When Texas Christian University students return next fall, they’ll be greeted by a shiny new Chick-fil-A on campus — and many LGBT students and alumni and supporters are not happy about it.

In May, school officials announced that the 1873 Restaurant would be converted into the fast food chicken chain. A statement on TCU’s website said the decision was based on student feedback, and “The University has responded to the students’ request by bringing Chick-fil-A to campus beginning Fall 2013.” Some students started a Facebook page called Bring Chick-fil-A to TCU, which has 541 “likes.”

Alumni Todd Camp, chairman and co-founder of Q Cinema, said the decision is a slap in the face to the LGBT community because of the timing of the move.

Sundance Square Black History- rectangle corrected

“As a private university, TCU had the rare opportunity after a groundbreaking Supreme Court decision to do the right thing and go with another fast food franchise, as a show of support for their LGBT students, not to mention the many people who support them,” he told Fort Worth Weekly. “Not surprisingly, TCU failed. Instead, they chose to reward a proudly homophobic business while pretending to be oblivious to the fact that its profits would be used to fund efforts to harm those same students. I guess in TCU’s eyes, human dignity isn’t worth as much as waffle fries.”

In 2012, Chick-fil-A’s CEO Dan Cathy created a firestorm when he publicly opposed same sex marriage. His comments came on the heels of reports that the restaurant’s charity funneled millions of dollars to organizations that opposed LGBT rights.

Last summer, the LGBT community was upset when TCU partnered with Chick-fil-A in a promotion encouraging its customers to wear purple, when the school announced it was joining the Big 12 Athletic Conference.

Lisa Albert, a spokeswoman for the school told The Dallas Voice she thought the controversy was “irrelevant. This was about what the students were wanting.”

She added that she understood the LGBT community’s sensitivity regarding the company, but “at the end of the day, [the company’s opinions] don’t reflect the opinions of TCU,” she said.





  1. I am sick of this crap. If TCU wants to have a Chick-Fil-A then what it is to the LPGA or whatever the Gay organization is. I don’t care if you are gay or not. I don’t think you are a SINNER and happen to be born that way. SO GET OVER THE FACT that Chick-fil-a has it’s own way of life. Welcome to America. STOP forcing your crap down our throats. And I for one eat there. I also am not a fan of giving away free citizenship to illegals. But I still eat Mexican Food.

  2. So don’t eat there. It’s called Texas Christian University. You decided to go there. It’s a private school they can do whatever they want without listening to anyone. Stop forcing others to accept your lifestyle. This is a non issue that a small group of people are trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill. Stop already and get back to living your life and not forcing it on others. We get it your gay.

  3. It’s called Texas Christian University. You decided to go there. It’s a private school they can do whatever they want without listening to anyone. Stop forcing others to accept your lifestyle. This is a non issue that a small group of people are trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill. Stop already and get back to living your life and not forcing it on others. We get it your gay. Now just live life

  4. The LGBT are constantly screaming for acceptance in public forums and yet they continually demonstrate that they are some of the most intolerant people on the planet!

  5. I don’t agree with what most of corporate America does and I am a Skeptic–Can I have my own on campus organization? BTW-pass the mayo and eat more chicken!

  6. Heard Chick-Fil-A is adding a few items at it’s TCU location: Pray the Gay Away Sandwich, God Hates Fags Salad Sandwich, and the Don’t Pack Fudge Brownie.

  7. This is the kind of harassment from the LGBT community that hurts themselves. They are so quick to fight anyone and everyone that disagrees or doesn’t support them. I don’t like everything that Chick-fil-A, Wendy’s, McDonalds, Wal-Mart, Kroger (the list goes on and on) believes, but that’s life, and this is America. Do your own boycotting LBGT. Don’t mandate it on others. If you want to become mainstream, then become mainstream and get rid of that chip on your shoulder.

    • Calm down, Christoph. Sit down and eat a Chick-Fil-A Homosexuality is a Choice Chicken Wrap and you’ll probably feel better.

  8. There’s a heavy concentration of ignorance in some of you all’s comments…but what else is to be expected from cyber bullies posting in the comment section of an article that obviously does not fit their fancy.

    There’s a funny phrase floating around the internet that many of you embody, ‘Stunt Queen’. How ironic of you to ardently post your annoyance of people having & expressing their opinions and trying to “[force] others to accept” their lifestyle, when you’re essentially doing the exact same thing.

    ….Simple facts people.

    Oh and I’ve been DYING to know, I know that “This is America,” but what does that really even mean? Serious…what are you truly attempting to communicate with that quip?

    Lastly, Chuck & Texasbred323 – grammar and syntax are actual things and should be incorporated into any and all public statements and or posts. Let me know if you’d like some resources to bolster your grasp of, I believe some of your peers would call it, ‘Merican – the language of the free*.

    *Objects in the mirror may be distorted