Fort Worth is considering a ban on hiring smokers, and the nation is wheezing.

This MSN report calls the proposal unprecedented  and “draconian.”

This FOX News report says the city of Sarasota, Florida considered a similar proposal but dropped it after unions protested.

Pinch Me 300x250 notes that 29 states offer protection for smokers, but Texas isn’t among them.

The lede paragraph in this ABC News report compares the smoking ban with racial discrimination in “the bad old days.”

The Daily Crawler bashes smokers and says residents would be lucky if the ban is approved.


  1. … but this is Fort Worth, Texas, where we think pollution-spweing gas wells in neighborhoods are OK and bicycle fanatics ignore the mayors environmental crimes just for riding a bike. Somebody give me a cheeseburger!

  2. Only sixteen of the top sixty cities in the US don’t have any kind of smoking ban, actually, and Fort Worth is one of those. That’s hardly unprecedented. Is journalism dead already?