To the editor: I too am a veteran of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, and I have to say that Jeff Prince’s article (“The Incredible Shrinking Star-Telegram,” June 29, 2011) was most impressive. The common theme seems to be that, in the opinion of many former employees, the demise of the paper is very sad. I feel fortunate and proud to have worked for the powerhouse that it was.

After 12 years, I left in 2006 before all hell broke loose and when publisher Wes Turner ruled the world. Most of my tenure, in advertising sales, was during the good times. I remember when one of my automotive dealers wanted to buy an ad on the front page and was answered with a resounding “No way in hell!” But not long after McClatchy took over, that rule went out the door. I actually was disappointed to see it happen.

I do hope that the paper will continue printing. I love traditions and all things Fort Worth. Too bad the rumor of the Basses buying it never came to fruition.

Enchilada Ole (MARG)

Job well done, sir.
Deborah Dabney
Fort Worth

To the editor: First of all, for the record, I am not a liberal (Socialist), but nonetheless read Fort Worth Weekly and accept it for what is. It is not intended to deliver objective news but rather present a liberal slant on everything, and that, while I don’t accept, I respect.

Now as to why I have bothered to write to you: Your recent article regarding the demise of the Star-Telegram is accurate to a point, but you conveniently ignored another major reason for the downfall of that and many other major newspapers. Their readership is primarily composed of non-Obama supporters and not Obama supporters like minorities, illegals, working class, and other such liberal factions. Not to mention that Obama has almost pushed our great country into bankruptcy because of his Communist beliefs. People like myself expect to receive objective and factual coverage of the day’s events and not news that has a liberal spin or ignores facts that are harmful to the Socialist cause.

The mainstream media is basically far left and protective of the left. Any gaffes in President Bush’s speech hit the front pages of the liberal rags for days, but let Obama stumble (57 states, mispronounce corpse, recognize a dead military hero as if he is present in the room with him, put forth documented lies, and on and on). Where are the reports of such in the major newspapers? Unless the major newspapers like the Star-Telegram revert to their mission — tell the news as it happens, no cover-ups, only truth, no socialist/Obama spin — there will be a mass funeral for all.

I suspect that this was probably written in vain.
Lawrence G. Szuhy


Open up City Hall

To the editor: The Static commentary (“First and Last Words,” June 22, 2011) about our newly minted mayor, Betsy Price, and her predecessor Mike Moncrief answers questions and presents new ones. Price says, “We can now get on with a business mind-set” to mend the city’s financial picture.

Moncrief was always a reclusive and elusive mayor at best. He indiscriminately avoided reporters writing for Fort Worth Weekly. His reign can be summed up in two words: malignant and narcissist. And those were his good points! He pandered to the oil-and-gas industry and to anyone who helped further his purposes.

But now the winds of change have blown Price into city hall. We need to give her credit for revamping the tax assessor-collector’s office. Let’s watch and see if she is receptive to the Weekly and indeed lives up to her campaign slogan that she expects city government to be open and transparent.

Rick Orton II

Fort Worth


• The Fort Worth Press closed in 1975, and Knight Ridder was most noted for its early Iraq coverage. Both were incorrectly stated in “The Incredible Shrinking Star-Telegram” (June 29, 2011).

• The June 15 cover story “Unleashing a Flood of Questions” incorrectly stated that the alternative flood control plan done by Citizens Who Care would move the levees farther away from the Trinity River. The plan only states that materials from dredging and channel widening  would be used to raise the levees. Also, business owner Bob Lukeman’s name was spelled incorrectly.

• In the July 6 story “It is Curious (Orange),” Steven Vazquez’ professional specialty was inaccurately described. He has a doctorate in counseling psychology and is a licensed professional counselor and marriage and family therapist.

Fort Worth Weekly regrets the errors.