At last night’s school board meeting, trustees elected a new slate of officers, with Christene Chadwick Moss as the new board president. Moss, who has served on the board since 1990, takes over for Judy Needham, who served for a little more than seven months. Moss is the second African-American to hold the position — T.A. Sims was the first.

Tobi Jackson was elected as 1st vice president, T.A. Sims was elected as 2nd vice president, and Norman Robbins was elected secretary.





  1. And this is the same Board member that said, let teachers leave FWISD – there are lots more to take their place. Everyone should feel really valued now!!!

  2. WTF cares about Moss and her status of being the second African American Board President!!! This woman, along with the other loser board members, are so hell bent on creating diversions! Tell me exactly WTH is the reason for rotating board officers again? Is it some form of “gang” maneuver, so the newbies know their place? This is news??? Wow, this is crappy, even for this paper, to write about “a new President”, who like her husband, should get the hint and get off the board! Your ideas Moss, when you actually know you have one, are as old as you are! And lets not forget about how hateful you sounded on the audio toward Joe Palazzolo! We all know Needham rules this board, regardless of who is at the helm! You’re not fooling anyone!

  3. Her claim to fame is fighting with Dansby over hiring her supporters for Bond issue work and – WHO could forget – the Nipple Pinching Principal who continued his fetish for over three years.

  4. We congratulate the new president of the board, Ms. Moss, for her election. We hope she will bring the best strategies to make sure all schools in the district become equal to the schools she has represented during her tenure. That will be awesome!

    If you have never played the “music chair” game, you would never understand the rotation of the FWISD Board presidency. It is the leadership music chair game. Ladies and gentlemen, get ready to dance Hip Hop for next six months. Oh yeaahh, yeahhh. Oh yeaahh, yeahhh.

    Read this song about musical chair game in case you don’t know what I’m talking about:

    “I’ve got an idea, let’s play a game
    Okay everybody listen

    At a fancy event where they all put on airs
    Or they’re standing around with their frozen stares
    What lightens the night and the burden one bears
    Is a game of musical chairs

    When the party drags on, no one plays, no one cheers
    When the guest start to leave or just sit on the stairs
    Before they’re asleep like a bunch old bears
    Start a game of musical chairs

    Line up the chairs and find all your friends
    Someone stops the music
    And you must be sitting or else you’re out
    That’s what musical chairs is all about

    Skip, dance, parade or prance
    The chances are you’ll win
    If an empty chair is right there
    Where you could plop right in

    Walk sing do anything
    Try spinning round like tops
    Just be right there by an empty chair
    When the music stops

    Each time there is one less chair
    There’s one less playing too
    But if you’re not late and you concentrate
    It won’t be you

    You mustn’t blink ’cause in a wink
    You’ll see how the whole game can change
    If you’re still standing when the music’s through
    You do look strange

    Find a chair, the music could stop at any moment

    You never know if fast or slow
    Will win you the prize
    Just listen closely and just hope mostly
    There’s no surprise

    Faster the music plays
    The one who stays around
    Is the one who hits the chair when he sits
    And not the ground

    Where did the chairs all go
    Almost no place to sit
    Wait, there’s still one chair
    Can you make it there? Better get to it

    Oh no, she’s got it, whoa, she slipped
    He tripped, who’s in? But there’s something wrong, they’ve stopped the song
    You’re sitting, she’s quitting
    You’re the last one with the chair, you win.”

    Songwriters: Dena Diamond, Michael Himelstein, Marco Marinangeli

  5. I read the report from the DISD OPR on Shaver. Shame on the board for hiring this woman. Even if you assume that DISD’s investigators are as bad as FWISD’s, they couldn’t make up the nepotism problem. No wait I get it now that charge alone makes her a perfect administrator for FWISD. Sorry I didn’t get it at 1st.

  6. We need to find out who this woman is related to or who she is friends with that works downtown. Hiring her is every bit as bad as the decision to put Nita Alexander over Paschal was. It’s a disaster waiting to happen. Ann, “I’m satisfied” Sutherland should be ashamed for supporting hiring her.

  7. Idiocy obviously begets idiocy! This is beyond ludicrous and immoral! Yep, why not hire someone that does exactly what this district has done for years…hire relatives and misuse federal funds. I mean, if Dansby can hire his own niece to work for the district and promotes his mistress to Assistant Super, why not hire a woman, who is black, pretty, hires family (which she will probably do here too), shuffles money around against federal policy, etc? Dansby, stop trying to promise your people high paid jobs, b/c as soon as your butt is kicked out of this district, and it will be, your palsies are going to get fired after you! You are pathetic and a poor excuse for professionalism I have ever seen in my four decades of working in professional settings. We see what you and those morons on the board are doing and none of it is helping our students or employees. Dansby and the board, except for Paz and Cinto, must go! And yes, Avila…you must go too! Unless you are a spy getting in the board’s good graces to later crush them all. You better start thinking on your own and distance yourself from those idiots. Your banter on the audio sounded like some kid who was trying so hard to fit in. It wasn’t cool Matt, you just sounded as mean and unscrupulous as they did. You don’t have a clue about Joe’s case, yet you piped in with your hateful comments. Cinto and Paz are our only hope for truth and transparency…we hope!

  8. Just read that they have let Shaver go. I guess under further reflection the district felt it would be better not to hire her. This is only the 2nd time I can recall that the district has changed it’s mind. The other was Nita Alexander at Paschal just as all the crap came out about AHHS, when Paschal parents raised a hue and cry about her. Gee Ann I guess all of the due dilligence wasn’t done and are you still satisfied that it was?

  9. Dansby needs to resign along with this entire Board except for Cinto and Ashley. In the immortal words of Betty Brink; “the gang that couldn’t shoot straight”.

  10. interesting that Dansby and everyone else gets to hire their own family. We have some board members whose relatives were told that they could not be hired or if they were hired they would be fired. How many relatives of current admins have been fired?