About $2,500 worth of gear (a Martin guitar, some merch, cables, mics, pedals, and stands) was recently stolen from Fort Worth singer-songwriter Luke Wade, who’s now soliciting donations to help him recoup some of his losses. Since Wade doesn’t have any backup equipment, he’s trying to replace his lost gear as quickly as possible.


For a $10 donation, you will receive an exclusive EP via e-mail.


For $20, the EP and a t-shirt available only to donors.

For $50, the EP, t-shirt, and a gift basket.

For $100, the EP, t-shirt, gift basket, and a print of a Bob Stuth-Wade painting signed by Wade and the artist.


Donors, be sure to include your address and t-shirt size.


The gear was stolen from Wade’s car, parked in front of his house, late at night last week.




  1. Wow, what the hell is going on with people getting gear stolen? I’ll see if I cant come up with some cash for Luke.