers and their cats taught me to be an expert marksman, so I never had to resort to using anything other than a gun to finish off a cat. I never wasted even one bullet out of the hundreds that I had to shoot and bury. (Except for the one time on advice of others to use a precision head-shot, instead of the 1-bullet=1-dead-cat fatal chest-shots that I had been using for all the rest. It took 3 more precision point-blank shots to the head before it would die. I now suspect cats survive more by their reptilian brain-stems than any of their unused gray-matter above it. Not unlike cat-owners do. Apparently a cat’s brain is not one of their vital organs. Who knew? I never repeated that experiment, because even a 1/3-cent on-closeout-sale .22 is worth more than any cat’s life will ever be worth.)

        Why is it that cat-lickers incessantly try to deceive and manipulate everyone so often with their blatantly obvious lies? Is that all they’ve got left with which to manipulate everyone when their 100%-expendable cats are all dead and gone or they are facing the certain destruction of their vermin? That they’ve not no other tactic left? Must be.

    • “Humans and their man-made cats do more damage than any other human endeavor on earth.” TNR Researcher- You are either incredibly stupid or a troll. I think perhaps you are both. Go take a xanax. Or a whole bottle. You’re hysterical.

      • While it is true that overpopulation of humans is the #1 problem that we and all other species face today (humans are a classified as a “weedy species”, but they ARE NOT an “invasive species”, please educate your sorry-a**ed bible-home-schooled selves); this still doesn’t excuse all the responsible, wise, and intelligent people from stopping all the ecological disasters caused by those phenomenally stupid and criminally negligent people who should have never been born in the very first place. (You know, moronic and phenomenally ignorant imbeciles JUST LIKE YOU who don’t even have clue-one on how the natural world works.)

        Cats are a man-made (through selective breeding) invasive species. And as such, cats being a product of man, are no less of a man-made environmental disaster than any oil-spill, radiation-fallout, chemical-spill, or other environmental disaster _caused_by_man_. THESE MAN-MADE CATS ARE PURELY AN ACTIVITY OF HUMANS AND ARE THE #1 MAN-MADE CAUSE OF DESTRUCTION TO NATIVE WILDLIFE EVERYWHERE ON EARTH. Can’t you Toxoplasma gondii brain-damaged fools get that through your heads yet? Cats are NOT exempt from being removed from every natural environment, wherever and whenever they are found away from supervised confinement. Just as you would destroy Burmese Pythons and African Cichlids in every habitat where they exist in N. America. They started out as pets too. Many of our destructive invasive species pests started out as PETS discarded by criminally-irresponsible humans. Guess what happens to all those other non-native pets that became destructive invasive species? They are destroyed on-site by any means possible — no questions asked — none required.

        Cats are even worse than a multi-continent-sized oil-spill. They not only kill off rare marine-mammals along all coastlines (just as oil-spills do) from run-off from the land carrying cats’ Toxoplasma gondii parasites, they also destroy the complete food-chain in every ecosystem where cats are found. From smallest of prey that is gutted and skinned alive, wasted for cats’ tortured play-toys, up to the top predators — starved to death from cats destroying their ONLY foods. (Precisely what cats caused on my own lands not long ago.) They destroy everything that moves. They will even destroy native vegetation by destroying those animals that are pollinators or act as seed dispersers for those plants (as many rodent and bird species do) or those acting as plants’ pest-control. Cats can and will wipe out whole ecosystems — animal and plant.

        Cats need to disappear from all natural habitats PERMANENTLY, eventually, somehow. And the sooner the better. They are breeding out of control at an exponential rate. The reason for “sooner the better” is that you can only hope you can halt the problem before it is beyond the reach of any method you eventually choose. Luckily, I caught the problem in time where I live — by humanely shooting and burying every last cat I saw, hundreds, collared or not. (Collared strays are the very source of every last feral cat. If you don’t destroy all stray collared cats too then you have done absolutely nothing to solve the problem.)

        It seems nobody else is faring as well. Their time is being wasted by cat-lickers stopping them from doing the right thing. Asking or listening to any deranged invasive-species advocate for advice on how to clean up the ecological disaster that they created and are hellbent on perpetuating is about as useful as asking your local career thieves for their advice and help to hide your valuables from their daily motives and activities. Ignore anything they might say and you too will solve the problem where you live. People like that the problem, they cannot be part of the solution. The very moment that cat-lickers, who cause the problem, are cut from the solution-equation it instantly solves itself.

        It worked 100% where I live. I’ve not seen even ONE cat for five years now after shooting and burying hundreds of these disease-invested invasive-species vermin. The eradication was that complete and effective. (Also totally disproving that cat-lickers’ deceptive and manipulative “vacuum effect” lie and myth.) Everyone else has only to follow what worked where I live to prove it to themselves now. A centuries’-old cat problem solved in only 2 seasons of their time. And if you are lucky enough to get ammo on a close-out sale, as I did (5,000 rounds of .22s for only $15), you too can accomplish all this at the “exorbitant cost” of only THREE CATS PER PENNY! 1/3rd-cent PER CAT! Total cost less than the price of a couple cups of coffee for a problem of hundreds of cats. Each cat sterilized against ALL of their 3dozen+ deadly zoonotic diseases (for which some of the most deadly that cats spread don’t even have vaccines against them and are therefor listed as bio-terrorism agents), each cat sterilized so they can no-longer reproduce, and each cat also given a permanent “loving furever home” (2-3 ft. under) so they can no longer destroy anymore of our valuable native wildlife. A TOTAL solution affordable to anyone, any size of community! With no further costs incurred by ANYONE EVER AGAIN.

        If none of you let your disease-infested invasive-species vermin illegally roam free then none of that would happen, now would it. Your fault!

        Either finally grow-up into respectable and responsible humans who actually care about their 100%-expendable pets, or keep getting your cats shot and poisoned to death. What will it be?

        Love ’em or lose ’em!

        Bottom line: If you don’t want to take care of your cat in the manner that YOU see fit, then I guarantee you that I WILL take care of your cat in the manner that I see fit — ONE TIME. And it only takes one time. See one, shoot one, A.S.A.P. Simple as that. (I lost count after 500.)

        YOUR CHOICE!

