An aerial shot of the Metroplex during the drought. COURTESY OF LA CITTA VITA.

Just a few months ago, permanent water restrictions seemed all but certain.

Mayors of Dallas, Arlington and Fort Worth (that’s you, Betsy Price) met publicly to declare their support of the conservation measure deemed necessary for the area’s long-term water needs by nearly everyone who understands that limited resources and bigger populations means less for everyone, sooner or later.

Then, a group of outraged Arlington residents verbally stoned the city council for considering permanent water restrictions because “This is America,” as one woman put it.


The Fort Worth City Council suddenly stopped discussing the idea with much frequency. The issue has been tabled until they get “more information.”

Such is the context for the October 15 meeting of the Texas Interfaith Power and Light organization, which is hosting a panel discussion titled “Water Matters: An Interfaith Conversation About the Environment in North Texas.”

It starts at 7 p.m. at Brite Divinity School at Texas Christian University and includes three featured speakers. From the group’s website:

Water is an increasing concern for Texas. As the climate warms, we expect to have less water. Meanwhile, our population is growing. How can we work together to ensure that all Texans have access to adequate supplies of fresh, clean water–and what religious principles and practices might offer guidance along the way?

The event is free, so feel free to check it out come next Monday.