Angilee Wilkerson’s “Posey’s Allusion”
Angilee Wilkerson’s “Posey’s Allusion”

ART7 Crockett Community Gallery’s current exhibit is entitled Americana, but that’s somewhat misleading, since this juried show consists solely of artists from Texas and the adjoining states. The paintings, photographs, and sculptural works remain up through next month.

[box_info]Americana, thru Mar 7. ART7 Crockett Community Gallery, 2956 Crockett St,
FW. 817-298-3021. [/box_info]

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  1. I would just like to point out that Americana refers to “things produced in the U.S. and thought to be typical of the U.S. or its culture.” To state that the title is misleading reflects a lack of understanding of the word, and perhaps a bit of laziness in not doing the research to actually see the exhibit, which represents a fairly broad view of of the United States and its culture.