        If your cat gets hurt or dies, NO MATTER HOW YOUR CAT GETS HURT OR DIES, that’s ***YOUR*** ***FAULT***. Make NO mistake about that. And you can be charged with all laws that clearly define animal-neglect, animal-abandonment, and animal-endangerment — not to mention every last national and international invasive-species law and environmental-protection-act on earth.

        Do you actually love your vermin? Or are you just using it as a highly expendable animal-sacrifice to manipulate everyone? I guess we’ll find out when your piece-of-sh** vermin never comes home.

        PSA: The time is now …. Half-Past Kill-Kitty O’Clock …. do you know where your piece-of-sh**, disease-infested, invasive species, ecological disaster, vermin cat is? If not, grab a shovel and I’ll show you where its new “loving furever-home” is now.

        • Listen, I hate negligent cat-owners as well. I keep my pets indoors and every stray cat that I have personally come across, I have managed to rehome. I am not arguing the fact that there is an overpopulation of strays. People who let their cats wander about infuriate me. But the thing is nobody wants to engage with you because you are violently abrasive and insulting. Your rage and visceral emotion cloud any kind of argument you make. People with poor communication skills get nowhere. You just come off like a psycho with too much time on your hands. You obviously have some kind of mental disorder and are an unhappy person. You are probably very lonely. Please seek treatment. Get some tranquilizers. Have a hot bath. Something. Anything. Just step away from the computer before you have a heart attack.

          • Ah, that’s where you made your drastic mistake. THERE IS NO ARGUMENT. The time for all arguments and trying to reason with brain-damaged cat-lickers is long-gone and over.

            See, the thing I’ve been saying all along, the ONLY thing that solves this problem, what solved it 100% permanently where I live, where anyone lives:

            Let ANY house-cat roam free, it dies A.S.A.P.

            You didn’t get that? Moron much? Oh well, too bad.

    • Well, since you asked so nicely:

      (URL’s obfuscated due to the URL’s per-post limit)

      If your cats were only destroying invasive species (cats themselves being a noxious invasive species), then nobody would be complaining. But your vermin cats destroy anything that moves. Letting a cat roam free is absolutely no better and NO LESS CRIMINAL AND MORALLY REPREHENSIBLE than intentionally throwing rat-poison around on everyone’s property to kill any living thing. Your man-made vermin cats are now driving hundreds if not thousands of species of native animals to EXTINCTION across the whole planet. Have you no conscience nor morality left?

      Apparently gutting-alive and skinning-alive animals with everyone’s vermin cats, tortured to death just for your cats’ play-toys and YOUR entertainment, no other reason, is perfectly acceptable to you. Yeah, you’re all fine upstanding “animal-lovers” who respect all other lives around you and all other life on earth, aren’t you.

      Are you not even aware that Toxoplasma gondii oocysts when dried (and still viable) become aerosolized and drift on the wind? You can contract potentially-deadly T. gondii just from a cat-owner’s yard when it’s not been raining for a week and you inhale any air that passes over their land.

      Free-roaming cats and people improperly disposing of indoor-cats’ cat-litter are actually killing-off hundreds of rare marine-mammal species, even rare whales and your beloved manatees, (countless numbers of individual rare animals) on coastlines of all the world. A global ecological disaster worse than any oil-spill that has ever existed or could even be imagined. There are now harsh fines in areas of California for anyone found dumping cat-litter illegally — not in some environmentally-contained landfill. At least some of them “get it”.

      Birds are just a minor subset of all the thousands of native animal species (billions of individual animals) that cat-lickers (criminally irresponsible cat-advocates) are annihilating around the world, TORTURING TO DEATH, with their man-made invasive species vermin cats.

      Not only are these demented invasive-species house-cats-ONLY “animal lovers” now killing-off all Big Cats in all wildlife reserves around the world:

      thenational D0T ae SLASH news/uae-news/big-cat-owners-warned-to-keep-them-acres-away-from-feral-strays

      And for the ultimate example of absurdity and species-conservation irony, now making all moggie-licking residents of the UK (the inventors of that TNR insanity) the complete laughingstocks of the whole world, they’ve already made their ONE AND ONLY NATIVE CAT SPECIES EXTINCT in the UK with their invasive species “moggies”:

      guardian D0T co D0T uk SLASH environment/2012/sep/16/scottish-wildcat-extinction

      “A report, produced by the Scottish Wildcat Association, reviewed 2,000 records of camera trap recordings, eyewitness reports and road kills, and concluded there may be only about 40 wildcats left in Scotland in the wild today. ‘However you juggle the figures, it is hard to find anything positive,’ says Steve Piper, the association’s chairman. ‘The overwhelming evidence is that the wildcat is going to be extinct within months.'” … “However, it is not the loss of habitat that is causing the current cat crisis in the Cairngorms. It is the spread of the domestic cat.” … “‘Essentially the Highland wildcat is being eradicated by an alien invasive species: the domestic cat.'” (report quoted from 3 years ago, they are no-doubt extinct by now)

      As well as killing-off all their inland River Otters in England (and elsewhere) with their cats’ parasites:

      wildlifeextra D0T com SLASH go/news/otter-toxoplasmosis D0T html

      As well as cats’ parasites killing-off all rare and endangered marine mammals on all coastlines around the world (worse than any oil-spill that has ever existed or could even be imagined):

      news D0T msn D0T com SLASH science-technology/deadly-cat-feces-killing-thousands-of-marine-mammals

      environmentalhealthnews D0T org SLASH ehs/news/hawaiian-monk-seals

      Plus these cat-licking “animal lover” psychopaths and sociopaths are also killing-off all the Mountain Lions (Cougars, Puma, Endangered Florida Panther, etc.), and all other native cat species in North America:

      rapidcityjournal D0T com SLASH sports/local/feral-cats-pose-threat-to-birds-lions/article_8ec451c9-4b03-55a3-baa7-71ac577905cb D0T html

      But now these cat-lickers are even killing-off rare whales and causing massive birth-defects in the indigenous Inuit people who depend on seal-meat for their very survival. Seals that were infected (and are also dying-off) from these cat-lickers’ cats’ parasites.

