Governor Rick Perry has been on the warpath against other states. He’s taken out radio ads in Illinois, California, and New York trying to convince businesses to move to deep in the heart of Texas.

Well, one New Yorker had enough — namely Lewis Black of the Daily Show with Jon Stewart fame. In this hilarious bit titled Don’t F*ck with New York, he gets dozens of New Yorkers to give Texas the finger and say defamatory things about the Lone Star State.

“He’s the gift who has no idea he keeps giving,” said Black about Perry.

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Earlier this year, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, the favorite to succeed Perry in the governor’s mansion, used campaign money to take out ads in New York inviting its gun owners to move to Texas. The state passed sweeping gun restrictions in the wake of the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut.

“Texas is better than New York, and New York just gave us another excuse to say that,” he said.

Now, other New Yorkers have taken a cue from Black, including whoever started the New York Better Than Texas webpage (funded by New Yorkers who think Texas blows).




  1. One of the things not being reported in that Perry’s offer to New Yorkers to move to Texas maintains that they all move to Haltom City. Evidently, Perry has been advised that New Yorkers are familiar with Asians and they can keep an eye on them for him.

  2. If Perry were Democrat, Tea Party or Hello Kitty, I would despise him the same! He continues to give Texas a bad name wherever he lands (and from the looks of his picture, looks like New Yorkers got it right)! Many of us Texans are relieved he is not running again; however, it would be so damn scary if he became our next President! One can only hope he is being set up to fail again as a Presidential candidate, so we can get rid of him for good!!!

  3. The complex politics and personalities aside, there are still valid points to be made about the advantages of living in and moving to Texas! The cost of living alone is much better here than much of California and New York, both. I moved out of Southern California in 2000 and moved (back) to Texas (born in Austin) and my life has been amazingly better. I finished a PhD here (UT Austin), taught school here, bought a condo here at a reasonable price. I couldn’t own real estate in CA on teacher’s salary. Moving to Texas was the smartest thing I ever did in terms of a financial move. If I had stayed in Cali, I would be drowning in debt and working three jobs to make ends meet. I don’t have to do that here!

  4. It depends on your skills, I know several people that didn’t do better in Texas which were low skilled and have less help from the government. There are a lot of low skilled jobs in Texas and it was humid. Also, like California a lot of Blue Collar jobs are taken by illegal immigrants. I have known Americans that have moved to the Midwest to get a construction job because in Texas the majority of construction jobs goes to illegal immigrants. In fact I live in Arizona which is not as bad as Texas when it comes to jobs going to illegal immigrants and rent is just as cheap. I would like to moved back to California even though they have illegal immigrants that take away jobs but its too expensive. Tried Texas, Arizona is a little better.