A total of 43 employees of Haltom High School left their jobs after the new principal took over. Sarah Angle
A total of 43 employees of Haltom High School left their jobs after the new principal took over. Sarah Angle

Last March, Faith Ayala, a teacher of 32 years, stood up at a Birdville school district board meeting and said something so radical that it could jeopardize her job:

“There is something wrong at Haltom High.”

Ayala talked about the district’s mission to preserve a democratic society and respect individual ideas and voices. “Yet many of the students in our Haltom community no longer feel that they have any voice,” she said. “Students are afraid to speak out. Teachers are afraid to defend them. Haltom has indeed taken on the repressive air of a prison.

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“We claim to be building a community of respect, and so each week we highlight core values, such as empathy and kindness,” Ayala said in her speech to the school board. “We keep students safe from bullying one another, but on a daily basis students tell me how they feel disrespected, demeaned, and dismissed as unworthy by those at the highest levels of leadership. … I know that our students are hurting, and I have witnessed their ill treatment on more than one occasion.”

The five teachers whom Fort Worth Weekly interviewed for this story agreed that there’s a new culture of intimidation and bullying at Haltom High School, initiated by the school’s new principal, Clarence Elvin Simmons, who took over in July 2011.

Teachers said they are afraid to voice concerns to the administration or to question new security measures that don’t allow teachers to see Simmons without an escort. And they feel powerless to change new teacher-evaluation procedures that make them feel harassed and unworthy.

The school administrators apparently are also insecure about their image, attempting to withhold the results of one opinion survey and apparently trying to skew the results of another. And in a curious but telling incident, they forbade students to wear t-shirts with a cryptic design that administrators apparently felt criticized Simmons.

Information obtained by the Weekly through an open-records request and a source within the administration show 43 employees have left Haltom since Simmons became principal. During that same school year, 26 employees left the district’s Richland High and 21 left Birdville High. Veteran teachers, including one nationally recognized history teacher, are on the list of those who have retired, quit the district altogether, or transferred to another school.

The Weekly has also learned that at a previous post in the state of New York, Simmons was the subject of a half-dozen official complaint proceedings that ultimately were settled out of court.

Simmons declined to comment for this story, through district spokesman Mark Thomas.

“Some of the best people are being chased away,” said former Haltom teacher Kelvin Dilks.

That list includes Lloyd Sizemore, a nationally recognized history teacher who’d been at Haltom for 30 years and opted to retire early rather than endure another year under Simmons’ direction.

At the end of last year, Dilks, an award-winning teacher and 26-year Haltom veteran, made an unprecedented mid-year transfer to another high school in the district because of Simmons’ bullying. But for Dilks, that wasn’t the end of it.

During the district’s graduation ceremony in May, Dilks said, Simmons came up behind him and slapped him on the back so hard that the sting of Simmons’ handprint lingered long after the principal walked away.

Simmons came to Haltom in July 2011, after three years as principal at Waco High School. Before that, he spent nearly a decade working in New York at Williamsville Central school district, serving as principal of Williamsville South High School for the majority of that time.

“Mr. Sizemore and Mr. Dilks are two of the best teachers — best people — that I’ve ever met in my life,” said Khalid Hamza, a former student and now a freshman at the University of Texas at Austin. “And when you see such great teachers just up and leave … it’s impactful on the whole school. It’s kind of a gloomy feeling.

“I know a lot of teachers are just holding their tongues because they don’t want a target on their back,” Hamza said. The majority of the teachers whom the Weekly contacted either declined to be interviewed or requested that their names be withheld for fear of retaliation.

But not everyone was afraid to talk. In May, Sizemore filed a grievance with the United Educators Association against Simmons. The UEA is a Texas-based teacher association that tries to improve working conditions for its members. “Campus administration (under the leadership of principal Clarence Elvin Simmons) has created an unprofessional and hostile work and educational environment where employees and their students are often subjected to harassment, intimidation, and discrimination,” the grievance said.

Examples listed in the grievance include denying regular lunches to students who didn’t have their ID badges — a sign in the cafeteria read “No ID. No Service. No Kidding”; falsification of a UEA computer survey sent out to Haltom teachers; and withholding the results of the district’s annual Gallup Organizational Survey, which measures teacher satisfaction. That survey, incidentally, showed a dramatic decline in overall teacher satisfaction during Simmons’ first year as principal.

District rules require that, in order for a complaint to be valid, it has to be filed within 15 workings days of the event or the date that the employee became aware of the situation. Sizemore submitted 12 different complaints in his grievance, and all were dismissed for timeliness.

District officials formally investigated the grievance and Sizemore’s complaints and, according to the investigative report, found no wrongdoing by Simmons or his administrative staff. Spokesman Mark Thomas added in an e-mail responding to the Weekly’s questions, “BISD is pleased with how the campus is being run under the current administration.”

Judy Luttrell, associate director of UEA, said the main goal of the grievance was to let the district know that there were “significant problems on this campus that needed to be addressed.” And, she added, “I think the problems are still there.”

In one complaint, Sizemore described a computer survey that the UEA sent out to teachers in March. The survey instructed teachers to fill it out on their home computers.

Sizemore said that the administrative office staff was instructed by Simmons to “fix the survey” by using computers in the school library to answer survey questions and falsify results in favor of Simmons.

By tracing the internet provider addresses from the submitted surveys, UEA officials were able to determine that many of the surveys were filled out on campus computers and submitted within a one-hour time frame.

“We have no doubt that there was hanky-panky going on at the school with that survey,” said Luttrell. “Do we have witnesses willing to come forward? No, because they are scared of retaliation.”

Last year the district paid $56,800 to conduct the district-wide Gallup “organizational health survey.” The district has been conducting the survey for many years, but Sizemore said that last year was the first year that the results were not released to the teachers at Haltom.

The Weekly obtained the results through an open-records request. They show that the “health” of Haltom has declined significantly in almost every category since Simmons took over. The survey was sent out to teachers during the last week of November 2011 — the first semester of Simmons’ leadership at the school.

The survey measures things like progress, overall satisfaction, and opportunity to do one’s best. Under the school’s previous principal, Michael Jasso, the overall satisfaction or “health” of the school had improved from the previous year.

School board president Ralph Kunkel attributes the poor results of the survey to the school adjusting to its new principal. He said another survey needs to be done to really measure employee satisfaction.

“Our prior superintendent loved those surveys,” he added. “We don’t know if we’re going to continue doing them.”

Asked about the complaints made against Simmons by teachers, Kunkel said, “I haven’t talked to any of these people specifically … but all these things have been investigated by our administration.” Kunkel said the district takes all complaints seriously and that the “board has been assured that there was nothing to them.”

The Weekly contacted all seven school trustees, but only Kunkel agreed to an interview.

Sizemore, Dilks, and other teachers in the district point out that this isn’t the first time Simmons has been accused of creating an atmosphere of intimidation.

