People who like to hunt and fish will appreciate this latest tech news: The Texas Parks & Wildlife is posting all of its information about hunting seasons, bag and length limits, and other rules and regulations on a free mobile app.

Taxpayers who care little about hunting and fishing will be happy to know that the app was developed in a partnership between Parks & Wildlife and Texas Monthly Custom Publishing without using public money.

“Our partnership with Texas Monthly, publisher of the print version of the Outdoor Annual, made it possible to provide these regulations in a free mobile app without having to spend a dime of state funds,” Parks & Wildlife Executive Director Carter Smith said.


Those who install the app will have easy access to state hunting and fishing regulations without having to be connected to the Internet.

The app is updated each year.

“We wanted to make it easier and more convenient for hunters and anglers to find out what they need to know about the season dates, bag and length limits and other important information when they are enjoying the outdoors in Texas,” Smith said. “We felt it was a priority to use this new technology to provide an added value to the customers whose license dollars help conserve wildlife and fish for all Texans.”