Pictured with Carolyn Judson, TBT principal Lucas Priolo will close out his career with Swan Lake.
Pictured with Carolyn Judson, TBT principal Lucas Priolo will close out his career with Swan Lake.

Saving the best for last, Texas Ballet Theater ends its season this weekend with five performances of Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake. The Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra resumes its place in the pit and will be heard again next season in Sleeping Beauty.

Guest conductor Michael Moricz will lead the group. He worked with TBT’s artistic director Ben Stevenson when the latter directed the Houston Ballet. While this will be Moricz’ first Swan Lake, he has built an impressive career as conductor, composer, and arranger.

Swan Lake traces the journey of Prince Siegfried, who meets the girl of his dreams by a lake where she is under the spell of an evil wizard. After many tribulations, they triumph and are united in spirit.

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Lucas Priolo will dance the prince in his final performances with TBT. A principal with the company for 10 years, he has developed into the group’s leading male dancer and a pillar of the local dance scene.

Carolyn Judson will partner with Priolo in the double role of Odette/Odile for the three evening performances. One of the most demanding assignments in ballet, the dancer must switch from a gentle, loving Odette in the second act to the tempestuous Odile of the third, creating two different personalities in the process. — Leonard Eureka


[box_info]Texas Ballet Theater’s Swan Lake is Fri-Sun at Bass Performance Hall, 555 Commerce St. FW. Tickets are $15-190. Call 877-828-9200.[/box_info]


  1. I attended the ballet last night and saw Lucas Priolo in the lead role. I could be mistaken, but the gentleman in the photo does not look like Lucas. It looks more like Carol Coomer…….?