The Apache 5 is back after a long hiatus, playing Friday at Lola's Saloon.
The Apache 5 is back after a long hiatus, playing Friday at Lola's Saloon.

As with most weekends in the Fort, this one has options for, let’s say, adults and for, let’s say, people with less serious responsibilities. If we could imagine Friday as a wedding reception, the people with 9-to-5s, maybe spouses, and maybe kids would be seated at Lola’s Saloon (2736 W. 6th St., 817-877-0666) while maybe people without traditional 9-to-5s or significant others would be at Happi Hous (1921 Hemphill St.). Both events sound like blasts, but since they’re across town from each other, you might have to choose. Ah, good ol’ fashioned analysis paralysis.

Along with British popsters Nic Armstrong & The Thieves, Lola’s will host Fort Worth post-punks War Party, alt-country rockers Rodney Parker & 50 Peso Reward, and the still-kickin’ Apache 5. I’ll give you a nickel if you can remember the last time The Apache 5 played a show. It’s been a while. The rollicking, Kinks-esque band is finally getting back to, y’know, being a band after a long hiatus. A couple of years ago, frontman Joshua Loewen and company had their equipment stolen, and Curtis Heath, the producer with whom they had begun recording the follow-up to their 2011 debut, Big Black Smoke, was stricken with cancer. (He’s now in remission.) The Apache 5 not only has a bunch of shows lined up, including June’s Friday on the Green, but is also angling to get back into the studio, this time possibly at Barry Eaton’s facility in Justin.

For Loewen, the Lola’s show is significant in more ways than one: In addition to marking The Apache 5’s return to action, the gig also represents a sort of personal victory for the young singer-songwriter. “Armstrong is a musical guru of mine,” Loewen said. “I met him in October in Austin and have been … [enduring] schedule conflicts until the last month, when we were able to make this happen and bring him to Fort Worth for only the second time ever.”


Tickets are $10-12.

Ten to 12 bucks? Don’t tell the fine folks at Happi Hous. According to their Facebook invite, attending their free house party will allow concertgoers to “support your local bands” and, incidentally, “say, ‘Fuck you, bar. I don’t want to pay 10 dollars to get in.’ ”

One of the loudest, fuzziest, grooviest acts in the Fort, FOGG will headline a bill that also includes The Fluorescents, Day Waster, Creatures, and Mother Culture. Oh, and since Friday is World Penguin Day, Happi Hous attendees are encouraged to dress in black and white.

Black and white, you say? Why that’s so serendipitous, since Color Control, a concert/art exhibit, will go down on Saturday at Shipping & Receiving (201 S. Calhoun St., 817-887-9313). Along with artwork by Sophia Ceballos, Jupiter Leigh, Cody Soape, Marshall Watson and Craig Ray, Jay Wilkinson, and Ronnie Heart, there’ll be performances by Mr. Heart (at midnight), one-man smooth-funk band Nathan Brown (11 p.m.), and the amazingly trippy Tidals (10 p.m.). Fairmountwears also will be doing a pop-shop. Attendees are encouraged to sport monochromatic clothing.

“Everyone will leave hopefully feeling inspired in a very positive manner,” organizer Heart said, adding that he’s planning a similar party for the summer.

Cover to this all-ages event is $5-8. The fun gets going at 9 p.m.


Contact HearSay at


  1. These kids are mainly in college and just trying to have fun by being different and new. I looked up the date and The Happy House created the event April 7th and Lolas created the event on April 8th…. I also looked up online and It really is World Penguin Day…. It seems these kids have found a way to get up and close with their local bands without their bars… Same ol’ monopoly story if you ask me hun. Just leave these kids ALONE!!!

  2. Yeeeaa something smells fishy here if you ask me? FW Weekly Get your facts straight!! I looked up this show and it’s at someones apartment or something?? This sounds childish and totally over it. Not looking to get into it with some college hipster kids. I’ll be going to Lolas and getting my freak on that night, might get into a bit of trouble too if you know what i mean. 😉

  3. This sounds kind of insulting FW Weekly. I don’t know what or who HEARSAY is but you should probably re-think your association with them. I might just end up going to this event instead of Lolas tonight tbh. I might get vomit on me but these kids are doing something right here if someone obviously doesn’t want them to do what they’re doing and I’m sure it’ll be something new for me!

  4. What’s the point of this article? It’s one thing to criticize college kids for throwing a FREE show. That’s inherent. But it’s ironic in the fact that you are also giving them free unsought advertising, thus contributing to the very thing you are criticizing. Last time I checked, these are all the same bands that play across the Metroplex at bars and house parties alike, free or not. Last time I checked, Fort Worth isn’t in some sort of polarized bars vs free show civil war. People are going to go to shows because they want to see and support their local bands. Just because multiple shows fall on the same night, doesn’t imply it is done in spite of each other, rather, it denotes a healthy music scene. And I’m not even touching the fallacy of logic in your comments on World Penguin Day. Whoever wrote this should have had their facts and bias checked, or at least thought out what the implications of the article meant. This not well thought out article is embarrassing to Fort Worth Weekly and insulting to the Fort Worth music scene at large.

