WED ▪ 12

The end of this month is going to be brutal for your first-place Texas Rangers, who’ll be taking on the roaring A’s and Angels back to back. But until then, it’s smooth sailing, starting with a home stand against the cream-puff Cleveland Indians. The second of three consecutive games starts tonight at 7:05pm at Rangers Ballpark, 1000 Ballpark Way, Arlington. Call 817-273-5222.



THU ▪ 13

In his talk Housing Rights in Fort Worth, Ramon Guarjardo will discuss the similarities and differences between what happened to the people of Chavez Ravine in Los Angeles in the 1950s and Fort Worth’s Ripley Arnold Housing Project in 2003. The talk goes from 6 to 7:30pm at Fort Worth Library, 500 W 3rd St, FW. Admission is free. Call 817-871-7323.


FRI ▪ 14

In 1902, a pair of morally ambiguous gunman are hired by the twin Hawkline sisters to track down and destroy a monster living beneath the ladies’ Victorian house, blending good ol’ fashioned Western humor with the macabre. Hip Pocket Theatre’s take on Richard Brautigan’s The Hawkline Monster (A Gothic Western) opens tonight at 8:15pm, with music by guitar virtuoso Darrin Kobetich, at 1950 Silver Creek Rd, FW. Tickets $5-15. Call 817-246-9775.


SAT ▪ 15

Grease that hair back and rev up the ’57s Chevy. The Near Southside Shakedown features a car show with hot rods and lots of rockin’ music –– The Rocketz and Silver Shine are headlining –– from about 4pm ’til the cows come home at 201 S Calhoun St, FW. Tickets are $10-12. BYOB.


SUN ▪ 16

Tonight is your last chance to catch Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra’s performance of Mahler’s monumental Fifth Symphony, a roiling yet ingenious opus. The curtain rises at 2pm at Bass Performance Hall, 525 Commerce St, FW. Tickets are $11-79. Call 877-212-4280.


MON ▪ 17

Tonight is the second consecutive evening of the Banff Film Festival at the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth. Hosted by Backwoods, the touring show features a wide variety of action, environmental, and adventure films. Showtime is 7pm at 3200 Darnell St, FW. Tickets are $15. Call 817-840-2172.


TUE ▪ 18

Hardcore portraitist and documentary photographer Nicholas Nixon will speak tonight as part of Tuesday Evenings at the Modern, the museum’s weekly lecture series. The talk gets going at 7pm at 3200 Darnell St, FW. Admission is free. Call 817-738-9215.