I am not a fan of Girl Scout cookies –– they’re a little dry and hard for my taste. I am, however, a big fan of Girl Scout vigilantes. Have you heard about the Texas man who drove up to a cookie stand near Houston and snatched the girls’ box of cash, only to be chased to his car by a vengeful mob that I hereby christen “The Savage Samoas” –– in case Tarantino needs a title for his movie version.
Okay, “mob” is an exaggeration. But one of the girls clung to the back bumper to prevent the guy from driving away. Don’t you know that scared the hell out of him? Yes, yes, these girls could’ve been seriously hurt, so officially I say to this blog’s huge and loyal Girl Scout readership: Let the police handle it. But unofficially, I am gleeful.
Oh, and here’s a tagline for the Tarantino flick: “These mints are thin as razors –– and just as deadly.”