As predicted in last week’s cover story, the new Congressional District 33 election features a runoff between Dallas attorney Domingo Garcia and Fort Worth’s Rep. Marc Veasey.

Now, state Sen. Wendy Davis says she’s pulling for Veasey because he’ll focus on jobs and education.

Garcia is focusing on similar things, but he seems to piss everybody off in the process.


“I know Marc Veasey is focused on the priorities of hardworking North Texans, whether it is strong public education to encourage job growth or protecting family budgets from predatory lending,” Davis said. “I fully endorse Marc Veasey because he is the partner we need in North Texas to create new jobs and strengthen our local economy.”

She also gave a shout out to the local candidates that came up short in the race.

“I have enormous respect for the other candidates who were willing to put themselves on the line and add their voice to the conversation as to how Texas can do better, particularly friends here at home such as Councilwoman Kathleen Hicks, J.R. Molina, Rev. Kyev Tatum, and Judge Manny Valdez,” Davis said. “Each of them gave voice to the priorities of the people in this community. And each contributed greatly to assuring that those voices will continue to resonate. I know that these community leaders will continue their legacy of service to this community, and I look forward to working with each of them.”


  1. This is a joke. Before and after the Arlington Heights scandal broke (Veasey is an Alum); through every subsequent FWISD scandal: 13.5 million “miscommunication”; alleged Dunbar pedophile principal; retire/rehire in the midst of buy-outs, etc., etc. Veasey has been silent. Now because UEA says so, we are supposed to believe he is “strong on education”? This is a joke. Veasey’s actions throughout his campaign speak to the man. This guy is not who we want representing us. He is part of the establishment – bought and paid for.

  2. Davis, who has a diffuse and ineffective opaque political presence, has made a calculated pre-election political move by endorsing Veasey, in hopes that his core constituency won’t forget who the heck she is at election time next November. it may not be her fault, but she is largely ineffective in Austin and has made some telling political blunders on FW home soil…Tell us how your staff treats minority homeless folks who visit your shiny new So.7 FW office Wendy…..

  3. Did I also mention that Ms. Davis, like Ms. Truitt is known to depart through the back door even when meetings with constituents are planned through appointments? (They just didn’t feel up to discussing the voters concerns that day, one supposes.)

  4. it is time for wendy to fly out of tarrant county! who cares who she endorses the democrats do not have a clue, republicans control tarrant county