Big D resident George W. Bush has kept a relatively low profile during retirement after mucking things up for eight years.
He’s back.
Quick question: If you were writing a historical novel that included an ex-president as a character, would you write the following dialogue for him?
“Eight years was awesome, and I was famous and I was powerful.”
Your publisher and agent would drop you.
But that quote left Bush’s lips in this interview with the Hoover Institute. The ex-prez is promoting a book compiled by the George W. Bush Institute about saving the economy, a fact dripping with such irony that the book covers are probably warped.
Bush wrote the foreward to The 4 Percent Solution: Unleashing the Economic Growth America Needs. I haven’t read the foreward but I can imagine how it might go:
“George Here. Bad economy is bad. No good. But it’s no problem. OK? Shake things up. Start some wars. Halliburton furnishes the supplies. Everybody I know gets richer. Mission accomplished. Now ‘scuse me, podnuh, I’ve got a noon tee time.”
The Bush book needs a title change. How about The 4 Percent Brain Usage: Undoing the Economic Apocalypse I Unleashed on America.
Why can’t he be more like Carter?
The question is why can’t he be less like Bush?
Even Obama is more like Bush than Bush, except for the gaffes – Obama’s had more in three years than Bush did in eight, and he even took a couple of bows.
Obama hasn’t done squat for Africans though, especially his kin.
Bush is back, did he finish my little pony ?