The San Antonio Current is examining probate courts and guardianship issues in Bexar County.

The article refers to Fort Worth Weekly and our investigation into questionable tactics by Tarrant County Guardianship Services.

Here’s an excerpt:

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Judge Spencer says there’s the need to create a guardianship program in Bexar County, something akin to Tarrant County’s Guardianship Services Inc., to better manage exploding caseloads. “We’ve been having an active conversation about creating something like that.” But guardianship reform activists have warned that Tarrant County’s model, which began as a volunteer program to help the old and vulnerable, quickly grew into a troubling coalition of judges, attorneys, care providers and quasi-governmental nonprofit employees as detailed by previous Fort Worth Weekly stories by Jeff Prince.

A couple of the Weekly‘s stories on guardianship are here and here.


  1. Guardianship reform advocates are right! What is needed is for state legislators and probate judges who are truly interested in reform to invite G.R.A.D.E. (Guardianship Reform Advocates for the Disabled and Elderly) to the table and work with them to develop leglislation aimed to meaningfully reform the system which has gone terribly astray.

    Guardianship advocates have a totally different perspective than guardianship practitioners because advocates have lived with the fall out of years of misuse, misapplication or manipulation of guardianship law; and they know what’s needed to fix it. And it’s imperative it be fixed because Boomers are the next big wave of victims coming to shore!

    NASGA (National Association to STOP Guardianship Abuse) is proud to be associated with GRADE and is very pleased to see the San Antoinio Current take on this issue; and in doing so, remember and mention as part of their report the fine reporting Jeff Prince did regarding Tarrant County for the Fort Worth Weekly.

    Join GRADE and work on state reform and NASGA for national reform of unlawful and abusive guardianships.

    Elaine Renoire