      Cat parasite found in western Arctic Beluga deemed infectious
      news.ubc D0T ca SLASH 2014/02/13/bigthaw/

      Let’s thank these psychotic bible-home-schooled cat-licking cretins for all the fine work they do for being such fantastic “animal lovers”, shall we? THEY JUST LOVE CATS SO MUCH! So caring! So thoughtful! So intelligent! So FULL of love for living things! So much so that they will even sacrifice whole races of humans to death-by-birth-defect to prove how much they love their cats.

      I’d love to thank them all, each with a gift of a solitary-confinement prison-cell — FOR LIFE. Better yet, for their VAST ecological crimes and sins against all of nature and all of humanity, hanged-until-dead would be a far more fitting “gift” for them AND the whole planet. That used to be the punishment for engaging in bio-warfare against the human population and all other animal life in any country. I say bring it back — special, just for them.


        • That’s because I don’t have to waste any more hours out of my life shooting and burying cats — going out on cat-shooting patrol twice a day like I used to. There hasn’t been even ONE cat in my whole area for over five years now. (So much for that lie and myth about their being some mystical “cat vacuum-effect”. LOL) Now I have all the time in the world to teach all others in the world now how to live happy vermin-cat-free lives at long last. Aren’t you glad?

  16. I will vote for a Mayor who supports the TNR program — I will advocate against those who do not — if they don’t give a got-dang-crap about these animals… then I know for damn sure they don’t give a rats ass about human beings …

    • Lovely, pay particular attention to the last paragraph. That be YOU! 🙂

      Then there’s cats’ most insidious disease of all, their Toxoplasma gondii parasite that cats spread through their feces into all other animals. This is how humans get it in their dinner-meats, cats roaming around stockyards and farms (herbivores can contract this parasite in no other way). This is why cats are routinely destroyed around gestating livestock or important wildlife by shooting or drowning them. So those animals won’t suffer from the same things that can happen to the fetus of any pregnant woman. (Miscarriages, still-births, hydrocephaly, and microcephaly.) It can make you blind or even kill you at any time during your life once you’ve been infected. It becomes a permanent lifetime parasite in your mind, killing you when your immune system becomes compromised by disease or chemo and immunosuppressive therapies. It can last over a year in any soils or waters and not even washing your hands or garden vegetables in bleach will destroy the oocysts. During dry-spells of weather (or inside low-humidity homes) when the oocysts become dessicated you can even contract T. gondii by just inhaling the air wherever any cats have defecated and the oocysts have become airborne/aerosolized. Contrary to cat-lickers’ self-deceptive myths, a cat can become reinfected many times during its life and spread millions of oocysts each time. It’s now linked to the cause of autism, epilepsy, schizophrenia, memory-loss, and brain cancers; as well as increasing the suicide rate in women almost 2-fold even though they’ve never suffered from any mental or emotional health issues previously. This parasite is also killing off rare and endangered marine-mammals (all the way up to rare whales) along all coastlines, along with inland river-otters, from cats’ T. gondii oocysts in run-off from the land, the oocysts surviving even in saltwater. A catastrophic ecological disaster of multi-continent-sized proportions worse than any oil-spill that has ever existed or could even be imagined.

      Its strange life cycle is meant to infect rodents. Any rodents infected with it lose their fear of cats and are attracted to cat urine.

      scitizen D0T com SLASH neuroscience/parasite-hijacks-the-mind-of-its-host_a-23-509 D0T html

      Cats attract rodents to your home with their whole slew of diseases (like The Plague from rats and fleas, many people have died from cat-transmitted Plague in the USA already, it is alive and well and being spread by cats today). If you want rodents in your home keep cats outside of it to attract diseased rodents to your area. I experienced this phenomenon (as have many others), and all rodent problems disappeared after I shot and buried every last one of hundreds of cats on my lands. Much better NATIVE rodent predators returned to my lands, rather than these man-made cats that were just attracting more rodents.

      Another interesting experiment. They wanted to find out if dogs could possibly transmit cat-shat Toxoplasma gondii oocysts. A dog infected with T. gondii from a source-cat cannot. The oocyst stage of this parasite’s life-cycle is 100% dependent on cat-physiology as its primary reproductive host. But if dogs ingest oocyst-laden cat-feces then dogs can pass the oocysts produced by cats & their common brain-hijacking parasite.

      ncbi D0T nlm D0T nih D0T gov SLASH pubmed/9477489?dopt=Abstract&holding=f1000,f1000m,isrctn

      It is interesting to note: That these Toxoplasma gondii oocysts shed by cats can even survive the hydrochloric stomach acids for the duration that they remain in a mammal’s digestive tract. And then they doubt my words when I tell them of the studies where they found that this parasite’s oocysts (seeds) can even survive washing your hands in bleach. You could wash your hands and garden vegetables in hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes for the same duration that food remains in an animal’s digestive tract and even that won’t destroy it. Your hands would be dissolved into a digestible pulp long before you could kill the Toxoplasma gondii oocysts.

      Yeah, “basic hygiene” is going to keep your kids safe from going blind sometime during their life, becoming autistic, or die if they ever require any immunosuppressive therapies during their lifetime if they had ever played in a sandbox that a neighbor’s cat has defecated in.

      Go ahead everyone, drink the cat-lickers’ Kool-Aid.

      Someone who will save the life of a cat over yours is not to be trusted by any other human alive on this planet. Even cat-lickers can’t trust their fellow cat-lickers to save each others’ lives when it comes right down to it. Truth is, they’d even rather that their own family and friends die (if they have any) than any of their deadly disease-infested cats. Sociopaths and psychopaths, one and all, right to their very cores.

      • Why do you want to kill cats? I agree that cats are disease filled animals, but there has to be another way to keep everyone safe.

        • Wow, you truly need to educate yourself. I suggest you start with all my other posts here. It’s not just cats’ zoonotic diseases that are the reason that every last free-roaming cat MUST be destroyed. That’s just ONE of the billions of reasons.