  5. I chose to write about both events because “both events sound like blasts.” And I’m a big fan of FOGG and think everyone should see them, and house parties are awesome. The only sticking point is that the events are happening across town on the same day/night, and concertgoers may have to choose. I don’t get what the big ado is about.

  6. maybe hearsay didn’t get an invite to our haus show and is butt hurt about it? all you had to do was ask to come heheh. anyway, we will be here tonight with our friends, family, AND significant others having some good ol’ fashioned fun!

  7. I AM NOT BUTT-HURT ABOUT ANYTHING!!!! I would LOVE to go to Happi Hous, which is why I chose to plug the show in my column. FOGG is amazing. House shows are amazing. House shows on the Near Southside are even amazing … er. What I’m trying to imply VERY NICELY is that the crowd at Lola’s is going to be a little more like me: “of a certain age.” (No offense, Josh!) Do with that information what you will.

  8. My husband just called the FW Weekly offices and got the name of the editor. I believe Anthony Mariani owes these kids an apology. That or actually go to one and EXPERIENCE ONE at the Happi Hous and write a REAL REVIEW!! I’m just tired of lazy and/or corrupt journalism….


    So the syndicate, and our excellent friends at happi house is formally inviting you Anthony to come experience the bounce house, and all the awesome and amazing things we can accomplish together with the help of our amazing and extremely supportive community.

    thanks dogg

  10. Apologize to “these kids” FOR WHAT?!?! I’m promoting their show!!! Is my column written in Greek on everyone else in the world’s computer but mine?!

    But if Benito’s is catering, I am out. #greasy #flavorless

  11. Ya I’m not sure why everyone is upset. They got a free plug, and you didn’t say a single thing that was insulting.

    From the rest of the sane music community

  12. Well I have a 9 to 5 real job but I am going to happy hous. I don’t care about social status and I would go to a hole in the wall venue or a 5 star hotel as long as there was good music that I enjoy. What you are doing here is ridiculous because you are separating a community that should always be together in music and not care about the amount of money they have or jobs. Both venues aren’t that far away from each other so don’t bring up that across town crap. Try new things people, don’t be tied down by what society says you should do. And to the writer, find another job because you aren’t very good at writing. This whole article just made you look like an ass.

  13. Well I have a 9 to 5 real job but I am going to happy hous. I don’t care about social status and I would go to a hole in the wall venue or a 5 star hotel as long as there was good music that I enjoy. What you are doing here is ridiculous because you are separating a community that should always be together in music and not care about the amount of money they have or jobs. Both venues aren’t that far away from each other so don’t bring up that across town crap. Try new things people, don’t be tied down by what society says you should do. And to the writer, find another job because you aren’t very good at writing. This whole article just made you look like an douche.

  14. I think you had good intentions Anthony, since you love fogg you write about them and thats why you gave the show a free plug. So thanks for that. But I encourage you to really look at how you present things to the people. You arent even in the scene, Ive never seen you at a show outside of the ones you throw. The way you write that makes it sound like there is a divide in the scene which we all know isnt true. Along with being out there more, I would love to see you writing about how INCLUSIVE our music scene is, the constant growth and the potential it has. talk about the youth and the cool NEW Things happening rather than the old dudes who are just coming back. or do both, just please, if you are going to be the only press representing the music scene, we need you to do better.

  15. We love a healthy cause. We don’t condone any negativity and certainly don’t wish any loss on anyones part. DIY is about more than taking away from anyone. We provide for ourselves. Obviously some of our “promotion” themes have been somewhat negative, but I can assure you me and the rest of us have given more than most to the bars and venues in the area. We love fort worth and want to provide for its blossoming music culture. There is more than enough music and music lovers to go around. We don’t even ask that the venues share the wealth.

  16. So I was there last night playing with my band and heard a lot of different stuff about this particular article. After reading both the article and the comments, I just want to say thank you to Anthony for writing this. I’m not offended whatsoever with the description of the event, and I think its awesome that you gave it just as much attention as a the other show. It is in all senses a compliment and I really hope this doesn’t discourage you from covering similar events! Wish you could have been there man!

  17. Man, thanks for supporting local music. Side note, though, I live at Happi Haus and I’m not super into you publishing my address on FWWeekly online. Especially without asking anyone at Happi Haus if it was cool for you to invite all of Fort Worth to our show.