The school board will have a special meeting at 5 tonight to determine the contract status of Superintendent Walter Dansby. His contract is the only item on the agenda, which was posted on Friday.

The superintendent gets an annual review from the board, and is eligible for a $10,000 bonus for a satisfactory performance. His contract expires in August 2016. The board completed his evaluation weeks ago, but neither Dansby nor members of the board have publicly commented on it.

The matter has been hanging over the district since February, when the board began discussions on Dansby’s evaluation. The board tabled its March vote, and has been eerily silent on the matter ever since.


That silence will likely be broken tonight.



  1. I hope they ask him to resign or, at the very least, not pay him the $10,000 bonus. His focus is apparently not on student performance…the recent scores reflect that. It’s on Athletics and the bond program. He can self-promote with the best of them and his biggest achievement(s)? A successful bond program and the passing of another. Nothing to improve student performance/achievement. Fort Worth ISD needs a superintendent that is less concerned with jumbo scoreboards and stadium press boxes and more concerned with helping teachers and students work to their full potential. A little less bullying from the leader of Fort Worth ISD would go a long way to improve the district but OUT is my vote.