In an era of proposed funding cutbacks for Fort Worth arts groups, what’s one way to bring new audiences through the door and keep ‘em there? Booze during the performance! Okay, not just booze, but all beverages, as Casa Manana recently changed its policy to allow ticketbuyers to bring drinks into the show. A Casa spokesperson confirmed this and said that the patron feedback has been overwhelmingly posiitive to the change, which has also prompted more concession sales.
One unhappy ticketbuyer did cc: the Weekly in an email to Casa president Wally Jones about the pro-hooch policy: “You’d think the local theatergoing public could go without booze for a 45-minute act… Bad enough that we have to put up with 200 people scrolling through their iPhones ten seconds into intermission, but now we’re adding booze to an already manners-impaired pack of morons.” Other than that, Mr. Patron, what did you think of Greater Tuna?