In 2008 six employees at South High School in New York filed complaints against then-Principal Simmons with the New York Division of Human Rights, alleging sex discrimination, illegal retaliation, and sexual harassment. While the state investigated, Simmons took five months of paid medical leave from his job, during which time he also secured a new job with the Waco school district.

The Buffalo News reported in 2009 that the state human rights agency found probable cause on some of the counts, which means “illegal discrimination may have occurred.”

In an interview with that paper, Simmons’ attorney, Robert Boreanaz, called the staffers who filed the complaints “disgruntled employees” and said that “there is no conclusion that can be drawn that the allegations are accurate.”

But those complaints never reached the courtroom.

“There was a settlement,” said Lindy Korn, the lawyer representing the complaining employees, although she couldn’t legally divulge any further details.

Last November, an anonymous source sent trustee Joe Tolbert information about Simmons’ controversial past in New York. Through an open-records request, the Weekly discovered a subsequent e-mail that Tolbert sent to the board and Simmons.

“I am throwing this useless garbage in the trash,” wrote Tolbert. “Funny though, the people that sent this are about as bright as a lump of coal. To save you the wasted time reading this dross, apparently they were trying to send information that was critical of Mr. Simmons, but instead ended up proving he did nothing wrong. I have a special place for anonymous sources right under my desk labeled ‘trash can,’ ” the e-mail said. “Save yourself some time and do the same.”

The information Tolbert received involved the complaints filed against Simmons and the New York agency’s finding of probable cause that violations had occurred.

“There’s this attitude with the board and central administration that if we admit he’s bad, we have to admit that we screwed up,” said Sizemore.

A curious thing happened when Simmons moved to Texas to take the job in Waco. He started going by his first name Clarence instead of his middle name Elvin, which he had previously used.

“Going by a different name is a real red flag,” said Sizemore.

The fact wasn’t lost on the students at Haltom High. When the students found out about their principal’s midlife name change they made t-shirts that said “Where’s Elvin?” Students wore the shirts to school until administration intervened.
Fort Worth freelancer Sarah Angle writes for national and regional publications.


  1. As a former Haltom alum and Haltom City resident it breaks my heart to hear about what is happening at Haltom High. What disturbs me the most though is the district’s refusal to acknowledge the fact that the hiring of Simmons might have been a mistake; meanwhile teachers and students are forced to suffer because of their hubris!

    I think its time for the Board and the administration to think their decision to ignore Haltom High!

  2. Mr. Simmons is much worse than he appears in this article. I know for a fact that there are far worse complaints that have come before the BISD administration that are not published in this article. The said teachers I am speaking of did not want their stories aired publicly because they are still working for the district and could be harassed even more heavily. These complaints are legitimate and true, NOT APPROPRIATELY INVESTIGATED, and I know this because I know the parties involved and I have been aware of the events while they were unraveling. I grew up in the district, worked for the district, and have multiple family members working in various levels of the district and this rampant trampling of the civil rights of employees and students should not be allowed. SHAME ON BIRDVILLE ISD ADMINISTRATION! SHAME ON “ELVIN” CLARENCE SIMMONS! It is time for you to leave, Mr. Simmons! Also–his past behaviors in other states and school districts are not “trash” or “unproven”…as Tolbert so erroneously stated in his email. He merely was not given consequences for them because complaints were made past deadlines, as in the case of Mr. Sizemore in the spring. So much for justice! Look up the case online. Travesty. Who is hiring these administrators???

  3. I do believe that Mr. Simmons is worse than this acticle is giving on. The website we found the information about New York and Elvin stuff was blocked as soon as it was brought to his attention. The assistant principles even knew something was wrong with him.

  4. Take a school survey. Including student and faculty. No assitant principals. And if you make it anonymous, more people would be able to voice their opinion without fear.

  5. I am a current student here and I have witnessed this over and over again. We are tired of Simmons as his favoritism, his elitist attitude, and his selfish endeavours to silence the whistle blowers of the Haltom community. I dress differently from the ”average” child but not out of dress code, and this man persecutes me and my friends for it, he persecutes younger women who wear shorts and skirts (even in dress code), and he does not allow the voices of the students to be pitted against his. If you want children to be trained to endure a fascist regime or an occupation from an invading country, you have succeeded. But if you intend to instill real American values in my peers, all you install is fear of authority and blind obedience. My colleagues and I have long resisted Simmons and the structure of beuraucratic hypocrites with graffiti, repeat audio devices, posters, notes, and fliers, but we are only part of the equation. Be part of our solution.

  6. Simmons and his new administration have been an absolute horror to students and teachers since they came last year. I’ve experienced first hand the degrading, overpowering tone they use with students. Students and teachers are not happy with all the new measures and procedures at the school and personally, I feel they are merely finding new ways to micro-manage us with no regard to our need for a safe and supportive learning environment. Everything in this article is absolutely accurate. All this “power” the new administration acquired has gone straight to their heads. The system is corrupt, and something needs to be done. There was always a need for it since they arrived.

  7. Always proud to be a Haltom Buff but the school board needs to look strongly at these complaints and how they reflect the school and staff. Very proud to have been a student of Coach Sizemore over 20 years ago. He is a true role model to stand up for his concerns and beliefs. Thank you Lloyd

  8. As someone who has loved Haltom High and who was present at the board meeting where Ms. Ayala spoke and moved me to tears, I am deeply saddened by the current state of the district. It should be noted that she was not the only one who spoke out at that meeting. An honor roll student, former student & older sibling of current students, and multiple parents also spoke up and each pointed out disturbing concerns. They did this in hopes of improving the situation and to my knowledge not only didn’t see improvements but were whole-heartly dismissed as a bunch of misinformed whiners by the district. This seems to be a piece of a bigger trend we can see currently in BISD. If one is curious about the turnover, look at the number of people at the top who have suddenly chose to retire or leave. Look at how many BISD employees have been promoted vs. how many have been brought in from lesser performing districts or brought out of retirement to lead the district. Why has a once premier district to attend and work become a place that suddenly has no quality people believed of value and promotable or no standing educational practices that were seen as valid or useful? Why are administrators getting raises while teachers fall behind local comparable districts? Were we such a scary place that we necessitated metal detectors, counselors moved behind locked doors, office staff locked away and not accessible to students, parents or staff? Does the school board really think the dramatic change in how daily business is done or the increase in complaints or perhaps the mass exodus of top notch and award winning employees does not appear to show the district as a ship that is sinking before their very eyes?! I am cautiously hopeful this article might help right this ship by shining light on dark and ugly happenings. I hope to never again hear comments like “my little sister just wants her senior year over so she can escape Haltom instead of loving every minute like I loved my senior year at Haltom”. I’d like to think our elected board members would find concerns about the school or staff as important and not “useless garbage” sent by someone who is “as bright as a lump of coal”. The many levels of disappointment are almost unbearable.

