FORT WORTH AT SUNUP (courtesy usapics)

People better get used to the idea of Fort Worth growing like a weed. Well, not a weed, a lovely flower.

Earlier this month, U.S. Census Bureau information showed that the country’s fastest growing big city with at least 500,000 residents is the City of Cow. Fort Worth’s 42 percent growth topped Charlotte, North Carolina’s 40 percent, Austin’s 27 percent, San Antonio’s 18 percent, and El Paso’s 17 percent.

In other words, Fort Worth blew every other big city in Texas out of the water when it came to percentage of growth, based on a five-year survey.

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Poor Dallas saw less than 3 percent growth, ranking 24th.

That discrepancy in growth will only increase in the coming decades. Dallas, like Arlington, is mostly landlocked. They can’t grow in size, only in population.

Annexation rights give Texas cities the power to grab unincorporated land on its borders. But cities to our east don’t have much unincorporated area left to nab.

Fort Worth has massive amounts of land it can acquire through its extra-territorial jurisdiction. The city is about 350 square miles, and could double in physical size and explode in population during this century.

Whether that’s good or not depends on whom you ask.




  1. Well we DO know that the biggest NEGATIVE for the City of Fort Worth community is the sad state of affairs within the Fort Worth Independent School District. Under the leadership of Judy Needham (though her protégé Norm Robbins is nominal Board President) FWISD has fallen yet again even lower in student performance according to the Texas Education Agency. FWISD has 39 low performing schools – four of which are high schools. See the continuing sad saga of FWISD along with notable quotes from Board Members espousing the virtues of two hour bus rides for children as times to study. In 2015, do SOMETHING positive for the Fort Worth Community – vote to replace Needham and her two protégés Tobi Jackson and Christene Moss. The ISD needs new blood to aid Dr. Ann Sutherland in transforming this ISD. We do not need more dinosaurs steeped in their own sense of power and importance.

  2. Fort Worth is a fast-growing cesspool already full to the brim with disproportionate drugs/ crime, illegal aliens and pervasive corruption.

  3. the city of Fort Worth is the best city. Its not boring its live 24/7 that means at night and day. The city of Fort Worth is a one of a kind you can’t find a city like it. Its speacial, like you can just stay there forever. Its modern buildings and its greenery Downtown. But at night and day Downtown is the place to be. That’s were everything pop-off at. Downtown you have the cheese cake factory, sundance square, JFK statue, new hotel, new condos, more apartments, then at night you have night clubs, drive in downtown movie theater, fast food places, barnes and noble, and the beautiful lights on the tall buildings at a nice temp. And Fort Worth in the north is now the place to find a house because their are plenty of house and apartments up their. Well thats it i love Fort Worth hope u do to.