Pinkish Black Lights Up
Even the family tree of band names reads like the cast of some creation myth culled from the collective human consciousness: Ohm was the...
All Aboard!
It takes a special type of dedication for a restaurant owner to stock his or her menu almost entirely with made-from-scratch items. The decision...
Documentary Matters
The quarterly film series Movies That Matter comes to the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth this weekend, screening socially conscious documentaries free of...
Uplifted Spirit
In the annals of Fort Worth contemporary art, Vernon Fisher probably looms the largest. And for good reason. The veteran multimedia artist and painter...
Tandy Hills Natural Area Closes Out Another Year In Colorful Style
Autumn brings a cavalcade of color and beauty at Tandy Hills Natural Area, and the park's number one supporter Don Young captured the season...
Buddhist Relics Tour at Unity Church
Ironically, if folks could ever use the Loving Kindness Tour of Buddhist relics opening 6-8pm tonight (Fri Nov 29) at the Unity Church of...
Hip Pocket Theatre-Related Kickstarter Campaign Ends Dec. 6
Old Tarzan at Hip Pocket Theatre was the first play I ever saw -- and it blew me away. The story concept was cool:...
Escaped Murder Suspect On The Loose in Fort Worth
A murder suspect escaped in Downtown Fort Worth today. David Matthew Merrill, 36, of McKinney fled from his probation officers earlier today after being...
Film Shorts
Bridegroom (R) Linda Bloodworth-Thomason’s documentary profiles Shane Bitney Crone, a gay man who found himself deprived of legal rights after his partner, Tom Bridegroom,...
In Living Color!
The new exhibit at the Amon Carter Museum of American Art contains all of its color in a black box. The entrance and exit...