After hearing about the Mad Wacker who attacked Don Young’s wildlife habitat, I decided to get all private investigatory.
Young wrote down the man’s license plate, and yesterday I looked up the records, found the man’s name and address, and went and knocked on Spencer Hart’s door in east Fort Worth.
A woman answered and said Hart wasn’t around.
So I went to lunch.
However, Young got hold of him and solved the mystery.
Here’s his report:
“In 1983 the previous owner of our property sold a 17′ by 192′ strip on the east side of our yard to the people next door so they could add a garage. When the property resold years later, the new owner did not buy that strip so it has sat in limbo, so to speak, with a separate owner and even a separate address. The owner of the strip lives in Washington State and has been paying taxes on the property for 30 years.
“He recently received a notice from Code about high grass and weeds, threatening him with a fine greater than the property value. So he hired a local guy, the kindly gentleman, Mr. Hart, to whack the strip. But Hart was confused about the exact location and started mowing right in the middle of our yard.”
Hart, whom Young describes as “my new buddy,” was scheduled to go back to the neighborhood today and whack down the correct lot.