It’s still generally difficult for transgendered females to get married or adopt kids, but thanks to the always opportunistic Donald Trump, they can now compete in a major beauty pageant. talackova-460x307

After being disqualified from the Miss Universe Canada contest because she was “not a naturally born female,” Jenna Talackova, who underwent gender reassignment surgery a few years ago, is now back in the running.

Thank goodness. Now the LGBT movement will finally get what it has always wanted: the ability to be sexually objectified equally.

Vato Loco Tattoo (300 x 250 px)

Trump owns the Miss Universe Organization (along with hair more troubling than any gender issue) and likely sees an opportunity to raise ratings for this failing institution requiring women to bare their wares for scholarship money. Or whatever they get for winning. I don’t really know or care at this point.

Everything I know about beauty pageants I learned from Sandra Bullock. Speaking of which, I think we’ve found material for another “Miss Congeniality.”