  9. As a current student at Haltom I don’t see why everyone is “Suddenly” freaking out about Mr.Simmons, at the beginning of the year everyone was so blessed to have a principle that was going to make change. Now that the change has taken place people feel like there “voices” are unheard, when honestly there not. Hes awesome, he cares for his students so much and I’m sorry to the students who don’t like more discipline at the school, dress code really? I wouldn’t want to see my class mates in inappropriate attire either, that’s like a teacher coming in a short skirt and tank top (not cute). Just because he has become strict on us does not mean a thing, he cares for us more than you think which is why he puts these things on us! I love walking into school and being greeted by the awesome Clarence Simmons. No matter what anyone says hes amazing, he changed Haltom for the better and anyone who says different well I’m sorry to hear about your problems. We go to school to learn not to be rude and make shirts about our principle you wouldn’t want someone making one about you now would you. He does everything to please us and to make our school year fun and if you don’t feel that way there are plenty of other districts you can go to, I stand behind him 110% whether people like it or not. He’s a good person.

    • I’m not sure you have been hearing the whole story about your beloved principal, and for that I am truly sorry. The majority of complaints that I have heard of have to do with intimidation, lying about teachers, creating rumors, bullying teachers and students alike, among other things. I’m really not sure where all of this dress code stuff comes from. Let’s put that down at the bottom of the list among concerns. Besides we all know that assistant principals are the main enforcers in discipline–not principals. I used to work at this high school and I know this is how it is done.

  10. I’m very sorry to hear that Haltom H.S. has lost Lloyd Sizemore. Loosing 43 teachers in a year can be a big problem in it self.

    If the answer Mr. Thomas gave is true, the BISD community (VOTERS) need to make note of the that “administrative answer.” Vote accordingly this Spring.

    As go the school, so goes the community.

  11. I am a former student of Haltom, graduated the class of 2012. I was at that board meeting with all the teachers that spoke and my mom spoke. It isn’t just because people are mad that he is strict. there is a line drawn between strict and being a bully. Banning parents from volunteering at their childs school to support their organization? Telling me that Mrs.Campbells remark about cutting off my hair and sending me to ISS was a joke? Asking me if the situation where i was being stalked, if i was leading the young man on who had asperger syndrome? I think not, if anyone knows me then they know that would never happen. especially since i had to deal with 2 APs and the crisis counselor about the situation. my mom was kicked off as president of an organization right after they banned my aunt from volunteering at the school then stripped my position as a leader of something i was so passionate about. and accused me of many different things which came out to be false on them! now tell me that isnt bullying and attacking? He and his administration sweeps situations under the rug so they dont have to deal with it. My senior was awful because of that man. He deserves to be fired and Haltom deserves the best. Those students and faculty are hard working. dont punish them for the administration board’s mistake of choosing a wrong fit for a principal. Pride over honesty wont get you anywhere in life.

  12. As a parent of two children who have gone through Haltom High and who’s mother worked in a different school district for over 20 years, this article is totally comical. The administration office needs to have some house cleaning done. Bottom line is Mr. Sizemore is right. The leaders in the school and the administration will never admit they are wrong, regardless of what evidence you provide and your case. I experienced some of the same run around with my kids when they were there. In fact one of the Asst. Principal’s is a joke and I see he is still there. The mantra in the administration is to sweep under the rug and dismiss the issue. They will find a way to spin the story about their own internal investigation. I had a brief acquaintance with Mr. Sizemore, and he is an honorable man and outstanding educator, with both of my kids taking his class. He was truly one of the best teachers who challenged his kids to be the best that they could be.

    As an executive of a large international banking company, I completely understand the importance of electronic communications and the implications that can occur. Mr. Tolbert should be dismissed as well. While I can appreciate the skepticism that anonymous emails can bring to a reader, as one of the district’s administrators, Mr. Tolbert should have read the email and handled in a professional manner. For Mr. Tolbert to question the intelligence of an unknown author and compare it to a “lump of coal” is totally unprofessional. In fact, maybe it is Mr. Tolbert’s intelligence that should be in question? He wrote an email in a very dismissive, condescending way, and then clearly shows his dismissive attitude. He obviously does not realize how this email could get out and be made public and come back to haunt him. Maybe Mr. Tolbert should take a e-mail etiquette course.

    As mentioned, my kids are out of this school and for that I am thankful. I experienced similar issues with a former principal and the administration office. Until the administrative offices start holding the school’s accountable, then the parents of the school district need to start holding the school board trustees accountable. Vote them out and maybe change will occur, but the school board needs to be holding the administration accountable. As of now, and for many years, it has simply been the fox guarding the hen house.

  13. Change is always hard. When you make changes and stand up to people, you are almost always going to be persecuted. All of the changes implemented at HHS are for the GOOD OF THE STUDENTS. Yes, it’s more work on the teachers, but it’s necessary and good. Mr. Simmons is doing a great job. He sets expectations and then he adheres to them. Teachers at HHS are not used to accountability. There is no bullying going on, just rule enforcement.

    • So denying a student lunch for something as stupid as not having their ID is for “the good of the students.” I don’t think any of what I have heard is for the good of the students. Open your eyes and see how scared and unhappy students and your colleagues are at your school! If you are so proud to be a Haltom teacher then why didn’t you put your name on your comment.

      • I agree Emily a student is a student and nutrition is key to a productive environment. Its bad enough that when you go to lunch its like a freaking cattle drive! You guys aren’t running a 4 prison these kids have futures and everything you do will shape that future. what sense does it make to deny a child a meal when they are the ones paying for it? Get over yourselves!

  14. The fact that an article like this was published speaks volumes of what is happening at Haltom High School. It is disheartening to see a school that had begun flourishing under Mr. Jasso completely fall apart because of a school board that is unwilling to accept their mistakes. They are making the situation much worse by constantly denying these claims and failing to respond to serious allegations from students and teachers. I feel sad for the teachers but mainly for the students. Their education is what is suffering the most as a result of this and it worries me that the board is unwilling to act when so much is at stake.
    I applaud the teachers willing to step forward and speak out against these indecencies. It is these teachers that are doing their jobs by standing up for the students. I hope Haltom High sees better days.

  15. I thought reporters were suppose to check their facts because there less than 30 teachers who left and that is in line with the other 2 high schools. I would like to know what is wrong with expecting students to be respectful and follow rules? Isn’t that the school’s job to teach students to be good citizens and make sure everyone stays safe while at school? I think HHS is a great place to be everyday and I think the students that are going to school to get and education and who have been taught to be respectful would also say they love HHS. There are a large number of students and teachers who go to HHS and have great day everyday. I hope the administrators from the district do come to HHS and talk to people because they would see first hand that this story is not a true picture of Haltom HS.

    • The problem is not expecting teachers and students to follow rules, but a clear mishandling of the school on behalf of the principal. There are some very serious allegations made in this article and to say that the complaints of several teachers and students are unfounded is bizarre. Just because you don’t notice the problems going on around you doesn’t mean they aren’t occurring.
      It is disappointing to see comments that neglect the statements made by such a large number of respected teachers. It seems like you got nothing out of the article and don’t value the education of the communities children.

