Don’t forget:

Tomorrow night, June 1, from 5:30 to 7:30, Fort Worth mayoral run-off candidates Betsy Price and Jim Lane are scheduled to talk and field questions at a forum hosted by the North Texas GLBT Chamber of Commerce and Fairness Fort Worth.  The forum will be held in the Four-Day Weekend theater, 312 Houston St., in Fort Worth’s Sundance Square.

“This is an excellent opportunity to hear their positions on issues of importance to our community,” states a press release from the Tarrant County Stonewall Democrats, a group organized to inform Democratic candidates and officeholders of issues of importance to members of the gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgendered community and their supporters, according to their web site, and to promote the party’s “message of economic justice and social progress in the GLBT community.” 

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While the mayor’s race is non-partisan, the candidates are well-known for their political affiliations: Lane is a Democrat, Price is Republican.

This mayoral candidates forum dedicated specifically to issues of importance to the GLBT community, is a first for Fort Worth.