To the editor: The Aug. 3 Metropolis story, “Taser Gets Zapped,” is testament to the need for a moratorium on the use of this “cop’s choice” fashion accessory, a lethal weapon that has developed into a trigger-happy device.

The judgments generated against officers using these killer weapons are ultimately paid off by taxpayers. Since such litigation is prohibitively expensive, maybe billy clubs or police dogs would be better alternatives.

Over the years, Taser International has modified its protocols regarding their products, such as by adding warnings against firing them into the area near the heart. That alone makes a prima facie case that their use should be limited — because not everyone is going to be selective about which body part to discharge them into. The best solution is to simply outlaw them and save lives and litigation.

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Sharon Stroud

Fort Worth


Crowing for Us

To the editor: The Weekly’s July 27 Static column (“Gloat? Us?”) should have had top billing on the front page. Jeff Prince, Dan McGraw, and other Weekly journalists have earned all the accolades bestowed on them. Getting statewide and national recognition is quite a feat. Congratulations — you’re entitled to act like a rooster and crow about your accomplishments.

Mary April Rogers

Fort Worth


Starving the Star-T

To the editor: The Weekly’s June 29 story, “The Incredible Shrinking Star-Telegram” by Jeff Prince was a masterpiece of journalism. Since Jeff was once employed by the Star-Telegram, it’s only fitting that he writes their history and quite possibly their obituary. (Also fitting since the Star-T certainly has no love for the Weekly, a free paper with superlative reporters.) The Star-Telegram has changed so often that it has lost its appeal. The editing and opinion pages have been affected because of the editorial department’s agenda, which prevents the publication of a really diversified section, once a main reason for the paper’s interest to readers.

Too, they have put the paper on a diet of fewer stories, and forced subscribers to buy a flat seven-day-a-week subscription, deleting the previously offered option of a three- or five-day package. If you want the TV guide, it costs an additional $2.50 per week. The word that governs all this is money, and it turns the audience off.

Thank you, Jeff, for your research and your journalistic skills.

Dee Cantrell

Fort Worth

All About Money

To the editor: Journalist Peter Gorman’s Aug. 10 article “Free Gas — For Drillers” was an eye-opener for anyone with a vested interest in oil and gas leases, be it via their personal property or the Chesapeake Energy land-grabbers who are attempting to circumvent the law under the umbrella of Rule 37.

The Texas Railroad Commission has given a pre-emptive contract to the profiteers in the gas industry by allowing them to publish their “public” notices in a “newspaper of general distribution.” Hogwash! There’s no stipulation that it even has to be in the county where the drilling is to take place. This notification rule need to be revamped.

As usual, the standard operating procedure of the gas industry is “It’s all about the money.” At least we have a friend in Louis McBee, our homefront activist who is challenging the shenanigans of the gas giants.

Betty Chamberlain

Fort Worth

Praying for Campaign Bucks

A week before [Gov. Rick] Perry’s rally for “prayer” (“Praise the Lord and Pass the Kool-Aid,” Aug. 10, 2011), many churches raised thousands of dollars to give to Perry. Preachers devoted sermon after sermon telling churchgoers to support Perry and his agenda.

Churches are 501c3 tax-free nonprofit organizations. Those churches should lose that exemption. They aren’t religious any more, they are political. I don’t want to hear that crap when I go to worship my God, and I’m pretty sure God doesn’t want to hear that crap either.

Bob Davis

Fort Worth