      • As a member of the staff of HHS clearly I do value education as it is my life’s work. It is easy to be an “armchair quarterback” and second guess the principal’s decisions … I would challenge anyone to come walk in his shoes for a while and let’s see how many people don’t like your decisions.

    • Teachers are not the only employees at HHS. Their departures are not going to be reflected in the monthly board minutes which you might be referencing for your numbers. There are also educational assistants, custodians, cafeteria workers, and other employees who are also valuable to the functioning of the school. The only thing I’ve found issue with is your spelling and grammar.

  16. I am a student at Richland HS.. One of Haltom’s biggest rival schools.
    I don’t have Mr. Dilks, but he is a great teacher, I can see that when I see him at school. He loved his job at Haltom, I’ve talked to him about it because I know some of his students that he had there.
    Further investigating needs to be done because Haltom lost a GREAT teacher who did enjoy the students there… There is obviously an issue.

  17. My younger sister attends to HHS. She says teachers don’t care about them. In fact, she was bullied by one of her own teachers, in front of the whole class. Now, what can we do about this?

  18. This was a pretty disturbing read. I found this article through a facebook friend from Haltom, and it’s sad to see that HHS is going through this. Students are always going to have issues with administration and higher-ups at a high school, but the real problem is facing teachers at HHS. The fact that Haltom’s teacher attrition rate was double that of Birdville and Richland should be pretty telling. This new principal is creating a terrible work environment. Teachers need an escort to see this man? You shouldn’t need a mediator for two workers, a boss and a employee, or even two adults to simply have a conversation. I hope that the teachers and staff at Haltom find a solution.

  19. As a parent of a junior, I have seen the atmosphere change with the new admin. APs suddenly became more strident and talk to the students with disdain. Teachers are fearful and talk in whispers if there are any problems. The unity or school spirit has suffered, especially noticed in the lack of communication and support for anything but the football games. Really sad in that there are outstanding teachers and students at Haltom and I have been proud for my student to be a Buff.

  20. You would think the students, parents and faculty would start a petition to get some attention? What is the teacher’s union doing? A conveniently placed smart phone during a conversation might be beneficial too.

    I never had Mr. Sizemore when I attended, but I know he was a beloved teacher. What a shame to loose a nationally recognized teacher with that much tenure.

    • Unions? This is Texas we’re talking about here. I’m almost certain that all HHS teachers are unionized (it’s exceedingly rare in Texas). There are associations, but not unions in the traditional “let’s-start-a-strike” sort of way.

  21. I worked at Haltom for ten wonderful, challenging years, and sent two children there, as well. I have the utmost respect for Mr Sizemore, as well as most of the other teachers who have left Haltom to teach elsewhere. Unfortunately, in many cases, the rot is at the top.

  22. Whether you agree with my viewpoint or not is not the issue. The issue is we have a shady man on OUR staff and he has increased security parameters because of ”issues” that mostly other schools had, not us. His nitpicking of students for dress code is disgusting because he knowingly let’s some go and others he writes up almost immediately. His lack of respect for the voices of students and teachers is horrendous, I had read about Mr.Size more’s case not long ago and I agree with him fully. This is not how school should be, the issue is not lack of discipline, it is the lack of damn compassion. Jasso had compassion, Motter had compassion, and lucky for us Mrs. Edwardson and Mr.Cortez stuck around, because without them, I’m sure some of us would fly of the handle. Yes, Simmons brings SOME structure. But at what cost? Is freedom of speech to be valued under absolute rule or security? Sounds to me a lot like a famous dictatorship from the forties. As a current student, I feel the tension, I feel the frustration, and I certainly feel the social constraint. But, as an intellectual citizen that has respect for a democratic system, I say we fix this problem the old fashion way, civil disobedience and a vote. Students count too, just like the teachers, cooks, custodial stff, and librarians, remember that ladies and gentlemen.

  23. The article posted is true and the facts about teachers is also true. The whole student body complains about the administration and how fake the principal is. Issues are presented to board and constantly rejected. They don’t want to admit to their faults. Someone start a petition.

  24. You have to come together as a whole, EVERYONE (teachers, parents, students, concerned citizens, tax payers, etc.) the school board can listen to your concerns and present them to the district and it goes from there but it’s going to take more than the few that tried in March, you have to actually STAND UP in order to make a change, it all boils down to BISD WON’T admit they make a huge mistake, ivfont care what kind of references you got he’s still NOT a good administrator & neither are some of his AP’s, they do “BULLY” students, parents, teachers. STAND UP FOR these underpaid teachers and fir current & future students at the next school board meeting!

  25. I love mrs.Ayala. I am currently a student in her class and a new student to haltom. I was blind to all of the things happening behind the scenes, I just thought haltom was a stricter school due to its students and their behavior. I met simmons during the summer at my job , and the conversation we held made me assume he was a pretty decent person. I can not judge a man on “he say, she say” , but I do believe further investigation should be done.

  26. I love mrs.Ayala. I am currently a student in her class and a new student to haltom. I was blind to all of the things happening behind the scenes, I just thought haltom was a stricter school due to its students and their behavior. I met simmons during the summer & assumed he was a pretty decent person. I can not judge a man on “he say, she say” , but I do believe further investigation should be done.

  27. I am just very hurt and disappointed to hear what is going on in Haltom High. I graduated in 20122 and did not have the chance to meet Mr. Simmons but the stories I just read we’re awful. What kind of a man would lay his hands hit a teacher who is obviously older than you? Even if you were joking or not, that is very disrespectful and what kind of example are you showing for your students? I have a little sister currently going to HHS, and honestly I am not comfortable knowing she is exposed to this man. The board needs to make this right and let go of Mr. Simmons!!!

  28. As a Haltom alumni(class of ’85), I am appalled at what i have just read! What the hell is happening to this country when coverups and bullying become the standard procedure? And what’s up with having to show an ID badge to eat lunch? Never heard of having to wear something like this, guess it’s a form of “conditioning”, get used to conforming and obeying. As I remember my experience in high school, the freedom we had to be, to think, to experience I feel VERY SAD for the kids in school today. Very sad.

    I want a “Where’s Elvin?” t-shirt! Where can I get one?

  29. I don’t even know where to begin… I’m just a little proud that my mom, Faith Ayala, was quoted in the first few paragraphs of this article!! Yes, they quoted from a public records source, but for her to stand up to this administration as both a life long educator and parent of 3 students that wandered the halls of HHS is encouraging.
    As a Haltom alum, I am more than disappointed to see the direction in which HHS is headed. It’s disheartening to hear of honor students, students with impeccable conduct, civic and scholar records coming from administrators’ offices in tears due to the most trivial of infractions. This is disheartening to hear concerning any student, but to know that the HHS administration is attacking even its best and brightest, makes one wonder how it treats its average or even under achieving student; the student that needs the most encouragement, the most support and the most affection from positive and forgiving role models. How can we instill the values our society needs in our youth when the highest levels of leadership in the earliest example of local government treat the newest members of that society as unworthy of praise, guilty without a fair trial, and then dismissed without a second thought?
    Haltom HS once competed as the highest paid school district in the state; now educators are fleeing from their posts, and who can blame them? Mr. Dilks and Mr. Sizemore are two of the most honorable men I have ever met. They are men that care about each student as an individual that will someday enter society and have the ability to positively impact it. For them to have prematurely left campus speaks volumes. I ache for the educators that are remaining.
    I hope that the school board listens to the valid concerns of the public and does what is in the best interest of the over 2000 students remaining under this oppressive administration. And if not… I bet I know some voters that also care.