        • Since you seem to be completely ignorant to even the zoonotic disease scope of the problem, here’s a little enlightenment for you:

          These are just the diseases these invasive species vermin cats have been spreading to humans, not counting the ones they spread to all wildlife. THERE ARE NO VACCINES against many of these, and are in-fact listed as bio-terrorism agents. They include: Afipia felis, Anthrax, Bartonella (Rochalimaea) henselae (Cat Scratch Disease), Bergeyella (Weeksella) zoohelcum, Campylobacter Infection, Chlamydia psittaci (feline strain), Cowpox, Coxiella burnetti Infection (Q fever), Cryptosporidium Infection, Cutaneous larva migrans, Dermatophytosis, Dipylidium Infection (tapeworm), Hookworm Infection, Leptospira Infection, Giardia, Neisseria canis, Pasteurella multocida, Plague, Poxvirus, Rabies, Rickettsia felis, Ringworm, Salmonella Infection, Scabies, Sporothrix schenckii, Toxocara Infection, Toxoplasmosis, Trichinosis, Visceral larva migrans, Yersinia pseudotuberculosis. [Centers for Disease Control, July 2010] Bird-flu, Bovine Tuberculosis, Sarcosporidiosis, Flea-borne Typhus, Tularemia, and Rat-Bite Fever can now also be added to that list.

          Yes, “The Black Death” (the plague) is alive and well today and being spread by people’s cats this time around. Many people have already died from cat-transmitted plague in the USA; all three forms of it transmitted by CATS — septicemic, bubonic, and pneumonic. For a fun read, one of hundreds of cases, Cat-Transmitted Fatal Pneumonic Plague — ncbi.nlm.nih D0T gov SLASH pubmed/8059908

          abcd-vets D0T org SLASH Guidelines/Pages/EN-Other-Zoonoses-Feline-Plague D0T aspx

          “Recommendations to avoid zoonotic transmission
          Cats are considered the most important domestic animal involved in plague transmission to humans, and in endemic areas, outdoor cats may transmit the infection to their owners or to persons caring for sick cats (veterinarians and veterinary nurses).”

          • Plague is mostly transmitted by infected fleas. You’re right that cats can infect humans, but they mostly transmit pneumonic plague, which is the rarest kind and although serious, the cat has to already be infected. “If these bacteria-containing droplets are breathed in by another person they can cause pneumonic plague. Typically this requires direct and close contact with the person with pneumonic plague.”

          • And also, those who are most at risk are owners of cats, also known as cat-lickers. By your logic, the general human population would know better than to hang around them. Also, toxoplasma gondii is usually not harmful. “Of those who are infected, very few have symptoms because a healthy person’s immune system usually keeps the parasite from causing illness.”

          • Also, I can pretend to be you. But that’s not very nice. The same is for shooting cats for crimes that they never did. Like killing a human for eating.

          • Ah, there you go trying to deceive everyone and lie to everyone again. (What cat-licker doesn’t? It’s their main and only form of communication with everyone in the world. Even with themselves.)

            Hit CTRL-F on your keyboard (while your browser is the active window) to open-up your “text search” feature, then plug in both of these strings:

            Then there’s cats’ most insidious disease of all,

            And then again with this one:

            If your cats were only destroying invasive species

            Read those posts and then come and try to tell us all again how your cats’ brain-hijacking parasite is not a problem. You do realize, by not reading those posts, that you are only making a complete ass out of yourself. 🙂

          • FYI: I am not a cat-licker. I have never owned a cat, nor will ever own one. I am just an average person who is concerned about animals, and people like YOU. Also, I admit that I have some cat-licker qualities.

          • However, that does not define me. Just because I have them doesn’t mean I’m a cat-licker. I am not a sociopath, nor a psychopath. FWI: Toxoplasma gondii is NOT HARMFUL to most healthy human beings. It’s only harmful to pregnant women and those with weakened immune systems. People with weakened immune systems: of course they’ll get sick from toxoplasma gondii! The flu, which is more common, can be deadly to them. Pregnant women: they need to be extra careful, because the still-developing fetus is vulnerable to almost anything. Blue cheese, cough medicine, you name it! Both need to stay away from many things, let alone cats. But regular people? They’ll be fine.

  17. Wow, conduct a google search for “TNR Researcher” and you discover that this nut has been copying and pasting their responses ANYWHERE TNR is discussed. It would be almost funny if it weren’t just sad, unbelievable how much time this person spends campaigning against TNR.

    • That reminds me, there’s one more thing I should add to “The TNR Con-Game” list of facts:

      FACT: Every last TNR advocate cat-licker & cat-hoarder is also a self-evident and self-professed cyber-stalker. (How else would you know that I’ve posted this same information elsewhere? LOL) This is how they’ve managed to get TNR into so many communities. By cyber-stalking and cyber-bullying everyone into it. (I have 4 years of proof of their cyber-bullying attacks, but they’ve been at it for decades now; they even send death-threats to congressmen and their families to make sure laws aren’t passed against TNR, I also have proof of this.)

      The most entertaining part is that I don’t even have to tell anyone this, they are more than happy to prove it to everyone all on their little own. Cat-lickers are never too bright. Thanks for proving both, YET AGAIN!! 🙂

      The TNR CON-GAME

      FACT: Trap & Kill failed because cats cannot be trapped faster than they exponentially breed out of control.

      FACT: Trap, Neuter, & Re-Abandon (TNR) is an even bigger abject failure because these man-made ecological disasters cannot be trapped faster than they exponentially breed out of control, and they also continue to cruelly annihilate all native wildlife (from the smallest of prey up to the top predators that are starved to death), and the cats continue to spread many deadly diseases that they carry today — FOR WHICH THERE ARE NO VACCINES AGAINST THEM. Many of which are even listed as bio-terrorism agents. (Such as Tularemia and The Plague — Yes, people have already died from cat-transmitted plague in the USA. No fleas nor rats even required. The cats themselves carry and transmit the plague all on their own.)

      FACT: Hunted To Extinction (or in this case, extirpation of all outdoor cats) is the ONLY method that is faster than a species like cats can exponentially out-breed and out-adapt to. Especially a man-made invasive species like these cats that can breed 2X-4X’s faster than any naturally occurring cat-species.

