Quaker City Night Hawks are just one of the 48 bands playing at our Music Awards Festival, Sun. Lee Chastain
Quaker City Night Hawks are just one of the 48 bands playing at our Music Awards Festival, Sun. Lee Chastain

WED ▪ 18

Sundance Square has held outdoor screenings of movies before on summer evenings, but this year they’re better (and better attended) than ever, thanks to a huge screen visible from every corner of the new plaza. Tonight’s showing is Enchanted, which we’re keen to see just for Amy Adams’ musical number with the pigeons and cockroaches, at 9pm at 4th & Main sts, FW. Admission is free.


Bangkok Chefs Table 300x250

THU ▪ 19

Juneteenth festivities are all over Fort Worth between Wednesday and Sunday, but the Juneteenth Freedom Fest Celebration runs only two days. Nevertheless, this particular celebration will be packed with live music, history demonstrations, vendors, food, local history, and opportunities to give to charity. The event continues tomorrow at Fort Worth Water Gardens, but it runs 10am-4pm today at Community Christian Church, 1800 E Vickery Blvd, FW. Admission is free. Call 817-335-9605.


FRI ▪ 20

Whatever happened to Robert Townsend? He seemed poised for nice things in the early 1990s after directing and starring in the satirical comedy Hollywood Shuffle and the music drama The Five Heartbeats, but lately he’s confined his directing efforts to TV and stayed off camera. His last acting credit was in the 2008 family drama Of Boys and Men, which the Dock Bookshop is screening as a late Father’s Day presentation at 8:15pm at 6637 Meadowbrook Ln, FW. Admission is free. Call 817-457-5700.


SAT ▪ 21

A mikoshi parade involves floats but not the sort you’re used to. These Japanese religious ceremonies feature Shinto shrines resembling miniature buildings on raised platforms that are carried aloft by strong men. You can see one of these at Matsuri: A Samural Celebration, which also features martial arts, anime, kids’ activities, and live music by Sarah Jaffe and Air Review 1-10pm at the Kimbell Art Museum, 3333 Camp Bowie Blvd, FW. Admission is free. Call 817-332-8451.


SUN ▪ 22

You may have heard about this in other sections of the paper, but it’s still worth repeating here: Fort Worth Weekly’s 12th Annual Music Awards Festival features 48 bands, including Quaker City Night Hawks, Pinkish Black, Son of Stan, Telegraph Canyon, and The Longshots, and takes place 4-10pm at eight venues in the West 7th Street corridor. Check Noteworthy for addresses and the feature story for much, much more information. Admission is free. Call 817-321-9700.


MON ▪ 23

With the summer weather as oppressively hot as it is, we can’t overstate the advantages of being able to see top drum corps perform without having to sit outside at some football stadium. Hit your local movie theater for DCI 2014 Tour Premiere: Innovations in Brass, which will feature performances by seven top drum corps from around the country. The broadcast is at 7pm at various theaters. Check Calendar for locations. Tickets are $13-15. Call 818-761-6100.


TUE ▪ 24

The Fort Worth Cats hold an unusual five-game home series against the Brownsville Charros, which will mark the 10th through the 15th times that the two teams have played against each other this year. By season’s end, these guys will know what the guys on the other team eat for breakfast. The series runs Jun 24-28 at LaGrave Field, 301 NE 6th St, FW. Tickets are $5-16. Call 817-226-2287.