Tony Romo’s heroics during yesterday’s 27-24 victory over the San Francisco 49ers not only changed the game, they saved the season. He showed true grit in spurring a comeback victory despite busted ribs in a hostile stadium…with his season and reputation on the line.
Imagine the panic this morning if the Cowboys were 0-2, dispirited, and limping into Monday night’s game against the hated Washington Redskins with a banged-up quarterback, hobbled receivers, and a feeling that the team is cursed.
Instead, team and fans are pumped — we’ve got a hero, not the choker that most people were making him out to be after Week 1’s meltdown against the New York Jets.
Even a Fort Worth Weekly writer who grew up in Pittsburgh, loves the Steelers, and despises all things Cowboy — don’t worry, I won’t mention your name, Anthony — was duly impressed. He considered the win poetic justice for a man who endured much name-calling and ridicule in the press after fumbling, throwing an interception, and blowing a two-touchdown lead in the fourth quarter against the Jets.
“I hate the Cowboys but I was glad to hear about Romo’s performance,” the anonymous employee named Anthony said. “One guy shouldn’t be blamed for a team loss, and one guy shouldn’t be vilified by a million people over a game.”
Of course, not everybody’s hearting on Romo today. Bleacher Report wonders, “Can One Great Game Rid Dallas Cowboys of QB Choker Label?” The story begins, “Tony Romo sucks. He’s a bum. He’s not a winner. He’s un-clutch. He’s terrible in the fourth quarter. He can’t win the big one. If it’s a big game, he’s going to come up small. At least that’s what most people believe.”
Even a staunch Romo fan such as myself was wavering. I supported Romo through highs, lows, clutch-time failures, and miserable playoff luck for several seasons. But I was fed up after Week 1’s knot-headed moves. In “Fans Say No Mo’ Tony Romo,” I delivered an ultimatum — Romo must play his ass off and beat the 49ers, or I was officially joining the anti-Romo mob.
So, in response to Bleacher Report‘s headline posed as a question, my answer is, “Yes, Romo’s game against the 49ers is enough to rid him of the choker label, at least for the remainder of this season. ”
Meanwhile, I notice that somebody started a “Tony Romo Is My Hero” Facebook page. As of this writing, it’s only got one “like.” I’m about to make it two. Romo deserves some kind words after last week’s media massacre.

Who’s Tony Romo?
Romo is doing what he always does, giving us just enough hope to stay on his side and then he will let everyone down again when it really counts at the end of the year.
Oh ye of little faith; he (Tony) will come back, providing he doesn’t get broken! I have to wonder something. Where the WHERE THE HELL IS RYAN’S DEFENSE, when Romo is getting battered and bruised? It’s not enough to fend off big boys trying to get in the way of the receivers. You have to protect the QB, so he can find his best possible choices to throw to! Okay, that’s my 50 cents worth of support for Romo. Now, get your head out of your ass Romo and actually throw something worth catching! Use more Austin Power (Miles that is)! I will give you big kudos for playing injured…you almost had to beg them to let you back in right? Nice little fit you threw kicking whatever it was you kicked on your way to the locker! I didn’t see one mouthed “gosh darn golly gee willikers” even! Glad the docs saw you meant business and put you back in! So, put your cowboy tights back on and keep fighting and playing like a millionaire football player!
@Fan — your glaring lack of basic knowledge about football makes me think you must be Jerry Jones.