  30. I am not going to be afraid to stand up against this man and the new administration. I am a student at Haltom High and this is my senior year. I hate it at Haltom. All the new changes are insane. What kind of person denies students lunch bc we dont have an I.D? What made BISD hire someone who has had such a messed up pass at his own school? Why would they think it would be different at Haltom? I had Mr. Dilks and Mr. Sizemore, two of the best teachers and they teach much more than the TEKS requirments. Life lessons are taught in these classes. I stand up fight for these teachers. Oh and Mrs. Cambell, or whatever her name is, has control issues. How you gonna say the voice of most is less than the voice of the few. I hate my senior year. I do feel very micro managed. You want to teach kids how to grow up and be responsible, then stop treating us like we are nothing but trouble makers. My name is Deianeira Starnes and i know if i get in trouble for speaking my mind, i have support of many of my friends and students. There is safety in numbers and i dont stand alone.

  31. Reading this brings tears to my eyes. I am so frustrated and my heart is breaking for Mr. Sizemore, the teachers and students at HHS. Mr. Sizemore is one of the best teachers I have come across in my education and I had the opportunity to sit in his class for 2 years.

  32. Interview the people that matter. Interview the people at Haltom that stay later than 2:47pm. Interview the teachers that are here for the students and are here to impact the student’s lives. Interview someone other than the 5 disgruntled teachers that started this BS. All have been REASSIGNED (they didn’t leave on their own, people!) or chose to retire because they were about to be reassigned for severe insubordination. Good journalism would investigate their sources and the opposing views. Maybe someone should check the skeletons in the closet of these “wonderful” people.
    In what organization would an employee be allowed to put executives or administrators on blast without ramifications? Teachers are not individual contractors; we are a staff and answer to our supervisors. We have a role to play in making policy and procedures, but once they are adopted we are expected to follow. If a teacher cannot accept being corrected when they are not following policies and procedures, then they should look for another place of employment. Teachers that do their jobs, and then some, shouldn’t have a thing to worry about. Teachers that have been here for years, stuck in the same old rut, doing the same old things, teaching the same old way, and stirring the same old pot are going to be upset when someone suggests they make changes. Change is difficult. Change is necessary.
    My time at Haltom has been very rewarding. You know why? I am here for the kids. The kids are what keep me going. If I can’t reach the students in my classroom, there is something I personally need to change. The students that are mad about dress code (students are always going to be mad at dress code) are being kids. They are CHILDREN. They don’t GET to make the rules! Isn’t that why we became educators? “All students succeed in a future THEY create.”
    The term “bullying” is going way too far in this instance. The word “bully” is starting to be used a little too loosely. The people that claim they are being bullied are constantly breaking the rules. So, if I continually break the rules, or bend the rules, and get called on it, I am being bullied? Hell no. Grow up people. Ask yourself, “Are you doing the right thing?” “Are you doing everything YOU can to ensure that YOUR students succeed?”
    I love BUFF NATION. I loved it yesterday. I love it today. I’ll love it tomorrow. Haltom High School is the best place on EARTH to work. Don’t buy into all of this negativity. It’s almost Christmas. I’m thankful I have a job that happens to be something I’m passionate about.

    • As a psychotherapist, I can tell you that when someone is suffering at work, is unhappy, and mentally unhealthy due to a toxic work environment I would RECOMMEND that the person leave at 2:47. The things I have heard of this man doing deem that HE leave, IMMEDIATELY! Get off your high horse. And what he has been doing IS bullying. I’ve talked for hours to people in tears–adults who have taught at that school for 20 years–affected by that man’s atrocities, and I’ll bet my license on it.

    • Also, teachers are allowed to leave at the end of the school year with no problem. I know tons of teachers that request reassignment, too. And got it in the case of Mr. Simmons!!! Sarah Angle is an excellent reporter and left a lot out of this article that could have been published about your beloved Elvin, so be thankful for that.

    • You need to check YOUR facts! Teachers were NOT reassigned or threatened to be reassigned. They requested to leave, applied for open positions when they came available and left of their own accord. (They DID leave on their OWN people.) Haltom was no longer a place they wanted to be a part of. So you are saying Kelvin Dilks didn’t put in appropriate time as a teacher?!?! You obviously know not what you speak of. You think these people, who left were not accustomed to change, have you really been at Haltom High like you state? In the past twenty years, how many Principals’ and Assistant Principals’ have they gone through? Change is the norm, but positive change should be embraced and negative resisted. Not all resisted, those who tried to protect the rest of us paid the price for their resistance. Standing up for one’s principles comes with a price! The mantra heard in hushed tones of the halls of Haltom now… “I keep my head down, try to stay below the radar and get my job done. There is no longer happiness here. Did you see the UEA report about how much more other schools are paying teachers? Have you heard of any openings at BHS, RHS or BCTAL?”

    • Post your name if you are a current teacher, you won’t be bullied for it. Anyone can post saying they are a current teacher and everything is great, if that is the case then be proud and let everyone know who you are. Stand behind your beliefs.

  33. I do know and work with several teachers who stay after 2:47 and are WAY concerned about their students. When THESE teachers are intimidated about administrative vindictiveness, there is a problem. Yes, teachers are employees, but they are also professionals who should be treated as such, not as grunts that are dispensable.

  34. Way to go Mr.Sizemore & Mr.Dilks for standing up and saying something. There is are some serious & major issues that need to keep being addressed and hopefully they will be taken care of. Teacher & students should feel comfortable where they work and go to shoool. If they don’t why would they want to be there? Teachers have already left what next? Students quitting or even dropping out. I hope anyone else that has had issues with this principle will step up and share their story as well so we can get him out of Haltom or better yet out of schools period.

  35. Worth re-posting:

    Please do not dismiss Sarah Angle as an unaccredited reporter as many of the Birdville I.S.D. school board members have done off the record. She has upheld her vows as an investigator to expose corruption. We need to provide the best education possible for our children in order that they compete at the highest levels as Haltom grads have done for decades. Thanks for your concern.

    • That is sadly an ad hominem argument by the BISD school board–a logical fallacy and they are certainly grasping at straws! Why don’t they address the content of the issues here instead of attacking the character of the reporter, who happens to be a BISD graduate herself? Sarah Angle also recently was one of only ten women who won the national Journalism and Women Symposium Fellowship this fall, and just because someone is good enough to be able to work freelance doesn’t mean she is unaccredited! It just means she has steady work coming her way, as do many of the independent contractors and freelancers in our business industries. And these people on the board know that. Melanie, you are right to be proudly a Sizemore. Your father made my high school years worthwhile, and my years working at Haltom the same. I have been thinking of you and your family the last few months. Let’s get this story out there!