      FACT: THERE IS ABSOLUTELY _NOTHING_ HUMANE ABOUT TNR. Nearly every last TNR’ed cat dies an inhumane death by road-kill, from cat and animal attacks, environmental poisons, starvation, dehydration, freezing to death, infections, eaten from the inside-out by parasites, etc. And if very very lucky humanely shot to death or re-trapped and drowned (the two most common methods employed on all farms and ranches to protect their gestating livestock’s offspring and valuable native wildlife dying from cats’ Toxoplasmosis parasites). This doesn’t begin to count the thousands of defenseless native animals that cats skin alive and disembowel alive for their daily and hourly play-toys. And pitting cat against cat to fight-to-the-death for territory is ABSOLUTELY NO DIFFERENT than those who run criminal dog-fight rings to see who wins. They spend YEARS in jail. IT IS A HIGHLY PUNISHABLE CRIME TO FORCE *ANY* DOMESTICATED ANIMALS TO FIGHT EACH OTHER FOR THEIR VERY SURVIVAL.

      FACT: The only difference in destroying cats immediately and humanely instead of trapping, sterilizing, then releasing them to an inhumane death and forcing them to fight-to-the-death for survival; is that money isn’t going into Becky Robinson’s Alley-Cat-All-Lies pocket, or an HSUS or SPCA board-member’s pocket, veterinarian’s pocket, cat-food company CEO’s pocket, or a drug-company CEO’s pocket. And that’s the ONLY difference! Support yet another organization that exploits and perpetuates the suffering of animals for their own personal financial gain, then try to sleep well at night.

      FACT: These manipulative, deceptive, and deceitful TNR proponents are now clipping cats ears ONLY. WITHOUT vaccinations nor sterilizing them. They do this to save money and protect their outdoor hoarded cat colonies from being trapped and euthanized by the state because the clipped-ear shows officials that they have been sterilized and vaccinated. Why pay $140 for each cat and all that time when just a trap and a simple snip of scissors on each one can also protect their hoarded cats from being destroyed? (I have absolute proof of this.)

      FACT: Cats are a man-made (through selective breeding) invasive species. And as such, are no less of a man-made environmental disaster than any other caused by man. Cats are even worse than an oil-spill of continent-sized proportions. They not only kill off rare and endangered marine-mammals along all coastlines from run-off carrying cats’ Toxoplasma gondii parasites, they destroy the complete food-chain in every ecosystem where cats are found. From smallest of prey gutted and skinned alive for cats’ tortured play-toys, up to the top predators that are starved to death from cats destroying their ONLY food sources. (Precisely what cats caused on my own lands not long ago.)

      FACT: In _SEVENTEEN_YEARS_ Alley Cat ALL-LIES branch of NYC have only reduced feral cats in their own city by 0.08% to 0.024% (as the months go on that percentage becomes more insignificant), allowing more than 99.92% to 99.976% to exponentially breed out of control. Here’s how Alley-Cat-ALL-LIES’ deceptive math works: If you TNR 4 cats and 3 get flattened by cars this translates to 75% fewer feral-cats everywhere. Alley Cat ALL-LIES of NYC can’t even reduce cats in their own city, yet they promote it as a worldwide solution. Then even bigger fools fall for it and promote it.

      FACT: When researching over 100 of the most “successful” TNR programs worldwide, JUST ONE trapped more than 0.4%. Oregon’s 50,000 TNR’ed cats (the highest rate I found) is 4.9% of all ferals in their state. Yet, by applying population growth calculus on the unsterilized 95.1% they will have trapped only 0.35% of all cats in their state sometime this year. Less than 0.4% is a far cry from the required 75%-85% to be the least bit effective.

      FACT: Their mythical “vacuum effect” is a 100% LIE. A study done by the Texas A&M University proved that any perceived “vacuum” is just the simple case that CATS ATTRACT CATS. Get rid of them all and there are no cats there to attract more. I proved this myself by shooting and burying hundreds of them on my own lands. ZERO cats replaced them FOR FIVE YEARS NOW. If you want more cats, keep even one of them around, more will find you. That university study also found that sterilized cats very poorly defend any territory. Non-sterilized cats, being more aggressive, take over the sterilized cats’ resources (shelter & food if any). If there is any kind of “vacuum effect” at all, it is that sterilizing cats cause non-sterilized cats to restore the reproductive void.

      FACT: During all this investigation I have discovered something that is unfaltering without fail. Something that you can bet your very life on and win every last time. That being — IF A TNR CAT-HOARDER IS TALKING THEN THEY ARE LYING. 100% guaranteed!

  18. My goodness…..I’ve heard of people who talk alot just because they like the sound of their own voice, even if no one else listens. I think the verbose postings of TNR would be a variation, someone who likes to read and re-read their own posts even if no one else cares or takes the time to read them. Me thinks TNR does post WAY too much. What? No life?? Too bad. Really!

    • And yet, to date, NOT ONE OF YOU TNR CAT-HOARDERS have been able to adequately refute EVEN ONE THING that I have ever stated.

      You sure do love opening up a sopping dripping can of red-herring to dine on every chance you get though, don’t you. LOL!! Troll for attention much? Just like you use your 100%-expendable cats to manipulate everyone in your communities for attention. Now THAT’S SAD.

    • Here’s what I don’t get. If you psychotic cyber-stalking cat-lickers want to stop anyone from shooting all your cats, why are you going after people you can’t even find and going through all that relentless cyber-stalking effort to do so? Is it because it is safe? Because you can always say, “We can’t find them to stop them! OH NO!” (more bullshshît whiny self-victimization crappola) LOL

      When today, this very hour, this very moment, you can go after someone and stop them, their friends, and all their families from shooting every last cat they see!

      Here’s an even easier target for your false and manipulative accusations against others (that it is a crime of any kind to shoot cats to death).

      Just go after Ted Nugent. He, his family, and all his friends have shot far more hundreds, if not thousands, of cats than I ever have! Also all done perfectly legal as well. (You psychotic cat-cunts, whose only concept of reality comes from your mommies’-basement rental-units, don’t know squat about property and animal laws and you refuse to believe it. Too bad, so sad, boo-hoo!! LOL That’s why your cats are being shot to death, because you won’t stop throwing your cats where they CAN be legally shot to death. YOUR FAULT!)

      You can find Mr. Nugent this very hour!

      What’s the matter? Do you cat-licking cunts like to just blow smoke up everyone’s ass and not actually go after any real cat-killers? You know, ones that you can actually find, right now, today. LOL!!

      Note the date on that article from a highly popular source too. They’ve had FIVE YEARS to stop him. And I’ve even gone out of my way to ask this very question on most every cat-licker site too. It’s not like they don’t know about it! So far, not a peep in the press about them having any success of stopping him, his family, nor friends; nor even one word about them having ever attempted to do so.

