Tyler Rogers Wins First Round At Battle O’ Bands
Brett Dillon and KHYI-95.3 "The Range" kicked off the 8th Annual Texas Music Showdown last night at the White Elephant Saloon, and it was...
Lon Burnam’s Valentine to LGBT Community
Love is in the air in Austin. This morning, Fort Worth State Rep. Lon Burnam gave a Valentine's Day gift to the LGBT community....
The Five Most Romantic Restaurants in Fort Worth
Tomorrow is St. Valentine’s Day, when couples celebrate their love for one another by filling the coffers of Hallmark; and single people sit alone...
Pastrana Finally Buried in Mexico
Fort Worth theatergoers who caught Amphibian Stage Productions’ play The Tragic Life & Triumphant Death of Julia Pastrana last November should find this interesting:...
Film Shorts
The Playroom (NR) This Dallas-filmed drama stars John Hawkes and Molly Parker as alcoholic parents who carry on a night of drinking in their...
Night & Day
WED ▪ 13
One of Britain’s most famous comic playwrights during his time, Arthur Wing Pinero has since been eclipsed by his contemporaries Oscar Wilde...
My Love Is Like the Sun: Cheap and Energy-Efficient
Is there anything sexier than saving the world? Heck, no. That’s why Static plans to spend its Valentine’s Day lunch hour at Avoca Coffee...
Super Fat Hearts
February is already a short month, but it seems even shorter given that it’s crammed with promotional holidays. In the bar business, the Big...
Oh Donald
The Donald is in town. No, not the bilious gas-bag with the orange combover. The Donald. Donald Fagen, the Rock ’n’ Roll Hall of...
Musical Notes
Chow, Baby keeps a list of restaurants it needs to try. Sounds organized, but it’s not. Here’s a sample of my list-making: Rodeo Goat,...