  36. I graduated in 2011 from this school while Mike Jasso was still the principal. That year and the years before were smooth and more for the students. This just makes me sick. I feel for the students that have to endure this type of what almost sounds like dictatorship. If you remember Mr. Jasso, you remember what a caring and passionate and patient principal he was. He was not intimidating at all and very easy to talk to. I totally know that this new principal is a bully. Mr. Sizemore is right: if you change your name when you get another job is a major red flag. There is something they are hiding.
    What also burns me is the response that the speaker for the new principal said that the people filing the complaints were “as bright as coal”… I am trying to maintain a good face on the Internet, but this is such a childish thing for an adult to say, that it makes my stomach turn. Like I said, I feel for these kids. Get the evidence recorded some way and go to the appropriate place to file the complaint. Never give up on what’s right.

      • Well, if that is the way you are looking at it, then that is the way you are looking at it. I can’t change anyone’s mind based on pure opinion. This article is so far slanted and the people who started this are the one’s doing the bullying. So much so, that everyone that disagrees with the article, which they are entitled to do just as much as the ones who agree with it, are being bullied to disagree. Also, we are talking 1.2% of the faculty. All are history teachers, one by the way that went to another BISD school and has been written up several times. So, YES. 95% of the drama THEY are dealing with, THEY created.

        Imagine if every person created a petition against someone they didn’t like at work. Jeez. Honestly, it sounded like a child telling on thier friend. “Ow, he hit me!” Really?

        • First of all, I am a parent of a Haltom student and I could care less what a teacher at another school is getting written up for. Second of all, why the heck are you reporting on personnel issues at another school? Do you have keys to that principal’s file cabinet or something? I don’t think you teach at HHS, I think you are doing PR for the district or you are Clarence himself and you are trolling on this page, so get back under your bridge! I plan on being at the next board meeting because I care about who is teaching and at the reins of the school of my children, so I hope all the parents reading this and who are appalled at this article will show up, too. If it is so one-sided, then hopefully the board can tell us what is wrong about it. I’d love to hear it. Oh–and it’s spelled “their” not “thier”. Good spelling for an educator. Also–an educator should not teach that having a view different than one’s own means that one has been “bullied” into it. Everyone can have a different point of view. You should be ashamed of yourself. And petitions are created when people who feel they have no power need to be heard. The students created that petition, so listen to them.

  37. The district has to start reviewing their employees and holding them accountable for their actions. Last year my daughter got bullied by the vise principal at Birdville elementary, but all the principal and the board said IT WAS JUST A MISS UNDERSTANDING! Now at Haltom Middle School, teachers and staff are bulling students, disrespecting parents, and if you ask why they didn’t notify you of issues they all have the same answers “we don’t have time”, “we have 350 students in the school we can’t be calling all parents” or my favorite “some parents just don’t care”. The principal states he knows he has issues in that school, is his 2nd year, but unfortunately people refuse change and I know some teachers don’t care but I’m trying! Really, really any company in America where you refuse to change, you get fired….plain and simple. Now not all are bad, but when you don’t see teachers outside the school monitoring students but you do see them rushing to leave at the same time as students and there is bulling and constant fights after school yes there is a problem. We parents at Haltom City are asking the board of education to do their job and make the necessary changes that our kids need.

    • I’ve known the AP at Bitdville Elementary for many years and she has been wonderful to all my children. I have found that kids who get in trouble often blame others. Maybe this is the case with your daughter. Where are the facts to back up your claim???

  38. The four years I attended Haltom we had four different principals, two in one year, and I still had a great high school experience! This is sickening to me! My two favorite teachers of all time spoke out in this article and I can’t believe this is happening to them and so many other great teachers. Something needs to change!

  39. Not only does haltom high teachers bully the students , but north oaks middle school principles and teachers are bulling students . They pin point them out and bully them . New ap actually laughed at my daughter while I was right there. A sub principle hits my daughter with a pen on the head . Giving iss to students who are laughing at free time , please tell me what free time is then …. Teachers single students out and it’s not right !!!!!!! You go and complain yet no one will do anything about it .

    • Yes , I know I misspelled words can’t have things perfect for I might get a target on my back or my daughters which would make it even worse for her .

  40. My children are Haltom High graduates. I am so disappointed to hear the HHS principal has shown such disrespect to a man of Lloyd Sizemore’s caliber. Mr. Sizemore is one of the most ethical and intelligent people in BISD. He has positively impacted so many students’ lives through the years. Many students have told me that he was one of the few teachers who truly prepared them for college. He is credited by many as a major reason for their success. If Mr. Sizemore says there was a problem, you can bet your last dollar that it was nothing minimal.
    As a former BISD administrator, I worked for many years in a school that feeds into Haltom High. Our staff worked hard to build confidence in our students and help them develop a desire to graduate from high school. Schools do not create a culture of success through intimidation. When confronted with tactics described in Sarah’s article, many students shut down, quit trying, or decide to fight back. My heart aches to think about the young people we have sent to HHS after spending years to build their confidence and desire to graduate only to be treated in such a manner. I must also state that Mr. Jasso made great progress in guiding HHS to improvement. He set high standards, including dress codes for teachers. The difference is that he lead through a spirit of teamwork and caring to build a positive culture. BISD has lost some great people in the last two years—people who had a huge impact on students’ lives.
    Real leaders do not lead through intimidation, shame, and rigid top-down policies. Great leaders do set high standards and hold staff and students to those standards within a community of respect. Yes, I have had the unpleasant task of non-renewing teachers, but it can be done in a professional, respectful way. Schools, as well as any other organization, thrive on leadership by example, respect, and team-building. Great leaders encourage communication, even difficult communication. I have heard Mr. Jasso say that he welcomed teachers to communicate with him about a problem, but he expected them to also suggest a solution.
    I truly believe this attitude change in the district can be traced to the board meeting at the beginning of the 2010 school year. Trustees publicly thrashed central administrators to the point of public humiliation because of the district AYP rating. That behavior is now reflected in the new administration of the district, as well as Haltom High. As long as BISD trustees conduct district business in this manner, they are setting the example that it is acceptable in any level of the district. As long as the district operates with the current level of dysfunction there is likely to be little improvement in ratings.
    As an administrator I was taught to use data to find how to improve instruction. That would benefit the students and ultimately school and district ratings. However, in my last years in the district I had to monitor student data, but not with the goal for improving instruction. Instead we had to meet constantly to predict which students would pass or fail the test. The emphasis on improving instruction was de-emphasized. In those last years, communication with central office on how to improve was nil. Instead we counted percentages and were given a long list of mandated actions that actually greatly reduced instruction time. Certainly improvement of instruction was no longer the focus.
    It is NOT acceptable for my former students and colleagues, as well as my grandchildren, to be in a district that finds no fault with leading through intimidation. I recommend voting out the current trustees. However, there is usually no competition for the positions. We need more candidates from which to choose at election time. Often, trustee positions run unopposed. The district saves money by not even needing to have an election. We need to restore the great reputation that Birdville ISD once had. The choice is yours.
    Thank you, Sarah, for having the courage to write this article. I am proud of you!!