      Pussy, much? LOL!!!!!!

    • Due to all the heinous and deadly diseases that cats carry and spread today, it would be wrong to advise they be used for furs, or food, or anything in this day and age (even in jest). The risk to anyone dressing them for even the use of their furs today (as they were commonly used in the past) could be deadly to the people involved.

      These are just the diseases cats have been spreading to humans, not counting the ones they spread to all wildlife. THERE ARE NO VACCINES against many of these, and are in-fact listed as bio-terrorism agents. They include: Afipia felis, Anthrax, Bartonella (Rochalimaea) henselae (Cat Scratch Disease), Bergeyella (Weeksella) zoohelcum, Campylobacter Infection, Chlamydia psittaci (feline strain), Cowpox, Coxiella burnetti Infection (Q fever), Cryptosporidium Infection, Cutaneous larva migrans, Dermatophytosis, Dipylidium Infection (tapeworm), Hookworm Infection, Leptospira Infection, Giardia, Neisseria canis, Pasteurella multocida, Plague, Poxvirus, Rabies, Rickettsia felis, Ringworm, Salmonella Infection, Scabies, Sporothrix schenckii, Toxocara Infection, Toxoplasmosis, Trichinosis, Visceral larva migrans, Yersinia pseudotuberculosis. [Centers for Disease Control, July 2010] Bird-Flu, Bovine Tuberculosis, Sarcosporidiosis, Flea-borne Typhus, Tularemia, and Rat-Bite Fever can now also be added to that list.

      (Yes, people have already died from cat-transmitted plague in the USA. Totally disproving that oft-spewed LIE that more cats in Europe could have prevented the plague. They would have made it worse. Once a cat contracts the plague it can and will transmit it to all cats in its colony or any other animals and humans it comes in contact with. “The Black Death” (the plague) is alive and well today and being spread by people’s cats this time around. All three forms of it transmitted by CATS — septicemic, bubonic, and pneumonic. For a fun read, one of hundreds of cases, Cat-Transmitted Fatal Pneumonic Plague ncbi D0T nlm D0T nih D0T gov SLASH pubmed/8059908 For further information: abcd-vets D0T org SLASH Guidelines/Pages/EN-Other-Zoonoses-Feline-Plague D0T aspx “Recommendations to avoid zoonotic transmission: Cats are considered the most important domestic animal involved in plague transmission to humans, and in endemic areas, outdoor cats may transmit the infection to their owners or to persons caring for sick cats (veterinarians and veterinary nurses).”)

      When ridding your lands and lives of these highly destructive man-made invasive-species vermin cats please do so in a manner where you can safely and sanitarily retrieve that useless carcass and dispose of it so no other life comes in contact with it. Your wildlife and neighbors will thank you. If using guns, I’d even advise against using a shotgun (the tool of choice in the past), too much disease-filled splatter. Make it clean as possible. Wear gloves while disposing of any cat-carcasses and even bury or burn those gloves too when the last cat in your area is finally gone. You need to dispose of that cat safely and hygienically so that wildlife won’t die from the deadly diseases cats spread even after their death. Leaving ANY cat out in nature, alive OR dead, is no better than intentionally poisoning your native wildlife to death. I know this. I fed one of the hundreds of shot-dead cats on my lands to some wildlife under my care, those animals and their offspring that they had while under my care then died from some disease in that cat-meat. Cats truly are complete and total wastes-of-flesh. They can’t even be used to feed wildlife safely.

  19. TNR, all your facts are facts. The style is bombastic, but it’s all true. Good for Bedford. They refused to buy into the feel-good Alley Cat Lies as Fort Worth (second thoughts now) and Arlington city councils did.
    Novelist Jonathan Franzen’s “Freedom” covers a battle between an endangered warbler sanctuary and these kookie cat people. Walls and barbed wire couldn’t keep the damn ferals from gobbling nestlings. I think he based the protagonist on you. Maybe you are Jonathan Franzen? Maybe you could move to Australia where a program is underway to rid the country of all invasives destroying their unique ecosystem. The public is behind it, Crazy Cat People don’t exist.
    I did not know the money angle, the cynical cash grab in California. Grifting off the suffering of unwanted pets forced into elements competing for corn-based poor quality kibble off tin pie plates. It’s a pathetic inhumane sight.

    • Never read “Freedom”, but I know of it, barely. As far as Australia goes, they really need to change their tack. Lilium species of plants are much more species-specific and there are Lilium species that are native to every continent. Though I do use their failed methods in the past to warn all others of yet another method that doesn’t work — those depending on nature and native predators to solve this man-made problem for them. Here’s my (again lengthy, though greatly edited) information about it. You might find it interesting. I certainly did (at the time).

      Coyotes, Dingos, nor any other native predators are going to save you from this ecological disaster today — worse than ANY oil-spill in history. (Thousands of endangered marine-mammals, all the way up to whales, are now dying-off along all coastlines around the world from cats’ Toxoplasma gondii parasite from the lands. Worse than any oil-spill that has ever existed or could even be imagined.) Native predators might pick off a few, and then dying in the process from 3dozen+ deadly zoonotic diseases that cats spread to all animals and humans today, but they WILL NOT solve the problem.

      I tried helping the remaining few predators on my land after cats starved most of them to death. Hoping I could raise an army to deal with this disaster ecologically. Was I ever proved wrong.

      During this venture I found some surprising things.

      Anytime that a cat would enter the wildlife feeding area all the wildlife would scatter. After 5 years of witnessing this I was truly disappointed. And it was even highly amusing at times. With my sometimes yelling at the dozens of assorted species of predators, who treated me like one of their own eventually, now running-away from their food-dishes as I was filling them (normally they stayed). “YOU USELESS PIECE-OF-SH半! GET BACK HERE! YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO EAT THESE GÒD-DÀMNED VERMIN THINGS!!” No lie, it happened often. 🙂 These were, after-all, the wildlife-army I was trying to raise to deal with this invasive-cat problem ecologically. Yeah, that didn’t work. 5 years of it. (But at least I got the local predator population back up to healthy (if not too many) numbers.)

