“Damn foreigners coming over here and stealing our jobs and using up our resources. Why don’t they just stay in their own country? Turn around and git!”
No, that’s not the Tea Party’s latest bumper sticker. That’s what Chinese people might be saying today when they see this Bob Sullivan-penned article about Americans moving to China, India, and other countries to escape unemployment and poverty here at home.
Then again, the Chinese people are probably more gracious. An American woman who moved there for employment recently had this to say: “Being poor anywhere in the world is bad, (but) if you are broke in the U.S., people just do not treat you very well,” said Francine, who is 28 years old. “In China, people are still very polite and respectful regardless of your financial status and I like that.”
Such a evocative picture. And juxtaposing it to this story is eery.
I’m unaware of any Tea Party missive against immigration.
Might you mean illegal immigration?
The way I perceive the tea party’s pro/con position is (on any random matter in need of adult resolution, or supervision as it were) if the democrats are pro then the tea party is con; but, the “egg rolls of wrath” is certainly an excellent pun.
Look closely at the picture. See the tracks leading to the ocean? Those are the tracks of a Kemp’s ridley sea turtle, and that little girl is trying to steal the eggs.
She’s stealing them for the egg rolls she’ll make once she digs to China.
They’d be cooked long before she got there, maybe that’s her plan. Fast food.
Regardless, these people are impacting the Kemp’s ridley population. In Florida, parents will send their kids to dig, because it’s a felony. That’s what’s happening in this photo.
But I gotta admit, those eggs are damn good with grits and a little Tabasco.