Locking Up Water Rights
When corn crops in Texas played out in the mid-20th century, farmers started planting newer strains. When oil wells went dry, wildcatters learned new...
The concept of an “Asian-Cajun” fusion restaurant may sound unusual to some people, but it really shouldn’t: Louisiana has a huge population of Asian-American...
What’s Up? Docs!
Absorbing documentary films never seem to be in short supply, and this year’s Thin Line Film Fest offers an exciting new crop, starting this...
See the Play, Then Try the Cupcake
I’ve been covering live theater in North Texas for –– gulp –– about two decades now. But I recently encountered a first: A cupcake...
Double Gratuity: An Ethical Dilemma
Over the weekend I attended a birthday party at a restaurant that shall remain nameless. There were about 20 of us, and the checks...
Okay, Beyonce, We Get It — You’re Singing Live
Beyonce took so much (well-deserved) heat after lip-syncing the national anthem at President Obama's inauguration that she vowed to sing live at last night's...
Gloria Steinem Comes to Fort Worth
Fort Worth Weekly got the opportunity on Thursday to talk with longtime feminist leader Gloria Steinem about gender issues, equality, and women’s healthcare in...
God’s Gratuity: Not Tipping in the Name of The Lord
The internet is all abuzz with the story of an Applebee’s customer who stiffed her waitress, and left a note on her credit card...
You Go, Gomer!
The recent “coming out” of two celebrities provides a teachable moment in the subtle art of self-revelation and personal integrity. As you may have...
Keys Lounge Going Non-Smoking
A few weeks back I wrote a story about my favorite non-smoking bars. Today I found out the venerable Keys Lounge will soon be...