      When I was advised by law-enforcement to shoot all cats, then I thought maybe I could put these destructive waste-of-flesh cats to use to feed the wildlife. These cats had denied them a food source all these years, perhaps in death they might be able to put back what they had taken. But no. Even when offered DEAD cats the local wildlife would run from the wildlife feeding area.

      Longer story short:

      This led to an interesting original discovery of mine, and also completely explains how cats can totally wipe-out the whole native food-chain in any ecosystem that they have infested.

      Due to the bold patterns bred into these MAN-MADE INVASIVE-SPECIES cats, the NATIVE wildlife perceives them as having a hidden toxic or olfactory defense mechanism. A universal symbol throughout all of nature, across all phyla — from insect, to reef-life, to larger mammals. That if an unknown animal is sporting bold patterns then that animal must be dangerous or deadly — to avoid it at all costs.

      This is why you will read reports online of how someone’s docile Mr. Fluffy scared that “nasty” coyote out of their yard. The cat’s imagined bravado had NOTHING to do with it. It was the cat’s coat-coloring pattern alone that scared that larger and more capable predator away.

      Conclusion: Native predators will only take the bland or no-pattern cats. So even if coyotes or other larger predators will take a cat or two, they’ll leave all the bold-patterned ones alone. And the land will eventually be inundated with bold-patterned cats only (which is what had infested my lands, bold-patterned cats). Back to square one. On top of that, their continually varying coat patterns prevents native wildlife from ever learning to “lock-onto” which of them might ever be safe to eat. (Which would be none, due to all the deadly cats’ diseases. In fact, cats’ bold-patterns might even be saving some of our native predators from dying from cats’ diseases. Their bold-pattern really isn’t a lie to wildlife — as far as that being a signal of them being toxic or deadly.)


      There’s very good reason that the phrase “hunted to extinction” is so well known across all cultures, across all lands. IT IS THE ONLY METHOD THAT IS FASTER THAN A SPECIES CAN OUT-BREED AND OUT-ADAPT TO. Especially one as prolific as these man-made cats which can breed 2-4X’s faster than any naturally-occurring cat species. A painful fact of past human-behavior that we must now rely on to fix this worldwide ecological disaster. This is ONLY going to be solved by a discerning human-eye aiming a gun to pick off the correct species as rapidly as is humanly possible.

      Important note: One winter I tried one last time at feeding one of the shot-dead cats to the last few starving opossum. (The only all-gray cat I had ever shot, this event led to the “Eureka!” discovery above.) Those 2 adult opossum, which I had saved from certain starvation and were doing well, even having 3 offspring while under my care, all promptly died from some disease in that cat-meat. Alarming — in that opossum, due to their cooler body temperatures, cannot contract nor transmit many common diseases, not even rabies. They are one of the most disease-free animals in N. America. (In fact, they have recently isolated something in opossums blood, that when any other animal is injected with it becomes 100% immune to ALL of the most deadly bio-toxins on earth. Interesting stuff, look it up. Tests are now being ported to humans for a universal anti-venom anti-toxin.) Yet … something in that cat-meat was able to kill all the opossum that fed on it. Cats truly are complete and total wastes of flesh. They can’t even be used to feed wild animals safely. Leaving any of these invasive-species cats out in nature, alive OR dead, is no better than intentionally poisoning your native wildlife to death.

      Further proof: Here’s what happens when you mix a slightly assertive cat with a bold pattern coat vs. a bear. And people laugh when they hear about a cat scaring just coyotes away. National Geographic News: Cat Chases Bear Up Tree — news D0T nationalgeographic D0T com SLASH news/2006/06/060613-cat-bear D0T html

      A declawed cat with a bold pattern and a slightly assertive demeanor can even frighten a bear away. A bear, that by all rights, should just give the cat one paw swipe and a quick chomp. But no, the cat’s coloring pattern told the bear that this is a potentially deadly and toxic life-form, use extreme caution.

      Native predators are just not going to be able to override millennia of evolution that perceiving bold-patterns are potentially dangerous or deadly to the predator. [Aside: Which might even help humans who are working or traveling in grizzly or mountain-lion regions — wearing bold patterns might even help to prevent large predator attacks on humans. When hiking through a grizzly’s living-room, carry a bold-striped referee’s shirt in your backpack to wear, it might save your life. I noticed this “natural anomaly” when I was feeding native predators to raise for a cat-eating army (which failed). If I went out in the middle of the night (many times all night until dawn) to fill their dishes they behaved around me more cautiously if I inadvertently wore something with slightly bolder colors/patterns, or even wearing a dark short-sleeved shirt, my lighter arms appearing as bands of contrasting light against the dark. They were most relaxed when when I wore washed-out camo or one solid dark color from wrist to ankle and would even eat right out of their dishes as I filled them, treating me as harmless as one of their own.]

      You can also check out a finding in Australia. Researchers find feral cat numbers not reduced when dingo numbers increase in outback. phys D0T org SLASH news/2012-11-feral-cat-dingo-outback D0T html

      They thought they could increase their Dingo populations to help get rid of the feral cats that are devastating all their lands. Conclusion: Dingo populations had absolutely NO effect on reducing the population growth of cats. I should have told them what I found out, then they wouldn’t have wasted all that time (and valuable endangered wildlife that ended up as tortured play-toys for cats).

    • p.s. About how they have made themselves into multimillionaires by torturing cats to death with TNR and then exploiting any they find dying of TNR’s “loving and human attrition” in the media for even more donations. If you add-in their incessant cyber-stalking and cyber-bullying tactics they have used to get TNR into all the communities where it exists today, you gotchyerself a good ol’ Racketeering organization. Ripe for picking by the Feds. 🙂 It’s only a matter of time until TNR is listed as the most widely spread example of racketeering.

      May they all rot in prison for life. 🙂

  20. Thanks for the info, TNR. Your method of “over commenting” makes it seem you are just another Internet crazy, but everything you have posted is true and salient to the problem. In my urban Fort Worth neighborhood, the feral cat population has pretty much rendered it a silent spring. I remember mockingbirds, grass snakes, lizards, jays, lots of squirrels, and even frogs. And not in some distant past, but as recently as the 80s. Over time, the feral cat population has rendered it a dead zone with nothing but cats and, of course, insects (because the insect predators have been exterminated by the cats).
    Enough humans leave enough food on porches and in back yards to keep the cat colonies going and breeding.
    And don’t even get me started on the cat waste that fills my flower beds, grassy areas, and nostrils.

