Night & Day
Unfamiliar theatergoers will find the stage musical version of Footloose to be a different animal from either the original 1983 film...
Brink Blossoms
Longtime Fort Worth Weekly writer Betty Brink’s name and spirit will live on in an urban garden — and in apple pies and plum...
Drive-Thru Resolutions
Even though we’re only a few days into the new year, I imagine more than a few people have already given up on their...
They Also Serve Who Say They’re Sorry
Either service is getting to be a lost art, or I’m way too picky. Having spent the better part of a decade in the...
Not Trap’d
Seth Reeves does a near-flawless impersonation of former President George W. Bush. The secret to the imitation, said the frontman to Fort Worth alt-country...
Trusting City Hall
When the Fort Worth City Council approved major changes in the city’s ethics ordinance recently, it put the city in a different camp than...
So Dreamy
One Sunday in November, The Where House on the Near Southside opened its doors to some of the best bands in North Texas’ underground...
HIV Infection as Aggravated Assault? It’s Complicated
Tarrant County courts aren’t earning a stellar reputation when it comes to handling complex consensual sex cases. Last year there was the Kennedale High School...
As you can tell from its name, Grizlybexar Collective has its roots in San Antonio, even though it’s based here in Fort Worth. The...
Top 10 Movies
I don’t have enough slots! That’s always a nice problem to have when making a list of the year’s best movies. Even taking into...