Aaron Roberts, cobra, John-Michael Marrs, and Thomas Ward in Stage West’s The Explorers Club.
Aaron Roberts, cobra, John-Michael Marrs, and Thomas Ward in Stage West’s The Explorers Club.

They’re known as “rent parties,” the shows that theater and performing arts troupes put on over the holidays to give spectators some holiday cheer and raise money to help pay operating costs for the rest of the year. The troupes we’re spotlighting here are just two of many that are doing that this  weekend.

Jubilee Theatre premiered its musical revue Jubilation last year, and it was so popular that they’re trotting out a sequel for this Christmas. The troupe has always done great musicals, and this year’s show, Jubilation II: The Colors of Christmas, promises more carols performed in R&B, blues, and jazz styles, with dance numbers and comedy to match.

Stage West is also bringing something new to the stage, a farce called The Explorers Club that debuted in New York last year and is set among a group of 19th-century English science enthusiasts struggling over whether to admit a woman as a member. The play is by Nell Benjamin, who did the musical version of Legally Blonde, and while it doesn’t have much depth, it is a great deal of fun in the right hands.

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[box_info]Jubilation II: The Colors of Christmas runs Nov 28-Dec 28 at Jubilee Theatre, 506 Main St, FW. Tickets are $18-22. Call 817-338-4411. • The Explorers Club runs Nov 28-Jan 4 at Stage West, 821 W Vickery Dr, FW. Tickets are $15-39. Call 817-784-9378.[/box_info]