Cars and trucks whizzed by just a few feet away – too close for comfort — as I straddled a bridge railing on I-35 this morning to get just the right picture for a story set to run in next week’s paper.

On the way back to my car, I ran across something interesting.

Please see the second photo and see if you can guess what it is.

Bangkok Chefs Table 300x250

Can’t figure it out?

Looks plain to me.

Okay, I admit it.

I inverted the colors to make it more difficult.

That was sneaky of me.

Check out the third photo.

It has the correct colors.

And here’s the exciting part — the first person who correctly guesses what this photo depicts gets two free T-shirts (swag that was sent to Fort Worth Weekly by Lannie Flowers).

Flowers is better than Bruce Springsteen, Bono, and Thom York combined.

Actually, I’ve never heard of Flowers, but he has his own T-shirts so he must be really good.

I’ll say one thing about Flowers, he gives away quality t-shirts. These are Hanes  “Beefy T” shirts (shown here being modeled by my lovely assistant Eric Griffey). One shirt is Large, the other is Medium.

Disclaimer: Fort Worth Weekly employees, families, and illegitimate children not eligible. The Weekly is not responsible for shrinkage, itching, or the mental strain of being asked a million times, “Who is Lannie Flowers?” Griffey not included in this giveaway, unless you want him. T-shirts do not enable their wearers to fly. Side effects include radiation, mumps, tinnitus, accusations of being a hipster, and frequent seductions by drunken cougars.




  1. Pretty sure I know what it is, based upon recent unfortunate circumstances. You should really rename the images, though, so as not to give any hints…

    • You, sir, are correct. You now own two T-shirts by the world-famous Lannie Flowers, whose albums have outsold the Beatles and Slim Whitman.