The golden flying saucers of Flying Saucer. You have to drink 200 beers to get your name up on of these bad boys. COURTESY OF SASHA FATCAT/FLICKR.

GQ Magazine, a well-respected source for all things gratuitous and scantily clad, has named Fort Worth’s Flying Saucer one of the 12 best bars in America.

Of course, the photo is of the bar’s old location in “one of cow town’s oldest buildings” as the magazine’s caption puts it. Flying Saucer, a chain with bars across the state, has moved across the street as part of the massive renovations to Sundance Square. didn’t get that memo, apparently. Their link to the magazine feature has a photo of the old building, which is doubtlessly beautiful. It just doesn’t have beer anymore.


Regardless, we agree with Gentleman’s Quarterly that the bar has an incredible selection of brews. Now let’s see some national recognition for some of the city’s burgeoning beverage venues that aren’t chains, like Live Oak Music Hall and The Usual.



  1. Lots of love for the Live Oak and Usual, but to be fair to the point that The Saucer is a chain, the FW location was the original location, and they do seem to be pretty faithful to the original interpretation of the franchise every time they open a new one. It’s not like they’re cranking one open, Chili’s-style, soulless with fifteen pieces of flair every time there’s an opportunity.