  41. I am a HHS grad of 1988. I also have a child in the BISD and I have many friends with students in BISD and at my beloved HHS. I was talking with a young lady that currently goes to HHS about all of this stuff that is being talked about and she told me of a story that happened 2 days ago to a friend of hers. The friend was here and in the conversation while we talked if anyone cares.
    So here is what happened, said girl was wearing a pair of pants that caught Mr. Simmons eye. He asked said young lady to turn around so he could look and see if they were too tight.
    I may be wrong and maybe this is the dad in me coming out but I don’t believe there is ever a reason for a male superior to ask a young lady to turn around so he can look at her butt to see if her pants are too tight. I believe he should have sent her to a female superior to handle the situation.
    It may be nothing but then again there is no reason to take a chance on Mr. Simmons part.
    She didn’t think much of it at the time but after reading and hearing about everythng being said she has questioned his motive.

    I hope we can get all of this bad situation taken care of sooner rather than later or my child will not be a beloved Buff as I was when she reaches 9th grade.

  42. EVERYONE HAS TO ATTEND THESE BOARD MEETINGS IN ORDER TO GET THEIR ATTENTION…..I was at the meeting in March, NIT ENOUGH OF US WERE THERE, I cried at everyone who stood up for these students and teachers….YES there is bullying going on and I know because MY family has experienced this first hand especially MY DAUGHTER….COMMUNITY STABD UP FOR THESE TEACHERS, CURRENT & FUTURE STUDENTS!!!!! Wake up people!

  43. I worked at HHS for several years, and was a BHS for the past 12. I haves my friends that still work, or left work at HHS in the last year. Having teachers leave when change occurs always happens. However, having some o the best and brightest stars in the district all leave I’m the same timeframe is telling. Many of these are loyal BISD employees and went to other high schools or BCTAL.
    I have heard the talk at meetings all my career. There are always those who can find fault with even the best of administrations. However, the people that are lodging these complaints are true blue BISD. Many were raised in the district. The Adminstration and School Board need to take a strong close look at this.
    If a mistake was made in hiring this person, admit it, fix it, and move on. The community will respect this.

  44. Regardless of whether you think the rules that Mr. Simmons is implementing are helpful or detrimental, I think the only evidence that needs to be highlighted is the fact that both Mr. Sizemore and Mr. Dilks, two of Haltom’s most beloved teachers, left or retired within Mr. Simmons’ first year on faculty. As a student from the class of 2012, it was heartbreaking to watch two of our favorite teachers leave and know that the forthcoming classes of Haltom would not get to experience what amazing and caring teachers they are. I think this fact speaks loudly enough.

    Also, I just want to give props to Khalid Hamza for not being afraid to voice his opinion and in such an eloquent manner. He was one of the top students of my class, not to mention a friend, and I’m proud of his willingness to stand up for the good of his alma mater.

  45. To cite the article’s comment on student protest: “[…]in a curious but telling incident, they forbade students to wear t-shirts with a cryptic design that administrators apparently felt criticized Simmons […] When the students found out about their principal’s midlife name change they made t-shirts that said “Where’s Elvin?” Students wore the shirts to school until administration intervened.”

    Since the publication of this article, at least two students who wore the aforementioned t-shirts to Haltom have been given 10 days of suspension in ISS. These actions should be considered as intimidation tactics to silence opposition. What will it take for the school board to stand up and take notice of the concerns of its citizens, parents, teachers, and students alike? Telling indeed…

  46. BISD has a consistent record of ignoring the bad, illegal, and unprofessional conduct of the Administrative personnel. Linda Anderson, CTE Director is a tyrant, who has been accused of inappropriate use of federal funds to support her nepotistic behavior and targeting staff who do not pay homage to her for their students success. Yet BISD has not even investigated her conduct. Haltom High School, Once a Great place for students to reach their potential, no more. Instead the star performers leave in droves to greener pastures!

  47. these same teachers complained about every principal since Mrs Kelly. They got Mr Roberts fired. They kept Adele Kennedy from getting the job she deserved. They didn’t have time to get to Mr V but honestly he didn’t even unpack before he bolted. Jasso managed them for awhile but he bolted too. Who have these “nationally recognized” teachers ever supported? The author of the article is related to a long time HHS teacher.
    Bottom line: Simmons is doing the right thing in an impossible situation. He needs support.

    • Everyone wanted Ms. Kennedy to stay, students and teachers alike. She moved onto a better offer so don’t you dare bad mouth some of the best teachers that Haltom has ever had!

  48. School board meeting tonight, was really hoping more people would be here….PEOPLE YOU CAN’T MAKE A CHANGE IF YOU DINT STAND UP!!!

  49. I don’t know why the kids are complaining when I went there 03 to 07 it was a dangerous place diffidently in 03 there was 2 are 3 fights every passing period and u went strait to jail I u got in a fight not iss I couldn’t even Concentrate every day was like being in a gang environment even if you where a quite good kid u probably. Still get in a fight it was a war zone everyday at school there would literally be riots 20 on 20 fights its crazy haltom was a horrible place to go to school they should of called it poly tech instead . The kids should just be happy that they have a safe place to tend school and the crime is way down cause trust me kids you didn’t want to be at haltom 8 years ago.

  50. I was a student at Williamsville South High School for four years in which Mr. Simmons was my principal, and I thought he was wonderful. I was in a bit of trouble my first 2 years of high school, and made great improvements in my grades. Mr. Simmons made it a point to pull me out of class to tell me he noticed my hard work paying off, and to tell me how proud he was, and asked me to consider running for Student Congress. I went on to successfully complete high school and college with honors, and I think Mr. Simmons positive attitude and encouragement really motivated me to do well for myself and my school.
    I happen to know one of the teachers at my high school who accused him of sexual harassment was very flirtatious and even used to flirt with the male students. I can imagine how that came about. I don’t know all the details, but I think people like a scape-goat and he’s a good one. Just my opinion.

  51. I was an employee at Waco High during his administration…trust me…BELIEVE everything you read about him. We lost more good teachers than we ever had before. He is cocky and alienates his Assistant Principals under him, acts like his teachers no nothing even when they’ve been teaching their particular subjects for years. He makes up lies just to find reasons to let people go. HE IS THE WORST ADMINISTRATOR I HAVE EVER COME INTO CONTACT WITH.

    • The School Board only picks People,who Plays Politics!!!!Look at the Secret Board Meetings,where they VOTE Secret Pay Raises,and Secret Big Bonuses!!!!!All this Money is Label as Maintenance COST,or Building Repairs!!!

  52. I knew him as a kid. He was mean back then and his dad also a principal gave me swats everyday as six year old student.

  53. I knew Elvin as a kid. He was mean back then and his dad also a principal gave me swats everyday as six year old student.

