THE AWARD (photo courtesy of Friends of Tandy Hills Natural Area).

The little nonprofit group that works to preserve one of Fort Worth’s most coveted natural areas won a Green Source DFW Sustainable Leadership Award this week.

Friends of Tandy Hills Natural Area was nominated in the category for grassroots nonprofit organizations.

“We were competing (so to speak) for the award with some heavy hitters in REAL School Gardens and the Dallas Sierra Club, both well funded, respectable organizations with paid staff,” said Friends of Tandy Hills spokesman Don Young. “So it’s gratifying that our little ragtag independent group of volunteers that started rather humbly in 2005 with a protest to keep drilling and fracking out of Tandy Hills is getting some respect from the regional environmental community, especially from a Dallas-based organization.”

Sundance Square Black History- rectangle corrected

The years since 2005 have been a blur of activities, including the success of Prairie Fest and Kids on the Prairie.”

Young’s group oversees the 160-acre, 50-year-old Tandy Hills park just south of I-30 near Oakland Boulevard, and has established two popular events — Prairie Fest and Kids on the Prairie .