    • Well, I hope you can use any of the methods I listed (there is at least one listed for no matter where you live on earth, nor what laws govern your lives, I try to make sure of that), to get your life and home back.

      All NATIVE wildlife on my lands is now returning to normal, it rebounded faster than I could have ever hoped for. I estimate about 1 returning or 1 never-seen-before native species arrived on my land PER DAY for 5 years since every last cat is gone. That’s a LOT of species that cats destroyed or starved to death during their 15 years here. Nature is once again back in balance, as it was, and as it should be. Native predators are no longer starving to death due to cats destroying their only food sources. No countless thousands of prey-specie animals being tortured to death for disemboweled and skinned-alive twitching play-toys for vermin cats. No longer are these invasive species cats spreading their 3dozen+ deadly zoonotic diseases to all animals and humans. AND I no longer have any rodent problem. Owls returned, as did the hawks, fox, raccoons, shrikes, and opossum and other NATIVE predators that get rid of rodents the RIGHT WAY, without attracting more of them with cats’ T. gondii brain-hijacking parasite. The most valuable of all are the tiny 1.75-inch Masked Shrew, which evolved a poisonous bite specifically for preying on rodents at their very source, in the burrows right where rodents breed. Cats ALWAYS destroy these tiny David vs. Goliath marvels first, thus ensuring an endless supply of rodents to entertain the cats and your own stupid lives on into infinity.

      I get to hear owls hooting again every night, a sound I had not heard for 15 years because cats had destroyed all their visible/attainable food sources. One so tame it sits on a branch about 10 ft. from my door most evening, nights, and early mornings before dawn. It caught a vole I had disturbed one time when I was walking through my yard, the owl landing nearly right between my feet to capture the vole. It just looking straight-up at me all proud about its catch. I had to step over that owl to let it continue on in its proud moment. Hawks soar over my trees again. Spring-Peepers herald-in Spring again. Chipmunks treat me to a chipmunk-chorus most every calm summer evening again, another sound I had not heard for 15 years. (Ever hear that sound? It sounds like a melodic wooden wind-chime coming from every direction in the forest as they call to each other, each clucking with their own unique note of their chorus before bedding-down. It’s an astounding experience to hear it just once in your life but I get to hear it most every calm warm day before sunset, sometimes in calm late mornings too before they take their noon nap.) A family of Gray Fox (one of the most beneficial native animals to grace the land) made a den near my home. I often see them bringing a clownish kit or two along with to patrol my yard for any edibles. Birds I had never seen in my life before now nest here. 2 of the species are warblers listed in the top-10-songbirds of the world. What an amazing sound to awaken to during warm months. I wasn’t a birder before but these amazing animals are now convincing me otherwise. A few raccoons even come to visit when they hear my voice, for a treat during whelping season. But I secretly suspect they are showing their kids off and teaching them where to go in case of emergency. Part of the local predators I saved from starvation. One time I felt so used; one of the mother raccoons fell-asleep belly-up next to me on the steps, while I baby-sat her kids for her. Now that’s just taking things too far. But with 8 overly rambunctious brats (cute as they were playing tug-o-war with me and my shoe-laces), I can totally understand her wanting a short break from that. 🙂

      The lifelong rewards for destroying and disposing of every last one of these pestilent invasive-species vermin cats on your lands are priceless and immeasurable.

      I now feel nothing but pity for anyone who has cats around them. They have made their own lives, and the lives of all those around them, dismally bereft and empty and they don’t even realize it.

      Good luck! It is TOTALLY worth every last dead cat — no matter how you have to accomplish that. 🙂

      • minor correction: The above post was originally authored to educate cat-lickers, and I forgot I left in the line “and your own stupid lives”, that was not directed at you. 🙂

  21. I am considering starting a Gofundme account to get TNR “researcher” some much needed counseling. Seriously, FW Weekly, why are you allowing this mad person to continue the rants and the name calling and the encouraging of animal cruelty?

    • I quite like seeing when you fringe LUNATIC TNReligion supporters try to get my posts censored.

      Simple reason being: The very last bastion of the blind-followers of any wholly proved false and completely failed religion — censorship.

      Just like TNR is a now 100% disproved religion; a religion based on nothing but wishful thinking, self-centered and self-aggrandized feel-good imaginings, psychotic conjecture, AND ZERO FACTS.

      Whenever these TNR lunatics try to get my posts deleted they have publicly admitted to the whole world that their TNR religion is 100% false. They’ve got no other way to defend their imaginary beliefs.

      When they do try they have single-handedly denounced the whole concept of TNR in their simple wish for censorship. But then, like I’ve always said, cat-lickers are always dumber than their cats. Why do you think their cats can outsmart them so often to get away from them? Their own cats are even more intelligent than they are. Even their own cats are desperate to not be around them. Not even their cats need nor want them, who would?

      • Wallowing in a bliss of self-inflicted ignorance by poking your own eyes-out is a wonderful thing isn’t it. An inescapable trap that all bliss-ninnies have made of their useless and meaningless lives.

        That’s okay, while you remain wallowing in that self-inflicted ignorance, the rest of us will just go on destroying all your free-roaming invasive-species cats because you’ll just keep putting them where they can easily be destroyed — if not by wiser hands, then by the cats’ own actions. Then when your cat doesn’t come home you can wallow some more in the psychoses that they must have been frolicking in a field of wildflowers and butterflies all day and then just peacefully and painlessly crossed-over that “rainbow bridge” that all you senseless and inhumane bliss-ninnies just love to go on about. Isn’t it comforting to know your cat isn’t laying in a ditch somewhere, still alive, with half of its body ran-over by a car; or had lapped-up some antifreeze or vermin poison and is gasping for breath for 3 or more days under a dumpster with maggots eating its wounds while you get to sit their in your psychotic self-inflicted bliss enjoying other peaceful yet impossible scenarios?

        Enjoy your ignorance! While all your cats and all the wildlife of the world suffers to death — because of YOU.

        I have yet to figure out why any of you self-serving, myopic, and phenomenally ignorant animal-torturing wastes-of-flesh were ever even born. That is a mystery for which the answer still cannot be found.