  54. I can tell you exactly what’s going on.. it’s called union busting and Mr Simmons is the buster at hand. If you look into him more, I am pretty sure you will find him linked to some king of management group/company. The busting companies hide what they really do. If you link him to a management group, I promise, you have found the source. To bust the teachers union. How do I know? Lockheed is doing it too. It’s going on across the nation. They come in and create conflict and everyone that retires or quits is a win for the union buster.

  55. I completely disagree with what this principal is doing to the staff at HHS! This man needs to be thrown out on his buttocks ASAP! The teachers need to take note of what is happening to them and apply that to making changes within themselves so they are not bullying their own students in their classrooms.

    This principal is beating the life out of his staff but I have personally witnessed SOME teachers doing the same to students. It’s like a full-circle moment here. There are some GREAT teachers at HHS! There are some with pretty lousy dispositions as well. Lets just all be nice and respectful to one another on a human level. We ALL deserve to be treated equally. PEACE!

  56. I believe everything I read about Simmons manipulating data. He changed my son’s academic schedule without parental signature and when the schedule was rightfully changed back to the desired courses, he retaliated against me, the parent by denying my son his earned accolade. Mr. Simmons, if you’re reading this, I know you know the student I’m referring to. You robbed him of his class rank, but you cannot rob him of his academic ability. Google his name…..
    When I googled yours, only negative news articles appeared. Karma.
    Haltom parents trust your instincts.

  57. I’m certified and would love to come back and work as the principal of Haltom High School. I graduated in 1988 and will say we may not have been the richest high school around but we certainly never felt demeaned by the staff on our own campus. If even one of those stories is true it’s too many. Hopefully something positive for the student at HHS comes from all of this.

  58. District rules require that, in order for a complaint to be valid, it has to be filed within 15 workings days of the event or the date that the employee became aware of the situation. Sizemore submitted 12 different complaints in his grievance, and all were dismissed for timeliness.

    Proper documentation is the key. It’s not about what you know to be true, it’s what can stand up in court if Simmons decides to file a wrongful termination lawsuit against bisd.

    Observe the behaviors that Simmons is exhibiting, document them timely and the rest will take care of itself.

  59. This is ridiculous. Simmons should be fired. I want to thank Faith Ayala for speaking up when no one else would. She was my Engish teacher for 3 years, each year she moved up a grade and I was able to get in her class. She is an amazing woman and would stand up for any student at any time if they were being wronged. Thank u Faith Ayala!!

  60. Simmons is a chicken hiding behind school resource officer. If the school district really cared about its students and staff, they would hire a REAL consulting firm to conduct a survey. So this situation could be brought to an end and the staff, students can get back to what’s most important….the enrichment of our children’s lives. As a parent of a student at Haltom High and a graduate of Halton, I will not allow my child to continue at that school while Simmons is still employed as a principal. BISD needs to realize their faulty judgement and make this situation right or face the possibility of losing value support (financial and political).

  61. Simmons is a chicken hiding behind school resource officer. If the school district really cared about its students and staff, they would hire a REAL consulting firm to conduct a survey. This situation could be brought to an end and the staff, students can get back to what’s most important….the enrichment of our children’s lives. As a parent of a student at Haltom High and a graduate of Halton, I will not allow my child to continue at that school while Simmons is still employed as a principal. BISD needs to realize their faulty judgement and make this situation right or face the possibility of losing value support (financial and political).

  62. Simmons is a chicken hiding behind school resource officer. If the school district really cared about its students and staff, they would hire a REAL consulting firm to conduct a survey. This situation could be brought to an end and the staff, students can get back to what’s most important.The enrichment of our children’s lives. As a parent of a student at Haltom High and a graduate of Halton, I will not allow my child to continue at that school while Simmons is still employed as a principal. BISD needs to realize their faulty judgement and make this situation right or face the possibility of losing value support (financial and political).

  63. I’m a former student of HHS and I’m not saying what this princables doing is right, but I know how teachers can be. I just don’t feel bad for them. If they have a problem with it then just leave. All teachers do is bully, they think they’re so much better than their students and treat us like kids. They think we’re all troublemakers. Not all teachers, but most. I don’t know how many times a teacher has made me cry or embarrassed me In front of the whole class or made snide remarks at me. Like I said, I dont think what this guys doing is right. He needs to be fired. You should never deny a child food. They’re paying for it. Food is a must for a healty brain and It energies. I think the teachers are getting a dose of their own medicane honestly. I’m not trying to be mean. I just have no respect for teachers.

  64. What kind of moron labels his trash can? Does he think he might mistake it for something else later on? Lol … Can’t believe he got hired in the first place. High five.

  65. Since I graduated in 2006 I have watched my Alma Mater plunge into the toilet and be swirled around. This is a corrupt group of people running not only this school, but the district as well. I’ve only stepped foot in that school a handful of times since I graduated.. Mostly because it’s just not the same anymore. Partially the nostalgia, yes. But mostly because it has the feel of a prison. I have a younger sister that attends Haltom and I’m blown away by the things she tells me that go there. This is a broken parent-teacher relationship taking place and ultimately if the school district doesn’t listen to it’s citizens, students, employees and all the people pleading over and over again it’s a broken community too. IT’S NOT A COINCIDENCE THAT THIS MANY PEOPLE HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THE WAY THINGS ARE GOING! YOU MEAN TO TELL ME THIS CLARENCE GUY MOVES FROM NEW YORK TO TEXAS (THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE COUNTRY ALMOST, ABOUT AS FAR AS YOU COULD WANT TO GO WITHOUT LIVING IN THE DESERT OR THE WEST COAST) A THOUSAND MILES AWAY AND EVERYONE IS SAYING THE SAME THINGS ABOUT HIM HERE?!?! AND, to top it off.. He’s going by a different name?! And we’re all just supposed to dismiss it?! If you’re satisfied with this school you’re just as stupid as you think we all are.

    Bring back Allen Roberts for Principal.

  66. I am a current student at Haltom High School. I witness the lying and the favoritism everyday. It is wrong for a teacher to feel uncomfortable in a job because of our bigot of a principle. He is trying to buy our liking so he can seem like a good priniciple. If we dont have our ID visible we get lunch detention and have to eat after everyone. If we wear a t shirt of a rockband with like blood on it or something its a distraction. If we have our phones out during class or in the halls they take your phone and a parent must come pick it up. What if our parents work all day and we have no way up there??? Some times emergencies happen. And for teachers to have to be ecsorted to his office it’s bull. We lack a say so in anything. But other than administration in APs and principal we have an amazing staff. I love our teachers and they are the ones who make it bearable.

  67. Curious…anyone have feedback about what is going on now at HHS? Not being from the area, I was wondering if these stories are still happening.

  68. It looks like, after all this, Birdville ISD decided to promote Clarence Simmons:

    Interestinc choice.

    BISD is developing a reputation in local education circles of having some “odd ducks” in their leadership. You don’t really hear of anyone leaving a job to go to BISD, the way that people go to EMSISD or HEBISD.